What's your pokemon team?

i like the TTar CB...i think im goin with that, so ill post the revised team in a sec.
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Sorry Shadow, I can't work on two things at once.. My stat of mind isn't really in shape for an actual team analysis either, I don't think I can do anything but one moveset at a time.
i don't care whether you or fox does it just not mclaine. his terms confuse me a lot cause i don't know 90% of the abbreviations he uses. no offense mclaine
To be honest, Strype is much smarter than me and CK.
Bulbapedia can help with the abreviations.
Also, there are existing sets for a couple of those pokes on the previous pages.[/lazy/tired]
Scizor; Technician
-Swords Dance
-Bullet Punch
-Iron Head

Milotic; Marvel Scale

Gliscore; Sand Veil

Typhlosion; Blaze
- Eruption
- Focus Punch
- Overheat
- Earthquake

Yanmega; Speed Boost

Tyranitar; Sandstream
-Stone Edge

you like???
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That'll do! =3

For Mence. Physical or special?
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Ya, like. Only problem is that Gliscor should have Sand Veil no matter what, Hyper Cutter doesn't really matter much unless you fear Salamence terribly. Sand Veil also pairs excellently with Tyranitar's infinite Sandstorm, giving him a free evasion boost.
Also, Tyranitar should be your starter. Just be carefull using Yanmega in sandstorm. And Scizor could use X-Scisors.
SpecsMence it is!
DragoMeteor/DragonPulse/Flamethrower/HydroPump is the standard with Choice Specs.

Lucario is definately Strype McClaine territory. :lol:

Battle anyone?
Have a female Salamence/Bagon/Shelgon SEX a male Gyarados who has Hydro Pump.

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