What's your pokemon team?

Another one.

Nice Shadow.

heres mine

Hammer Arm
Meteor Mash

It's fine. However, I'm assuming this is the lead being the first one listed. As a lead, this looks a bit iffy. I almost just want to say take out Hammer Arm for Stealth Rock, but really it's up to you. It's fine as it is though.

Dragon Claw
Fire Blast

Not so sure about this. You've got the solid moves, but it just feels so empty without Outrage/Draco Meteor. I'm guessing it's supposed to be sort of a mixmence revenge killer. I have no critique other than it's fairly unique in it's own right.


Superpower just doesn't look so 'great' on it. I would honestly lean towards DragonDance/Swords Dance just to give your team a little bit more speed/power on it. But otherwise, I don't see how Superpower is helping. I suppose if you can get the KO with it, but the attack stat of Feraligatr is somewhat lacking (105 base attack), and even with an outstandingly strong move Superpower is, it's just not what Feraligatr is suit for. It can't afford the attack drop, as well as the defense drop to an extent. It has decently pretty good defenses, but my point still stands.

Dragon Pulse

Charizard doesn't have the stats to pull off a mix set. It's either one way or the other, can't be both. If you want a ground attack, HPGround would be the better choice I believe than splitting it. I don't see Roost being usable so much on Charizard either. It has only decent defenses, and most attacks should be knocking off large amounts off Charizard making Roost theoretically useless. If you can make it work, good for you I suppose, but it's not one of those Pokemon which has the turns to be healing up.

Psycho Cut
Drain Punch
Close Combat

You already have Close Combat, I would recommend Shadow Sneak over Drain Punch. But it's fair I suppose.

Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Dark Void
Dream Eater

Dream Eater is awful. Most rules have Sleep Clause, and the moment you put something to sleep, it almost always switches out unless it's running a Sleep Talk set, or a desperate sacrifice is required. There's a plethora of options over Dream Eater, it's not hard to figure out what to use instead.

I know, i cant beleive im using a legendary either...

I think ill call this team.....Team Earthquake!

Few notes on the team as far as competitive play goes. Don't mix up legendary Pokemon with Ubers. Darkrai is an uber, thus forcing the team into the ubers bracket. With that being said, you stand a very slim chance at winning. ScarfOgre will hurt everything with WaterSpout/Thunder. Same with Scarf/SpecsPalkia. Essentially, your going to be facing plenty Kyogres, Groudons, Mewtwos, etc. that your going to be having a hard time at winning. It would be the equivalent of using a bunch of Minuns and a Blissey in regular battle. The team is swimming in the 80 foot deep, wave crashing, shark infested pool when it should be swimming in the 14 foot pool with no waves and fishes pool. In competitive play, Darkrai is stripping the team from winning at all. In casual play though, feel free to do so. But yeah, just because a Pokemon is a legendary, doesn't make it bad. It just makes it unique. Look at Wobbufett. It's not a legendary, but is banned from standard play.
hmmm...you make an interesting point. in fun play, this team has yet to be beat, though that doesnt count for much. I personally dont like using legendaries just bc...i dont know...i feel like im somehow gaining an unfair advantage unless the other team is using them as well.

the salamence set i like as opposed to the Draco meteor outragfe thing. This set seems, in all my past battles, to give it more of an edge. Kind of throw a wrench at the enemy. Most of the mence sets ive seen dont run roost or dragon claw, preffering the latter. The way i have it set up, i can keep him more flexible rather than locking him into outrage or downing his stats with the meteor.

im thinking of changing out Darkrai for a special sweep Gengar. I also want to change out feraligatr, seeing as lately his strengths have not been useful, especially superpower, as you pointed out. I shall post my revised team in a bit, but in the meantime, whats a good moveset for a Special Atck Charizard?
hmmm...you make an interesting point. in fun play, this team has yet to be beat, though that doesnt count for much. I personally dont like using legendaries just bc...i dont know...i feel like im somehow gaining an unfair advantage unless the other team is using them as well.

the salamence set i like as opposed to the Draco meteor outragfe thing. This set seems, in all my past battles, to give it more of an edge. Kind of throw a wrench at the enemy. Most of the mence sets ive seen dont run roost or dragon claw, preffering the latter. The way i have it set up, i can keep him more flexible rather than locking him into outrage or downing his stats with the meteor.

im thinking of changing out Darkrai for a special sweep Gengar. I also want to change out feraligatr, seeing as lately his strengths have not been useful, especially superpower, as you pointed out. I shall post my revised team in a bit, but in the meantime, whats a good moveset for a Special Atck Charizard?

