What's your pokemon team?

-Aura Sphere
-Shadow Claw
-Metal Claw

-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball

-Swords Dance
-Steel Wing

-Flamethrower/Fire Fang
-Sludge Bomb
-Faint Attack

-Seismic Toss
-Iron Tail
-Thunder Wave

-Zen Headbutt
-Head Smash
-Giga Impact?

any help with this? sort of a work-in-progress

This is just my personal opinion, with some knowledge from Smogon.

-Aura Sphere
-Shadow Claw
-Metal Claw

Ok, Lucario. I like this poke, good offense and defense etc, and this is a good moveset, but i would change some of it. Aura Sphere and Earthquake are great, its just the Metal Claw and Shadow Claw that I dont like. Close Combat woulld be good, but you already have Aura Sphere. Still, Close Combat is better for the special walls very weak to physical attacks, like Blissey. That could replace shadow Claw at least, or Psychic is a good filler.

I honestly dont see the point of Metal Claw when you already have Earthquake. EQ covers everything metal claw does and more. Scratch that, and replace it with something else....Bullet Punch if he can use it? Still, thats already covered with EQ. Maybe Close Combat could replace it, or better yet, I saw a Lucario with Extremespeed...

-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball

I like Vaporeon, very strong poke. Focus is on Special attack, not physical, and youve got that pretty well copvered with the exception of Dig. Perhaps Calm mind and replace Shadow Ball with...Swagger? Or, the one i use, replace shadow ball with rest and dig with sleep talk.
-Swords Dance
-Steel Wing

Scizor is great, and fairly easy to evaluate. Steel wing, U Turn, and Agility should go. Replaced by Bullet Punch, X-Scizzor, and Brick Break. Great Scizor set.

-Flamethrower/Fire Fang
-Sludge Bomb
-Faint Attack

Houndooms naturally high SpAtk should be abused a large amount. Flamethrower is good, so is Sludge Bomb, prolly replace Faint Attack with Dark Pulse bc its much better, and maybe Nasty Plot? Thats the set I like anyway.
Alot of peeps i know use the sunny day set, but houndoom doesnt really have the time to set up for that. He needs to attack fast and hard, so speed EV's would go well for him, cuz he cant take physical hits for crap.
Punch >>>>>> Houndoom.

-Seismic Toss
-Iron Tail
-Thunder Wave

Raichu is a fun poke, and Thunderpunch is a good move for him. Depending on his nature (Whether Atk or SpAtk is higher) you might opt that out for Thunderbolt, but it depends on his nature. Iron tail is a good, though i favor Brick Break for its accuracy, plus it deals with steel types. Thunder wave is good if thats the Chu you want to run, otherwise, what i found out for my Sweeper Chu, Grassknot is phenominal, he can learn it via TM, and itll take out those pesky ground types that hurt him so much.

-Zen Headbutt
-Head Smash
-Giga Impact?

Rampardos is a fairly decent poke, i have one and heres my moveset: Head Smash, Zen Headbutt, Endeavor, Pursuit. This combo works fairly well, since Ramp is not a bulky poke, he doesnt take hits well. So, Endeavor will bring any strong poke that has given rampardos a beating down to his level, almost like a halelujah explosion, bringing the opponent to the brink of death.
As lead, Ramp can usually take out the first poke with Head smash. Dealing 50% to itself, this sets it up for endeavor. If Head Smash will be innefective, throw a Zen Headbutt. Impressive damage and takes out a variety of pokes. Pursuit is used when you have a feeling the opponent will switch out, especially if they are on the disadvantage after a Head Smash. You could even opt for Earthquake if you dont like Head Smashes recoil...

