What's your pokemon team?

you get the VS. Seeker in the Vermillion Pokecenter. he's at a part too soon to get it.

and this is why i pick Bulbasaur. Misty becomes crap.

You pick Bulbasaur bc you love him :D

@WMBQ Your team seams good for the begginning of the game, I agree with Shadow*91, raising your team up a little can't hurt. Also, buy super potions, they will help alot. I know this is a little off topic, but is it true that firered/leafgreen pokemon's levels are raised easier. Thanks

They seem to be when I raised them, though i have no official proof...

Heres a team I have. Its not really a team yet, but its Pokemon I'm planning to train into a team. They could go great together, could go horribly together. I'm open to switching in and out. Just want your help with it all. Does it look even at all possible, an if not, can you help me change it?

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
252 HP /228 Def /30 Atk
Power Whip
Leech Seed

Tangrowth is an excellent poke, simply crappy SpD...good SpAtk though. I see what your trying to do with this one...its good, but i think it could improve. I dont like protect, since its only to stall. My Tangrowth, albeit different than yours, has modest nature, Sleep Powder, Wring Out, Giga Drain, and Leech seed. Works good for me.

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
252 HP / 152 SpA / 104 Spe
Nasty Plot
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Togekiss! Awesome Poke, and excellent moveset. Same that mine has. No complaints here.

Lickylicky @ Life Orb
Nature: Brave
116 HP / 252 Atk / 140 SpA
Earth Quake
Fire Blast
Ice Beam

Lickilicky is fun to use. Seeing the difference between SpAtk and Atk, id opt out Ice Beam for Avalanche since he is slow anyway, and maybe Brick Break instead of Fire Blast? Thats the one i use anyway, but instead of brick break mine has Bulk Up.

Mamoswine @ Choice Band
nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ice Shard
Stone Edge

Nice Mamoset. I opted for Ancient Power instead of Stone Edge for accuracy and pump up. I also gave Facade instead of Bite for extra power and Status recoil.

Gallade @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe
Swords Dance
Close Combat
Ice Punch
Night Slash

I like Gallade, fun poke. Id retract Night Slash for Psycho Cut, just more useful. Ive tried the Swords Dance thing, and usually, Gallade cant take it, and he doesnt really have the speed for a sweep. I just switched that for Earthquake for type coverage. Either that or Leaf Blade.

Scizor @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Brick Break

Excellent set. Nuff said.
Thanks Storm! I'll wait to see if anybody else responds (CK/Fox/Strype), then I'll employ it all to my team, woooh :D
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First a few things quick,

1) BR, Quickly looking at it, that team is solid move sets, and no major glaring weakens.I prefer double status galade, specially on a team light on support, but seriously, much improvement

2) Storm, Listen to what foxxy said, your suggestions, are terrible

3) Foxxy, Thank you for the good laugh, I needed that man, rough weekend. Also thanks for holding down the fort for me.

4) CK. I heard what you been saying about hitmonchan...
THe chan man is not pleased with your actions.
Choice Scarf Close Combat may find its way to your jaw
So I beat Misty using my technique... I got lucky and had like 6 sleep turns for Mankey to use Leer. He took two Water Pulses (which is unusual), getting me Leer count up to 6. I let Mankey die, then sent in Charmeleon, who took the usual Water Pulse, and then OHKOed with Mega Punch.

I didn't end up getting that Oddish... instead, I found that it is possible to go to Vermilion before beating her, so I went there and defeated everyone on Route 11 and the SS Anne. The winning team was:

Charmeleon Lv 24
Mega Punch
Metal Claw

Butterfree Lv 24
Sleep Powder

Mankey Lv 24
Low Kick
Fury Swipes
Karate Chop

Right now, that team is towards the end of Rock Tunnel, and is as follows:

Charmeleon Lv 28
Mega Punch
Metal Claw

Butterfree Lv 29
Aerial Ace
Sleep Powder

Primape Lv 29
Low Kick
Fury Swipes
Karate Chop

...So, yes, I do intend to keep Butterfree on my team through the E4 for the challenge.

