What's your pokemon team?

I'm no CK, but might I suggest Heatran / Gliscor / Dragonite / Tentacruel / Snorlax / Swampert / Vaporeon? Reasons:

Heatran :
An obvious possibility with his Flash Fire. He also has some pretty solid support moves, such as Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, Roar, etc., thus he makes an excellent staple to your team defensively. You could also opt for the more aggressive Heatran with Specs/Scarf, or even SubTran.

Taking in Heatran doesn't even hurt the team at all. You'll double up your weakness against ground attacks, but Tangrowth and Togekiss both resist and are immune to it respectively, while Lickylicky has a decent amount of defense to come in on EQ's, just not as well. Your water weakness grows only a bit, but the overall bulk of the team should manage Surfs/Hydro Pumps for the most part.

Gliscor/Dragonite :
Gliscor is reasonably bulky, or for the most part physically sturdy. Now, he isn't exactly resistant to fire types, but his typing makes him more of a threat depending on whether or not your going to get 2HKO'd or not. He can counter fighting hits quite well, which means you wall in those Heracross who otherwise may haunt this team like a living nightmare. He get's Roost, so the reliable healing certainly isn't a bad thing.
Dragonite, more focused on LightScreen variations, can also be very useful. He's already resistant to fire, immune to Earthquake, thus an ideal pair for Scizor covering each others weaknesses. He has a plethora of support moves, such as the already mentioned Light Screen, Thunder Wave, Toxic, has a reliable healing move, and so friggin' bulky. 91/95/100 defenses and a monstrous attack stat, he can help a lot.

However, the drawback is you open up your Ice Weaknesses a lot. More specifically, your lack of a reliable defense against something like a Specs/Scarf Ice Beamer crippling the team. You already have two resistant (I'm pretty sure Mamoswine is resistant, although he might take neutral damage), but as said you'll become tremendously weak against Ice Beamers in particular. Light Screen Dragonite can relieve this, but for only such a long time.

Snorlax :
Thick Fat obviously gets the job done. Curselax/ReSTalk certainly are the better options, as going with a more physically oriented Snorlax may just slow down the team. You'll have an extremely solid Ice/Fire resistance, and you'll just shut down Starmies and Heatrans.

Using Snorlax however will open up that unnecessary fighting weakness. Although Togekiss and Tangrowth take care of that quite nice, the thought that your physical powerhouses can be taken down by abusive Close Combats (By ScarfChan perhaps? :D) may not be a great choice. Although he is a great wall, more Pokemon with Trick will make Snorlax a living nightmare, which shouldn't be a problem for now, or at least until Platinum is released in America that is.

Tentacruel / Swampert / Vaporeon
Tentacruel gives you some nice support, stopping the random Toxic Spikes, as well as being able to provide some for your own. He's just an amazing sponge with his huge Sp. Def, and I can vouch from personal experience of using him. He takes Thunderbolts like a champion with the right EV spread. Couple this in with being resistant to fire/ice, and he can really cover up that part of the team. Knock Off is a nice help as well for catching a few Poke's off guard that rely heavy on their item obviously.
Swampert gives you that nice satisfactory wall, providing your phasing needs which you lack, gives you Stealth Rock, and can manage on his own. He lacks a reliable recovery move, but may not need it too much if you use him right. He can cover Togekiss decently well soaking in the Ice hits, as well as Thunderbolts aimed at Togekiss. With his bulk, he's also quite solid physically as well.
Vaporeon will also cover your phasing needs, as well as Wish support which your team certainly won't mind at all for the immediate healing.

Starting with Tentacruel, you'll reopen that slight ground and electric weaknesses, however your team should still manage to do well with it's resistors. Swampert will make you more weak to Leaf Storms by Roserades and Venasaurs, as well as the random Grass Knots carried. This weakness isn't that bad, as it's only shared with Mamoswine. May want to watch out a bit with Grass Knots however. Lastly, Vaporeon will expose a slight Electric/Grass weakness, but still perfectly manageable with the team you have.

If you ask me, experiment a bit. On paper, my last three recommendations as well as my first one sound more ideal. If your more crazy however, the others may work. Really depends.