My first critique...howd i do guys...go easy :lol:
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And now, I become a dick.
@Storm: Please, just stop. Nothing about anything you said makes sense to me.
@Shadow: Somehow, all of these became mixed sets without a hint as to why.
Lucario&Scizor: I'm not sure how many times we evaluated so many failed sets for these two, but there have been sets for both posted many times. Go back and look.
Vaporeon: IS NOT A STRONG ATTACKER! Has poor typing for an attacker, a very shallow movepool, and is in no way built to sweep or even put dents into things. Vaporeon is a wall/tank, but not the greatest one.
Wish support and toxic stalling is about all she can do.
Houndoom: This guy is within the realms of UU and rightfully so. Sub-par stats and a crap movepool, that's why!
Houndoom can Roar for SR damage and team scouting, and is a fairly decent taunter, although you'll need a timid nature and some hefty speed EVs (as well as an intimate knowledge of who he's facing) in order to be any kind of effective. Yes, he can run dual STAB Dark Pulse and Flamethrower, but it's generally better left to somebody else. I run a focus sash taunter w/ dual stab and and will-o-wisp but mine is just for show. If you really want to get any kind of use out of him, either run a jolly specs or modest scarf. Flamethrower, Overheat, Dark Pulse, and HP Ground/Fighting are really your only options though. Houndoom CAN run a mixed set with Sucker Punch and Pursuit, but it's usually a bad idea.
Raichu sucks, just don't use it.
Rampardos: This thing is really strong, but that's about it. You can sash polish for an attemptable sweep, but normally he fails to everything (Including but not limited to SR, spikers, priority, anything faster than it [whick is a lot) etc)
He can work well with a trick room set, but you'll have to have a Bronzong or something set up the trick room first and hope Rampardos can survive the switch.

On a team basis, it's not even type balanced, especially due to the fact that one of the most common moves, EQ, will obliterate everything not named Vaporeon, and she'll even have a tough time with it. Fighting moves are also going to be a big problem with almost every team member
BTW, Iron Tail is garbage on pretty much everything.

This is an example of what I'm (and Wuddle) talking about. PLEASE COME IN HERE IF YOU PLAN ON BEING SERIOUS!
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And now, I become a dick.
@Storm: Please, just stop. Nothing about anything you said makes sense to me.
@Shadow: Somehow, all of these became mixed sets without a hint as to why.
Lucario&Scizor: I'm not sure how many times we evaluated so many failed sets for these two, but there have been sets for both posted many times. Go back and look.
Vaporeon: IS NOT A STRONG ATTACKER! Has poor typing for an attacker, a very shallow movepool, and is in no way built to sweep or even put dents into things. Vaporeon is a wall/tank, but not the greatest one.
Wish support and toxic stalling is about all she can do.
Houndoom: This guy is within the realms of UU and rightfully so. Sub-par stats and a crap movepool, that's why!
Houndoom can Roar for SR damage and team scouting, and is a fairly decent taunter, although you'll need a timid nature and some hefty speed EVs (as well as an intimate knowledge of who he's facing) in order to be any kind of effective. Yes, he can run dual STAB Dark Pulse and Flamethrower, but it's generally better left to somebody else. I run a focus sash taunter w/ dual stab and and will-o-wisp but mine is just for show. If you really want to get any kind of use out of him, either run a jolly specs or modest scarf. Flamethrower, Overheat, Dark Pulse, and HP Ground/Fighting are really your only options though. Houndoom CAN run a mixed set with Sucker Punch and Pursuit, but it's usually a bad idea.
Raichu sucks, just don't use it.
Rampardos: This thing is really strong, but that's about it. You can sash polish for an attemptable sweep, but normally he fails to everything (Including but not limited to SR, spikers, priority, anything faster than it [whick is a lot) etc)
He can work well with a trick room set, but you'll have to have a Bronzong or something set up the trick room first and hope Rampardos can survive the switch.

On a team basis, it's not even type balanced, especially due to the fact that one of the most common moves, EQ, will obliterate everything not named Vaporeon, and she'll even have a tough time with it. Fighting moves are also going to be a big problem with pretty much everything.

