What's your pokemon team?

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Aqua Tail is a Platinum tutor move actually, so you'll need to win a few battles so you can tutor it on him.

For Latios, Soul Dew is the standard item no matter what - as I'm sure you know. If you don't have access to one, I can certainly give you one of mine. You have no idea how many I have from restarting RSE so much. XD That, and I can easily clone the item.

Moveset wise, it should probably mirror Latias almost exactly. A copy of the OU L. orb set would do fine.

Latios @ Soul Dew

Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse

Latios is one hell of a sweeper, great sp. atk, dragon typing, a good movepool, AND good speed, he's scary. While he has a lot of weaknesses the metagame can take advantage of, the battle tower generally can't with their inferior CPUs. Combine a sp. def boost and a sp. atk boost equal to a specs, but without the limitations, you've got a scary dragon type.

Draco Meteor is for insane power, if say you're just shy of 2HKOing something, or want to finish the enemy's last poke. Trust me, this attack has crazy power. 359 sp. atk x1.5 + 140 BP and STAB gives you a grand total of.. A LOT of damage.

Surf paired with dragon moves gives you very good type coverage, only a few pokes wouldn't be afraid of the two moves - things like Empoleon or Suicune.

And that's where thunderbolt comes in - to hammer steel types even more if surf can't, as well as gives those bulky waters something to think about. Combine these 3 moves, and virtually nothing is safe.

And then there's Dragon Pulse, for a standard Dragon move if you don't want to drop your sp. atk with Draco Meteor, especially if you don't need your other dragon move. It's a reliable attack with a high 90 BP, and with STAB, it can sting. You'll net plenty of 2HKO's as is with Dragon Pulse, so Draco Meteor won't always be needed.

That's Latios' battle tower set in a nutshell, basically. Also, don't forget to be very wary of Heracross - he can bulldozer your team down easily. Luckily, scarf anything is rare in the battle tower, so as long as you can Psycho Cut Hera with Gallade, you'll be safe.
Ok, id like your guys opinion on this teams flow and survivability. I already see that a salamence could pretty much crush it, with a few possible exeptions.

Rock Head
-Iron Head
-Rock Slide
-Ice Fang
-Giga Impact

Not sure of job...
Battle Armor
-Rock Blast
-Brick Break

Not sure of job....
Magnet Pull
-Charge Beam
-Flash Cannon
-Charge Beam

Again, not sure of job...
Life Orb
-Drain Punch
-Giga Drain
-Leaf Storm

Not sure...maybe Wall?
-Ice Beam
-Rain Dance

Not sure...
Own Tempo
-Calm Mind
-Slack Off

Ok, im sure it needs work, if you guys would be so kind to help, id appreciate it.
@ CK or wuddle-- See all the good leads I suggested, like Foretress, Yanmega, e.t.c are weak against fire, and T-tar was only my best chouce b/c of its resistance. Foretress works out best for me imo, but the fire weakness kills my team. If I use him as a suicide lead however, he could work as long as they don't lead with fire...
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Remember BRizer, suicide leads are meant to suicide while holding a focus sash - as long as you get off Stealth Rock, that's the most important thing. So the weaknesses of your lead matter very little late game, most of the time.

I personally am against Foretress for being a suicide lead.. Rapid spin is nice to play mind games with other SRer's, but due to his terrible speed, he can't make much use of it without getting KO'd before he can explode. Once he's KO'd, they just reset SR. Foretress isn't a very good suicide lead, IMO.

TTar doesn't benefit your team due to the sandstorm, which really hurts your attempts to toxistall with Tangrowth(which would be best to swap out for something else, IMO), and just hurts a good amount of your team as well. He also can't function as a suicide lead due to his poor speed, so TTar should generally be thrown out the window.

The most important thing is, what would you rather have, a suicide lead to set up SR(it would really help Tangrowth stall and Scizor sweep, you know), or have something to lead and help in the long run somehow, whether it be a support lead or an offensive lead.
Yea, basically I want to have a Stealth Rock, suicide lead. But I'm confused about how to get off SR, not get hit, so I can explode with Focus Sash still activated?
Azelf @ Focus Sash
-Stealth Rock

Turn 1 :

Azelf uses Stealth Rock
Opponent uses x
Azelf hangs on with Focus Sash

Turn 2 :
Azelf uses Explosion

Suicide leads obviously get neutered by priority users. But it does it's job.
Azelf @ Focus Sash
-Stealth Rock

Turn 1 :

Azelf uses Stealth Rock
Opponent uses x
Azelf hangs on with Focus Sash

Turn 2 :
Azelf uses Explosion

Suicide leads obviously get neutered by priority users. But it does it's job.

