What's your pokemon team?

My team

Crobat - Lvl 100

Dragonite - Lvl 100

Garchomp - Lvl 100

Salamence - Lvl 100

Milotic - Lvl 100

Weavile - Lvl 100

It's all about the dragons man. I was meant to be with Dragons!!! Their power is unstopable so if you want to face me, you will know the true meaning of Power....
two words: ice overkill...a good Walrein can cause a variety of problems with this team, too many repetitive weaknesses. Bad thing is, you dont even have a counter type if an ice type should appear. and no movesets. This team would get rocked pretty bad by an experienced player. No offense.
ice beats 4/6 on that team. and a lot of pokes don't even have to be ice.

Thunder Punch
Ice Punch
Mach Punch

oh look 1 Hitmonchan just killed your entire team
Dragon Power....heh, you at least need resistance to Ice attacks or something....I agree with Shadow, Hitmonchan would rock that squad....
I'm not so sure that Hitmonchan would be the best choice due to the Dragonite and Salamence. Even Crobat with its great speed could do some damage to Hitmonchan before it could Thunderpunch/Ice punch. But I do agree that there's a serious Ice type weakness in that team and Milotic and Weavile aren't sufficient ice type counters.
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Yes, I know very well what you're talking about, Storm. Atleast this newbie's got correct grammar and no flamming though. :lol:

Hitmonchan=crap. I'll just leave it at that. Aaaanyways.. Milotic with it's huge HP and Sp. def is the perfect ice resist for that team, and Weavile is passable(but with average sp. def, and poor HP and def), but the ice weakness is still too much either way. SD priority luke rips this team up. Vaccuum Wave and E-speed smash your entire team, and only Salamence can stop it - which is banished if it gets two SD's in anyways.

Things like Gengar smash this team terribly. HP Ice kills off the dragons, thunderbolt wrecks Milotic, and Focus Blast owns Weavile - only on the switch ofcourse. Any competitive competitor lol's at your team and can probably sweep you with one poke, unless Weavile(your fastest poke)counters it. And even then you're in deep sh*t. Very bad team.

I'm too sick to put a ton of effort into a full blown analysis though.. I'll just leave it at the team's obvious flaws I just explained.
:lol: CK is baaaaaack! And yes, hopefully it wont be a repeat. speaking of which, i never saw his video. :lol:

anyway, i really dont like that dragoon team. ill post my new team on my next pos.
-Aura Sphere
-Shadow Claw
-Metal Claw

-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball

-Swords Dance
-Steel Wing

-Flamethrower/Fire Fang
-Sludge Bomb
-Faint Attack

-Seismic Toss
-Iron Tail
-Thunder Wave

-Zen Headbutt
-Head Smash
-Giga Impact?

any help with this? sort of a work-in-progress
Most of that team can get wasted quite easily by a fast Choice Banded Ground type like Dugtrio. :p
Look here for movesets before coming up with random teams and random movesets.
I dont even feel like being helpful if people arent even going to put any effort in to it.
One word...MURKROW!
But seriously, let me know what you come up with so I can [strike]smash[/strike] evaluate your team.
So I picked 6 Pokemon I thought would be the most fun to have in a team for their uniqueness, and I was wondering if they fit together at ALL...or maybe change out a few...or what?


My Feraligator or Typhlosion could jump in I guess.

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