This is an example of what I'm (and Wuddle) talking about. PLEASE COME IN HERE IF YOU PLAN ON BEING SERIOUS!

jeez dude...harsh....sry, just tryin to help
i did say "work-in-progress"
plus this team is meant for fun. i favorited the page where my "real" team was critiqued for easy access. plus i do put thought into my movesets, just i don't know all the stat and nature things so i only supply what i can think of and you guys usually help fill in the rest(nicely mostly)
Y'know I made this thread initially a while back, and CK revived it for me after the apocalypse. At any rate, I never made this thread for it to be this hierarchy. Basically a few people have taken over this thread, and it makes me not want to be a part of it. I made this thread just to talk about teams, not to have everything done perfectly. Storm has just as much of a right to critique teams as you do fox (or anybody else) , and if you wanna act like all cocky about it doesn't mean you deserve this thread any more than the rest of us.

...just stop. [endrant/]

EDIT: Yea...I realized that sounds really angry. Its not meant that way, I was just throwing it out there since my thread seems to have morphed, if you will.
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Asking for advice on a "fun" team sounds like a paradox if you ask me. It's like asking "Can you please tell me what I like so I could add it to my team?" How the hell am I supposed to know?
And in the OP, it says we're here to give advice. Advice pertains to the improvement of something.
If you want competative advice, and pointers, that's when you ask for it.
I never claimed to be a part of some hierarchy as you call it, you guys started calling Strype, CK, and myself the ones who are keen on the subject. I have a wealth of competative knowledge and I'm willing to share it. If you guys just want a rating on a bunch of random ill-compatable pokemon, feel free fo get bad reviews.
In short: What's the point?

Like this

Example said:
How is anybody supposed to work with that?
This has been a competative advice thread since the begining. Nobody said any differant untill I started chewing so I'm sorry if you guys get offended by the things I say/type/whatever, but you need to see things from my perspective.
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You don't have to be a dick about it is my point. You can say it nicely rather than make some outlandish statements that make you sound like arrogant. Things can be said in a nice way and still have an impact y'know.
Arguments regardless, I'm having some FireRed problems.

See, I just started a new game, and I'm having trouble defeating Misty.

My team:

Charmeleon Lv 22
Mankey Lv 22
Butterfree Lv 21
Beedrill Lv 10
Clefable Lv 11

My plan is to have Butterfree defeat her Staryu, and he can easily do that with Confusion. Of course, he gets hurt in the process, but this part of the fight generally wastes her Super Potions and takes care of Staryu.

When she sends out Starmie, I use Sleep Powder, and switch to Mankey, who proceeds to use Leer over and over again-- I want 4 or have times (Sometimes, Butterfree is KOed before he can let the powder do his thing.. in that case, I send out Clefable, who can take 1 Starmie Water Pulse, and I have her use Sing.

So, with Mankey, I'm usually able to get in a Leer or two before the Starmie wakes up. He gets hurt from Water Pulse, I use Leer again, he stays alive by like 10 HP, and I switch in Beedrill, who survives a Water Pulse, albeit in critical condition, and I use that turn to heal Mankey with a Super Potion. I switch Mankey in and he gets two Leers in before he dies. Then I send in Charmeleon and use Mega Punch, and it always comes so close to OHKOing, but never does the job...

Any recommendations? Clearly the Water/Psychic type combination completely does me in...
Arguments regardless, I'm having some FireRed problems.

See, I just started a new game, and I'm having trouble defeating Misty.

My team:

Charmeleon Lv 22
Mankey Lv 22
Butterfree Lv 21
Beedrill Lv 10
Clefable Lv 11

My plan is to have Butterfree defeat her Staryu, and he can easily do that with Confusion. Of course, he gets hurt in the process, but this part of the fight generally wastes her Super Potions and takes care of Staryu.