Theorized other teammates:
Consider the good all around stat distribution,
Concsider the reasonable move pool.
Consider that due to it's typeing, it looses weaknesses, so it only has two 2x against, and 1 immunity.

Yea, zapdos is a killer.

Butterfree isnt that terrible in story mode as it gets insane coverage with TMs and when its over leveled coverage is beast.
First a few things quick,

1) BR, Quickly looking at it, that team is solid move sets, and no major glaring weakens.I prefer double status galade, specially on a team light on support, but seriously, much improvement

2) Storm, Listen to what foxxy said, your suggestions, are terrible

3) Foxxy, Thank you for the good laugh, I needed that man, rough weekend. Also thanks for holding down the fort for me.

4) CK. I heard what you been saying about hitmonchan...
THe chan man is not pleased with your actions.
Choice Scarf Close Combat may find its way to your jaw

Whatever man... the people i gave suggestions too liked them and informed me of there gratitude via PM, but fine. I wont
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  • #354
Woah, woah, what's with all the hate in this thread.. let people speak freely, yeah? Didn't you see BRizer's smart post? Whether or not Storm is good or bad at team advice, let him post anyways - it allows comparison to other peoples' advice and room for improvement. Geez..

CK. I heard what you been saying about hitmonchan...
THe chan man is not pleased with your actions.
Choice Scarf Close Combat may find its way to your jaw

Then I'll give the chan man a CB STAB Low Kick to the balls! :mad5: [/completely useless post]
Idk....the people i was trying to help were asking for help on "fun random teams," its not like i was giving them advice for competition or tiers or whatnot.
Hey CK, you wanna help me out on my team...posted somewhere here?

I still remember when I first ventured into the world of competitive Pokemon battling, and Strype blew my mind with his crazy analysis. The I was all confused about what to do because Strype was so smart about it and my head was spinning, then CK swooped in and explained it all to me, and after like 2 weeks of repeating himself, I kinda get it now :D [endtotallypointlessanecdote/]

Anyway CK, can ya help me? :D
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  • #357
Yes, competitive battle lingo is pretty rough to get a hold of, I can say that much. Smogon set me straight though, and I taught myself over time. Then again, all metagame talk can be confusing. :lol:

Ya, can help BRizer. :)

Heres a team I have. Its not really a team yet, but its Pokemon I'm planning to train into a team. They could go great together, could go horribly together. I'm open to switching in and out. Just want your help with it all. Does it look even at all possible, an if not, can you help me change it?

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
252 HP /228 Def /30 Atk
Power Whip
Leech Seed

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
252 HP / 152 SpA / 104 Spe
Nasty Plot
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Lickylicky @ Life Orb
Nature: Brave
116 HP / 252 Atk / 140 SpA
Earth Quake
Fire Blast
Ice Beam

Mamoswine @ Choice Band
nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ice Shard
Stone Edge

Gallade @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe
Swords Dance
Close Combat
Ice Punch
Night Slash

Scizor @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Brick Break

Hmmm, a toxi-stall Tangrowth? Interesting concept. I honestly don't think it's the best idea for your mostly offensive team, but that moveset works fine for toxi-stall. Against a physical attacker, I can imagine it'd be frustrating. I think that moveset's perfectly fine, go for it if you really want to. :thumbsup:

Hmmm, so Togekiss is going to be your main sweeper? Good choice, considering if Togekiss was running T-wave for a para-flinch set, it'd clash with Tangrowth. It's pretty slow for a main sweeper though, I recommend getting rid of Togekiss or Gallade for a faster set-up sweeper, otherwise your team is really lacking in speed. If you plan on keeping Togekiss, that moveset's perfectly fine.

Lickilicky.. Lol. I have no experience with such an odd wallbreaker set... I honestly can't help you here. I also know very little about Lickilicky, sorry. I can say one thing though - a slightly faster wall breaker wouldn't hurt, since you still lack a lot of speed.

Ah yes, Mamoswine - the bane of dragons. For a CB set it's all good, except for bite.. What's up with that? Bite doesn't really hit any enemies to Mamoswine, or atleast enemies he can even deal with. Slap on Ice Fang over Bite, and you're all set. If you don't want another ice move since you already have one - trust me, it helps. Ice Fang has the necesarry power Ice Shard doesn't, Ice Shard is only for revenge kills and smashing 4x effected pokes, Ice Fang is for reliable STAB. Sort of like how Specsmence runs Dragon Pulse and Draco Meteor on one set.