Yea, but for some reason I thught CK say he SHOULDN'T get killed by explosion. Thats was I was confused. My mistake :lol:

I kinda like Foretress for that role then, but I'll look around for a few good SR suicide leads and show em here.
For the most part, Mesprit and Uxie play support rolls. It is not wise to (try to) use them to sweep.
Mesprit tends to be a bulkish support with decent attacking power.
Uxxie is a poor man's Cresslia...
Or maybe a fair cresslia...
man I hate cresslia
Butterfree Lv 39

Dream Eater
Sleep Powder
Giga Drain

Later, Psychic will be replaced for Silver Wind. I know Butterfree's Attack isn't good at all, but in-game, I will be at a higher level than my opponent, and Bug offers good coverage, as well as STAB. Plus, Dream Eater does everything Psychic does better, as it's more powerful, has more PP, just as high accuracy, and heals. The only downside is of course the fact that the opponent must be asleep, but, with Butterfree's ability, Sleep Powder has 98% accuracy, so I'm barely taking any risk at all. I've used vthat attack countless times, and it's only ever missed once.

Earlier today, good ol' Butterfree swept Koga. With no items, this in-game monster finished the battle with no status ailments and full HP. And to think that Koga usually fives me trouble!

Omastar Lv 40

Ice Beam
Mud Shot
Bite (Might be replaced for Hidden Power)

Newest addition to the team. I went to Pallet and avoided the eyes of every trainer when resurrecting him, and after I did so, I flew back to the mainland and traded him to my Leafgreen, fed him a bunch of EV drugs in Sp Atk, Defense, Speed, and Atk (Remember, this is ingame, so it's okay to be careless about EVs), trained him up to Lv 37n and gave him back to my FireRed. I've only had him for a few hours, but he's already proven his worth with great Sp Atk (Best of any non-legendary Water Pokemon according to Bulbapedia... as well as the highest Sp Atk of any Rock Pokemon as well), and even better Defense.

Dugtrio Lv 38

Mud Slap
Rock Tomb

I caught him as a Dugtrio, so he'd naturally forgotten Magnitude... I guess they say patience is a virtue, but boy, it had better pay off when he knows Earthquake. When he had Fury Swipes, an attack with 85% Accuracy, he missed 50% of the time when dealing with Koffings or Weezings, who ALWAYS Poison him with Sludge. Well, I'm exaggerating, but the rate he gets Poisoned by those attacks is about 50%. This Dugtrio has the worst luck IN THE WORLD. I suppose it's only fair... I walked into Diglett Cave and it was the first Pokemon I found. I put it to sleep and got a critical hit with Dream Eater, which put it with nearly no health left, and captured it in a Great Ball on the 2nd turn of the match. It was Lv 31.

Charizard Lv 40

Mega Punch
Wing Attack
Metal Claw

A female Charizard! I lucked out. This is a very versatile Pokemon all around. She doesn't have any absolutely incredible stats, but they're all solid, and she doesn't have any blaring weaknesses. Mega Punch has been surprisingly reliable, but that may be replaced with Dragon Claw later. Metal Claw will probably be succeeded by Heat Wave. As for Wing Attack, I don't know... MAYBE Fly, but I kind of doubt it. Aerial Ace is looking much better.

Primeape Lv 38

Cross Chop
Karate Chop

Why does he still have Leer, you ask? Whenever I find myself facing an opponent with one very powerful Pokemon that can't be taken down by conventional offensive means, I send in Primeape and use Leer over and over again to wear said Pokemon down. He can usually take at least two hits, even from a Psychic type, and so he gets the defense down, while I OHKO with Mega Punch, Wing Attack, or Dig.

Pidgey Lv 19
Something else
Something else
Something else

Will be replaced by Zapdos once I get a Master Ball. I tried to catch him using the same method I caught Dugtrio with, but with a Master Ball. I'm impatient and it has a catch rate of 3, so I didn't bother. Master Ball will do it just fine.

I'm currently in Fuchsia, and I've defeated everyone on Rout 11-12/Silence Bridge, but I've yet to go for the Cycling Road yet. Once I beat all the trainers there, I'll go to Silph and take careo f the Rockets and get Zapdos. Then I'll defeat everyone in the sea and the Islands, and then I'll go to Blaine and beat him.

Comments? Criticism? Questions?
Not sure about which are walls, e.t.c, but I put what I THOUGHT they were, thats probably what I'm most confused about :lol:

Any thoughts on how it looks now, what I should add e.t.c?

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
252 HP /228 Def /30 Atk
Power Whip
Leech Seed

Togekiss @ Leftovers (Sweeper)
Nature: Modest
252 HP / 152 SpA / 104 Spe
Nasty Plot
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Lickylicky @ Life Orb (Wall)
Nature: Brave
116 HP / 252 Atk / 140 SpA
Earth Quake
Fire Blast
Ice Beam

Mamoswine @ Choice Band (wall)
nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ice Shard
Stone Edge
Ice Shard

Foretress @ Shed Shell (Lead)
252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def
Gyro Ball
Stealth Rock

Scizor @ Life Orb (sweeper)
Nature: Adamant
32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Brick Break
i say, take your time trying t catch Zapdos. Remember, the birds are easier to catch in order: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres; uno, dos, tres; one, two, three. I used this method, using snorlax, i body slammed him for paralysis, got him just to red health, then caught him with two pokeballs. It really doesnt matter whether its pokeballs, great balls, or ultra balls, they all seem to work the same on legendaries, at least for me.

just dont waste your master ball on him. your team looks good to me. :thumbsup:

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