Oh look, beat by CK. Anyways, my point still stands, and that's of course basing it off of replacing Gallade.
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Haha fair enough CK :lol:

I can't switch out Tangrowth, I love it to much. :D

In terms of Gallade, What do you mean by a lead Pokemon? I know like the types of pokes (Sweepers, Walls, Supporters, and all the sub-types of those 3), but lead isn't an actual type of poke is it?

EDIT: Wuddle thats awesome! I'll take it all into consideration.
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  • #363
I'm no CK,

Ofcourse you're not - you're better. :lol: Thanks for picking up my slack with that epic post, Wuddle. Plenty of options for BRizer that I was way too lazy to name. :lol:

EDIT: Everyone is posting at the same time lately. :lol: A lead is a poke designed specifically to gain an advantage at the start of the battle, and is always the pokemon sent out first. A good example would be Bronzong, a support lead. It can Hypnosis to sleep an enemy quickly, it can use stealth rock to support the team's sweep/racking up damage with phazing/stalling, and can use attacks like Gyro Ball and EQ to smash a few things that are hurt pretty badly by it, i.e. Weavile or Infernape(not without a sash though, lol).

Another example would be Weavile, an offensive lead. With a band, his pursuit can decimate many psychic/ghost leads, and he's also blazingly fast. With the band, his power and speed combined let him smash a lot of things quickly and efficiently. ..With the slew of suicide leads, Weavile and other offensive leads aren't all that effective nowadays - bar a few exceptions like Fake Out Infernape, which is an amazing SR/offensive lead btw.
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Ofcourse you're not - you're better. :lol: Thanks for picking up my slack with that epic post, Wuddle. Plenty of options for BRizer that I was way too lazy to name. :lol:

Don't be so modest. Although I came close to winning with my ParaflinchCurse Registeel (Until the damned Bronzong crit. me).

@ BRizer, if your looking for a lead, Leading Heatran or Swampert may work. The only problem is the outbreak of leading Trick users. Although the ones I listed overall would be a fair choice in replacement of Gallade, good luck finding what would be your more ideal lead.
I was browsing through the OU list, and I was looking for pokes I thought looked good, but because of the fact I have very little experience with leads, I'm not sure if they fit. Maybe you can help me if tell if these pokes are leads.

Donphan @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Def
Rapid Spin
Ice Shard
Stone Edge

Foretress @ Shed Shell
Nature: Relaxed
252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def
~ Toxic Spikes
~ Gyro Ball
~ Rapid Spin
~ Explosion

Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Stealth Rock
Ice Fang
Rock Slide

Getting lazy, don't wanna type out full movesets.

Possibly an Alakazam, Tyranitar, Blissey, Yanmega?

I'm new to lead Pokemon, and I still don't know what makes one good or not :lol:
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Ok, got me a ne team, havent got the moves yt, will edit soon.

Armaldo (Physical Wall/Sweeper)

Sceptile (Special Sweeper?)

Magnezone (Special Sweeper/Wall)

Mamoswine (Physical Wall?)

Slowbro (Defensive Special Wall)

Yanmega (Lead)
I need a strong team for Battle Tower.

-Pyscho Cut
-Close Combat
-Leaf Blade/Swords Dance

-Heat Wave
-Dragon Pulse?
-Aerial Ace?

-Crunch/Dark Pulse
-Thunderbolt/Thunder Fang
-Ice Beam/Ice Fang

help with finalized moveset choices and held items
I was browsing through the OU list, and I was looking for pokes I thought looked good, but because of the fact I have very little experience with leads, I'm not sure if they fit. Maybe you can help me if tell if these pokes are leads.

Donphan @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Def
Rapid Spin
Ice Shard
Stone Edge

Foretress @ Shed Shell
Nature: Relaxed
252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def
~ Toxic Spikes
~ Gyro Ball
~ Rapid Spin
~ Explosion

Aerodactyl @ Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Stealth Rock
Ice Fang
Rock Slide

Getting lazy, don't wanna type out full movesets.

Possibly an Alakazam, Tyranitar, Blissey, Yanmega?

I'm new to lead Pokemon, and I still don't know what makes one good or not :lol:

For leading Pokemon, you have to practically consider every worst predicament possible. CK touched up on a bit, so I'll just reiterate. Also, the deletion of Strypes thread is quite the facepalm on Wiichats fault. Shame on cleansing one of the betterer threads.