When she sends out Starmie, I use Sleep Powder, and switch to Mankey, who proceeds to use Leer over and over again-- I want 4 or have times (Sometimes, Butterfree is KOed before he can let the powder do his thing.. in that case, I send out Clefable, who can take 1 Starmie Water Pulse, and I have her use Sing.

So, with Mankey, I'm usually able to get in a Leer or two before the Starmie wakes up. He gets hurt from Water Pulse, I use Leer again, he stays alive by like 10 HP, and I switch in Beedrill, who survives a Water Pulse, albeit in critical condition, and I use that turn to heal Mankey with a Super Potion. I switch Mankey in and he gets two Leers in before he dies. Then I send in Charmeleon and use Mega Punch, and it always comes so close to OHKOing, but never does the job...

Any recommendations? Clearly the Water/Psychic type combination completely does me in...

I can help you out here, as i have encountered this problem many times before. Depending on whether you beat your rival or not, go across nugget bridge. In the grass, you should be able to find an oddish i beleive. Train it to at least 18, then it learns mega drain or absorb or some junk like that.
I was able to take out staryu with the oddish, even with her using potions, because absorb replenishes any lost hp, which isnt much mind you. Then, when she switches in starmie, send in your butterfree combo, but once starmie is asleep, work confusion on it with butterfree. (remember, it CAN get confused while asleep) then, Misty will most likely attempt super potion. this is good for you, because prediction is easy, when in red, she replenishes, so use sleep powder again. once butterfree dies, use oddish for the win.
If this doesnt work, you could always opt sleep powder for poison powder, which is more accurate and gives constant increasing damage, along with stat reduction.

Hope this helps, let me know how it goes! :D
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  • #342
Hey WMBQ, about your team, I know I'll sound incredibly lazy about this, but.. You could level grind Charmeleon a lot, and it'l definatly OHKO Staryu with Mega Punch. Starmie will probably be a 2HKO - if Charmeleon's a high enough level, it won't be OHKO'd. Brute force solves a lot of things. XD

For level grinding, if you havn't already, there's the nugget bridge and the trainers above. Do you have the vs. seeker yet, btw? That'd certainly help.. I can't remember when in the game you get it, though.

Storm's brilliant Oddish idea is also reliable. Oddish evolves at level 21 btw, so Gloom would rip Staryu and Starmie to shreds with Mega Drain(which is learned at lv. 21 right before it evolves, btw). A gloom isn't that bad of an addition to your team either, right? Especially once you find a leaf stone.

Sorry for being such a lazy n00b Mega Luigi, but here's a link to Deoxys-A's Smogon page. The first Life Orb set is what you'd want, standard epic Deoxys-A. It's exactly what I'd recommend anyways. I'm sure it's what you'd want, after all.

you get the VS. Seeker in the Vermillion Pokecenter. he's at a part too soon to get it.

and this is why i pick Bulbasaur. Misty becomes crap.
Heres a team I have. Its not really a team yet, but its Pokemon I'm planning to train into a team. They could go great together, could go horribly together. I'm open to switching in and out. Just want your help with it all. Does it look even at all possible, an if not, can you help me change it?

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
252 HP /228 Def /30 Atk
Power Whip
Leech Seed

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Nature: Modest
252 HP / 152 SpA / 104 Spe
Nasty Plot
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Lickylicky @ Life Orb
Nature: Brave
116 HP / 252 Atk / 140 SpA
Earth Quake
Fire Blast
Ice Beam

Mamoswine @ Choice Band
nature: Jolly
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Ice Shard
Stone Edge

Gallade @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe
Swords Dance
Close Combat
Ice Punch
Night Slash

Scizor @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
32 HP / 252 Atk / 224 Spe
Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Brick Break
@WMBQ Your team seams good for the begginning of the game, I agree with Shadow*91, raising your team up a little can't hurt. Also, buy super potions, they will help alot. I know this is a little off topic, but is it true that firered/leafgreen pokemon's levels are raised easier. Thanks

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