As I mentioned for Togekiss earlier, ditch either Gallade or Togekiss for a faster set-up sweeper. Odds are you definatly won't regret it. If you plan to keep Gallade though, I really recommend Psycho Cut over Night Slash. You already have EQ from a few of your pokes, and Stone Edge on Mamo. Your team isn't highly threatened by psychics or ghosts, and Psycho Cut provides a reliable second STAB. Gallade can't fling around Close Combat the entire time after all, he'll soon be KO'd if he does.

Also, I will note again - if you plan to get rid of Gallade rather than Togekiss, you may want to get rid of Lickilicky for a faster sweeper instead. Gallade is bulky, and with Fighting/Ice moves, he's a great wall breaker. Blissey, Skarmory(dented badly, not OHKO'd though), so on and so on are smashed. While Lickilicky may be a slightly better wall breaker, I don't know. I'll just note Gallade is a great wall breaker too.

Technician, L. Orb SD Scizor.. scary stuff. That moveset is perfectly fine, you'll sweep pretty easily with that. Keep it, it's perfect. ..There's only one problem, however - you already have a physical sweeper! Having 3 main sweeper AND a wall breaker is a pretty bad idea. You should get more pokes who can put up a fight immediatly, or another wall. You need to swap out a few things.

I personally recommend getting rid of Gallade or Lickilicky for a special wall(you already have Tangrowth), or another choice poke/utility poke, such as a lead/a fast, hard hitting poke. Since you've got two sweepers covered by Togekiss and Scizor(which are very deadly, btw), you don't need both Gallade and Lickilicky - use just one as a wall breaker. Swap out the other for one of the above options, and your team will be better utilized IMO.

EDIT: Blah, how stupid of me.. I should of evaluated types.

As I mentioned before, your offenses are all good, type coverage included. Defensively you're good, but with one huge flaw - a 3x fire weakness, a 4x on your Scizor. Someone mentioned earlier that Salamence would wreck this team, especially specsmence. It's very true - fire ruins your only dragon resist, which is Scizor, and Draco Meteor/Pulse ruins everything else. Infernape would also have a really easy time ruining this team too. Worst of all, you don't have a single fire resist. It's a very big problem.
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THe chan man is not pleased with your actions.
Choice Scarf Close Combat may find its way to your jaw
Unorthodox, yet vicious. You don't realize what's happening until the thing is throwing out Close Combats without care, and as you look into your party you realize, "$#!&, I can't counter this"
CK, who should I replace Gallade with? I guess it would make sense to replace him with someone with a fire resist...but who?
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  • #360
Ahhh come on BRizer, don't make me give suggestions. :lol: I mentioned a lot of possibilities for roles, so bare with me and think up a few things, yeah? I'm here to analayze and guide, not show people what to do. :lol:

Also, I'm starting to think further about my analysis. I'm thinking you really need to swap out Tangrowth for a better physical wall in order to lessen the fire weakness, and hopefully add in a resist. Taking out Mamo is a bad idea since Dragons can rape the team, and Scizor is a necesarry steel type to resist dragon moves, so I think Tangrowth is the most replacable. You don't have to comply with my suggestion, but I think it'd be a very good idea to. Just get a physical wall not named Skarmory/Bronzong(they have fire weaknesses :p).

Also, if I were you when it comes to replacing Gallade, I'd lean highly towards a lead pokemon. Something that sets up SR would probably help the team, as this helps kill the dragon weakness even further, and is in general just a good move to use.

Something like a lead Azelf, Infernape, Aerodactyl. Note though, that these Focus Sash suicide leads don't really impact the team besides setting up, so the fact Aerodactyl doubles up a lot of your team's weaknesses wouldn't matter too much. The same goes for something else that is a suicide SR lead. Remember though, if you don't plan for your lead to be a suicider, don't use something that'l hinder the team by type disadvantages.

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