What's your pokemon team?

Storm: Actually, they all have catch rates of 3... making them all tied for the most difficult Pokemon to catch. Ever. Others with the same catch rate are:


...To contrast, Kyogre and Groudon are, in fact, easier to catch than the legendary birds.

Courtsy of Bulbapedia

CJ: I find using both Stealth Rock and Spikes interesting. I'm not too knowledgeable in D/P metagame, or any Pokemon metagame really, but from what I've seen on Smogon, this thread, and Pe2k, I'm confident in saying that that's a pretty good idea, especially because it's a suicide lead.
I thought if I could get spikes and SR off, then explode, I'm in amazing shape, but I don't know if thats realistic. At the very least I'd have the option.
Mamoswine @ Choice Band (wall)
nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ice Shard
Stone Edge
Ice Shard

Not sure how I missed this. What's that 4th attack, then?

Anyways, I didn't know you could have both Spikes and SR on at once. I just figured you were preparing for anything that came your way.
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  • #394
Not sure about which are walls, e.t.c, but I put what I THOUGHT they were, thats probably what I'm most confused about :lol:

Any thoughts on how it looks now, what I should add e.t.c?

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
252 HP /228 Def /30 Atk
Power Whip
Leech Seed

Togekiss @ Leftovers (Sweeper)
Nature: Modest
252 HP / 152 SpA / 104 Spe
Nasty Plot
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Lickylicky @ Life Orb (Wall)
Nature: Brave
116 HP / 252 Atk / 140 SpA
Earth Quake
Fire Blast
Ice Beam

Mamoswine @ Choice Band (wall)
nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ice Shard
Stone Edge
Ice Shard

Foretress @ Shed Shell (Lead)
252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def
Gyro Ball
Stealth Rock

Scizor @ Life Orb (sweeper)
Nature: Adamant
32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Brick Break

Remember BRizer, walls(Forretress) =/= good leads, or suicide leads for that matter. Suicide leads are meant to be very fast, very powerful, and able to set up stealth rock - i.e. the Azelf we mentioned earlier. They also always hold a focus sash.

If you're confused as to why Foretress isn't a suicide lead, it's because of these reasons. One: he's slow. He'll be 2HKO'd before he can explode due to his terrible speed, and only able to set up stealth rock. This way, an enemy's stealth rocker can kill Forretress and then set up his own, meaning your enemy's at a huge advantage.

Foretress also doesn't have much attack power, meaning he can't KO other leads, and won't do nearly as much damage with explosion as say, Azelf using explosion. He also doesn't have a focus sash, which.. defeats the point of a suicide lead.

Forretress isn't a very good lead either, 4x fire weakness means he's downed by Infernape easily. Magnezone as a lead is even more rare, so the shed shell is very useless. Also, spikes AND stealth rock aren't really needed, it's generally a bad idea to have two field hazard moves on one moveset.

I honestly don't recommend Forretress as a lead, or on your team at all - your fire weakness just gets that much worse, and since Forretress can't work as a suicide lead, you're asking to be swept by fire moves.

Oh, and try to remember Lickilicky is a bulky wall breaker, not an actual wall. Try not to make him function as a wall, he can take hits but not too many. The same goes for Mamoswine, although Mamo is a banded sweeper, rather. ..And you meant one of the "Ice Shards" on Mamo to be Ice Fang, right?
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Well no...I did mean "Ice SHARD", I don't know where you got the extra "S" from. Haha Is Ice Fang more advantageous to use? Plus--you know I hate legendaries in my team :p

Not all leads have to be fast, that seems rather un-creative. I've hear of slow leads before. I've heard many people refer to Swampert as the best SR lead in the game, and hes slow.

I know Forestress' 4x fire weakness makes it a bad choice, but I have not heard any better suggestions that fit with my team, have you?
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  • #396
..You can't have two Ice Shards on the same poke, BRizer.. The game doesn't allow it. >.>;;; I thought I discussed the moveset having both ice shard and ice fang. :lol:

Ofcourse leads don't have to be fast. But a suicide lead does have to be fast, that's what I'm implying. Otherwise it can't get off the explosion/last ditch move. ..Swampert isn't the best SR lead btw, not anymore. The metagame shifted, and with trick users going to loom around when Platinum is released, slow leads are at a huge disadvantage.
..You can't have two Ice Shards on the same poke, BRizer.. The game doesn't allow it. >.>;;; I thought I discussed the moveset having both ice shard and ice fang. :lol:

Ofcourse leads don't have to be fast. But a suicide lead does have to be fast, that's what I'm implying. Otherwise it can't get off the explosion/last ditch move. ..Swampert isn't the best SR lead btw, not anymore. The metagame shifted, and with trick users going to loom around when Platinum is released, slow leads are at a huge disadvantage.


2. Hows Aerodactyl looking as a Suicide SR lead?
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  • #398
Lol. Aerodactyl is a great SR lead, he's the fastest poke that learns SR in OU, only outspeed by 3 of Deoxys' forms. He also learns some generally good moves, and still retains good power and a passable movepool. Here's a great SR lead moveset.

Aerodactyl @ Sash, Jolly, EVs: 252 atk/spe, 4 HP

Stealth Rock
Earthquake / Ice Fang
Rock Slide / Stone Edge

Taunt is to shut down other SR users, including support leads like Bronzong. SR is.. well, SR. EQ and Rock Slide/Stone Edge give the great ground/rock attack type duo, which has excellent coverage. Rock Slide is generally preffered since it can not only flinch, but it's accuracy is simply higher. Aerodactyl can't afford to miss his move at 1 HP.

Ice Fang is also an option over EQ to hit things like Dragons or Gliscor. However, you'll only be OHKOing with Ice Fang if it's 4x effective, so it doesn't hit more than EQ would. I'd say the better options are EQ and Rock Slide.
I tend to really dislike taunt. I understand its usefulness, but I dunno, I don't think its such a great move. Are there any other Aeroadctyl sets that doesn't utilize taunt?
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  • #400
Uh.. You could always throw Ice Fang over taunt. That way you'd retain OHKO's on dragons, Gliscor, and a few other unsturdy leads.
So basically I send out Aerodactyl, use SR, then I can just battle normally? Maybe Aerodactly learns explosion? If that makes sense to have him suicide at all :lol:
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  • #402
Oh, if only Aero learned explosion.. if only. XD!

Yeah, basically you just use SR and survive a hit using focus sash, and attack with Aero the best you can. Having three moves with good coverage, it shouldn't be hard to atleast do some damage.
If Aerodactyl uses SR, then survives a hit due to Focus Sash, wouldn't it be good to give him a move like Giga Impact, so that he can at least do some significant damage before he dies?

Or maybe do a set with Roost?
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  • #404
Aero is way too fragile for Roost to be of use. He'd be KO'd right after he used Roost. Giga impact is just a silly normal type move - since the coverage is poor and the power pales in comparison to a super effective hit, Giga impact is a very bad idea. Especially if they bring in a counter to Aero and use the recharge turn to set up and then sweep your entire team. Just sticking to SR, Ice Fang, Rock Slide, and EQ would be best, if you won't use taunt.
Don't rock slide and EQ cover the same type? Is it just b/c Aero has high Sp. A? The Ice Fang covers dragons, and SR obviously.

Sounds good, thats why your CK, and I'm not xD

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