Anyways, leads start the game off. You generally want them to be able to handle most situations, or at the least, start the game off getting your team the edge you need. As CK said about suicide leads, suicide leads are basically a Pokemon that sets up Stealth Rock, and proceed to use explosion. Very efficient, gets rocks down, and takes out something in the process. He also talked about Bronzong for an example, with it's ability to use Hypnosis, set up Stealth Rock, and is pretty much a giant rock in the opponents way stopping them from proceeding.

It's things like this that you have to consider. Is the Pokemon your using willing to be put to sleep by hypnosis? Are they immune to explosion? With the Platinum release, another question is "Am I able to handle getting tricked a Choice Scarf/Choice Spec? You also have to consider the purpose it serves for you. Being able to handle getting put to sleep by hypnosis, or being immune/resistant to explosion is all fine and dandy, but if it can't really do anything to open up the game, it's kind of a wasted effort. Moving on-

The Donphan you posted is decent for an opener. A few issues would be it's just a bit too heavy offense at the start. There's nothing wrong with it, but I personally would rather have Knock Off and/or Stealth Rock on it. Donphan isn't going to be knocking anything out anyways, at the most it'll chip off a bit of health and that's all. It has Rapid Spin, which is nice to clear up Spikes by the opponent, but as said, Donphan poses no real threat, it won't be able to significantly hurt the opponent unless they were 4x weak to EQ or something. The Foretress/Aerodactyl would be considered leading Pokemon. Foretress is able to efficiently set up, Rapid Spin, explode when needed, hit when needed, etc., same applies to Aerodactyl.

The other Pokemon you listed are all leads, EXCEPT Blissey. Please, never lead with a Blissey. Your just asking to have the opponent use Explosion or Close Combat and you'll be screwed.

Well, yeah there's my little rant. You might actually get away with a Lickilicky lead just because it's so unusual and will have the opponent guessing until the moveset is understood.
Tyranitar seems to be the most sensible lead for my team, considering he is resistant to fire, and my team desperately needs a fire-resistant poke.

Any good Tyranitar-lead sets?

I am quite fond of the Dragon Dance set, but I'm sure there are great sets I don't know about.
Tyranitar seems to be the most sensible lead for my team, considering he is resistant to fire, and my team desperately needs a fire-resistant poke.

Any good Tyranitar-lead sets?

I am quite fond of the Dragon Dance set, but I'm sure there are great sets I don't know about.
I'd honestly be against a Tyranitar lead for your team. Maybe a late game Tyranitar, but the Sandstorm is going to be hurting your team more than helping your team. And your team is going to be hating it more when Infernape/Lucario/Gallade/Heracross/Machamp Close Combat right through your team (All 5 of which has a solid Choice Scarf/Band set for, also which a majority carry with them), as with Tyranitar, 4/6 of your team is weak against it, Togekiss taking neutral, but heavy as hell damage from pretty much any Close Combater, and Tangrowth can't afford to be the scapegoat for it.

But if you truly insist on using leading Tyranitar,

Careful @ Lum Berry
240 HP / 36 Atk / 48 Def / 184 SpD
Fire Punch

Taunt Bronzong, Counter Gyro Ball, Fire Punch for KO.

Another which works is the Tyraniboah set:
Quiet/Brave @ Leftovers
252 HP / 52 Atk / 176 SpA / 28 Spe
Focus Punch
Dark Pulse/Crunch

I've been victimized by this set before, and it's pretty darn sturdy. 101 HP Subs can't be broken by Blissey's Stoss.

Anyways, as I said, I wouldn't recommend it as your only making it easy for ChoiceScarfCario/Cross come in and just Close Combat it's way in. Heracross is only going to really make things worse as Megahorn will just ruin Tangrowth, and you'll have an even worse time fighting Heracross. I'd much rather have a glaring Fire Weakness than a glaring Close Combat weakness.
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Lugia Lv.100
Ditto Lv.63
Sceptile Lv.100
Roserade Lv.50
Illumise Lv.50.
I currently don't have a sixth, because I'm leveling up and breeding and such, and haven't planned one yet.
Ok, got me a ne team, havent got the moves yt, will edit soon.

Armaldo (Physical Wall/Sweeper)

Sceptile (Special Sweeper?)

Magnezone (Special Sweeper/Wall)

Mamoswine (Physical Wall?)

Slowbro (Defensive Special Wall)

Yanmega (Lead)

Armaldo cannot wall with his unique, but average typing. If you want to sweep well with him, you're going to have to, by some miracle, pull two rock polishes off to do it, however, bullet punch shuts you down.

On this team, I would recomend your Sceptile being a subseeder. He's no Jumpluff (wiiiiiin), but he can do it.
Magnezone has power, but cannot sweep well. A hefty distribution of EVs in the defensive department has always been my favorite way to go along with some support moves, but isnt the best thing fot him since he has a 4x EQ weakness (and is even slower than most EQers) a weakness to the often speedy fighting and fire types (Blaziken and Infernape would have fun) but he switches in on outrage and most steels (no Metagross) well. Traping Skarm (and with HP Fire, Bronzong) has been his job up to now.
Mamoswine can't wall.
Slowbro is a fantastic tank, but takes some setup and a good knowledge of your oponents team, as Slowbro has many weaknesses. Dispite being a bulky water, being weak to pursuit sucks.
CM/Slack Off makes the 'Bro win.
Yanmega is one of my more common leads. Good choice. Scarf Moltres is something to think about though, since you lack fire, but then you'd be lacking bug...[/TooTiredToContinue]
For leading Pokemon, you have to practically consider every worst predicament possible. CK touched up on a bit, so I'll just reiterate. Also, the deletion of Strypes thread is quite the facepalm on Wiichats fault. Shame on cleansing one of the betterer threads.

I guess that means I'll try to rewrite it, that and I'm desperately trying to figure out a solid OU team to play against some serious players...I can't get away with my usual bullshit of Lead-Scarf Venusaur this time...Im going to have to go with real things...
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  • #374
I need a strong team for Battle Tower.

-Pyscho Cut
-Close Combat
-Leaf Blade/Swords Dance

-Heat Wave
-Dragon Pulse?
-Aerial Ace?

-Crunch/Dark Pulse
-Thunderbolt/Thunder Fang
-Ice Beam/Ice Fang

help with finalized moveset choices and held items

Let me start out by saying this - your dudes are too slow. You need atleast one speedy sweeper in there, otherwise you'll meet your swift end in the battle tower soon enough.

A dragon would really be a good idea as well. Latios, for example - it's not like he's banned in the tower. Latios=epic win in OU, especially with a Soul Dew. If you can access one, you should. If not, Garchomp is good too - Garchomp would have great synergy with TTar too. You could also then use TTar as a good lead.

Anyhow.. Charizard is fragile AND slow for battle tower's standards, you should really drop him(for Garchomp! :D lol joking). You really need to drop someone for a faster poke IMO, and Charizard isn't a bad idea. Not good enough stats, and his movepool isn't good enough. Anything but bellyzard isn't worth it besides the unexpected sets IMO, which don't work on CPUs anyways.

If you want to use Gallade, type coverage and power is very important - and he has both.

Gallade @ L. orb

Close Combat
Ice Punch
Psycho Cut
Swords Dance

EQ is pretty useless on Gallade since he has close combat as is, and EQ doesn't hit many of his counters. Even if it hits some of his counters well, Close Combat hits them better usually. Leaf Blade is just.. bad type coverage. Also, I'm basing this set if you're still going to use TTar, because if you are, Rock/Dark moves are covered, meaning Gallade won't need Night Slash or Stone Edge, so the above set is pretty much great.

Anyhow.. onto TTar. When it comes to the battle tower, you don't want metagame bullshit or some movesets for suprise factor, you need raw power. A good lead TTar set would be...

TTar @ CB

Stone Edge
Aqua Tail

Notice I'm not suggesting pursuit - why? When do battle tower pokes EVER retreat? Crunch will be better 99% of the time. Stone Edge and Crunch are for STAB ofcourse, EQ is just.. there as filler mainly, but it does get good coverage w/ Stone Edge. Aqua Tail is an excellent attack, as it allows TTar to nail many would-be counters like Hippowdon or especially Gliscor. Aqua Tail also gives your team a water move to use, which is always good for the extra coverage.

I don't plan on giving a moveset for Charizard unless you're set on him, but I will if you are, ofcourse.
thanks and Char was really only in their cause i like him. i'll take the Latios set if you'll give me one and what do i breed to get Aqua Tail on T-tar?

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