Flamethrower / Overheat
Dragon Pulse
Focus Blast
Hidden Power Electric/Grass/Ground/Air Slash

You can also use a Sunny Day set to have a choice of Solarbeam, but I'm not too fond of that.

Flamethrower and Overheat are your basic STAB moves. If your going to use Choice Specs, I would lean towards Overheat more than Flamethrower, simply because most of the times your going to KO the opponent, and since their switching to a 'counter', you need to switch out anyways. But Flamethrower is a solid choice.

Unless you go for a Hidden Power Ice, Dragon Pulse will let you hit Dragon types harder, and pretty solid. 90 Base is pretty good for only steels resisting, and no steel would ever switch into Charizard.

The next two moves are controversial. Focus Blast has such bad accuracy, but it apparently will 2HKO Snorlax. I almost never suggest Focus Blast unless there's no other option. Air Slash is mostly random filler, but does get STAB which isn't bad. If you can get a good Hidden Power, use it. Otherwise, your in a slump here.

Now another option which doesn't get much mention would be to use those random moves available. Seismic Toss (lol), Substitute, Scary Face, Defense Curl, Counter, etc. are actually usable options if you don't like the idea of Focus Blast. Scary Face although sounds stupid, can put you in a great position for the more slower figures on the team to set up or hit hard.

As far as being against legends, you really shouldn't. Legends have a much harder time getting good IVs than breedable Pokemon. Also, their no different than some of the more abused Pokemon. Azelf isn't much different than Weavile and Salamence as their roles are to sweep. The walling concept of Registeel is no different than the sponging concept of Blissey. If Azelf had a pre-evolution, you probably wouldn't feel bad using it. If Nintendo made Salamence without the pre-evolutions, and made it elusive to only seeing once, would you be more likely to not use it otherwise? Legends are just Pokemon without a pre-evolution. If that doesn't convince you, I give up. : P
well, my actual main problem with legends is that so many people use them, at least most of the people ive met, they always try to make teams entirely composed of legendaries. Maybe i just feel they are overused... maybe i feel they are overpowered, i know their not, but i just dont like the idea that because they are labeled "legendaries," everyone tries to use them. Idk...I just like to stay away from the crowd.

Thats a nice set for Char....but im thinking of switching him out of my team for a mismagius instead, now what do you think of that....Im thinking special sweeper....
well, my actual main problem with legends is that so many people use them, at least most of the people ive met, they always try to make teams entirely composed of legendaries. Maybe i just feel they are overused... maybe i feel they are overpowered, i know their not, but i just dont like the idea that because they are labeled "legendaries," everyone tries to use them. Idk...I just like to stay away from the crowd.

Thats a nice set for Char....but im thinking of switching him out of my team for a mismagius instead, now what do you think of that....Im thinking special sweeper....

If you do, you really want to consider either having Pursuit, or throwing Shadow Sneak on Gallade to compensate for the dark/ghost weakness. And who in the hell are you playing. Most people I play against either compose a team out of all Blisseys, Salamences, or a mix of the two.
:lol: friends. no pros, though they all call themselves that. dont get me wrong, i love havin the legendaries, and favor a few. I just dont like that most people i know use them, id rather use random pkmn, prefferably those overlooked. kind of like "rise of the underdog".

Ill take out drain punch for shadow sneak on Gallade.

For Mismagius special, same as Gengar special?

Energy Ball
Focus Blast
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
:lol: friends. no pros, though they all call themselves that. dont get me wrong, i love havin the legendaries, and favor a few. I just dont like that most people i know use them, id rather use random pkmn, prefferably those overlooked. kind of like "rise of the underdog".

Ill take out drain punch for shadow sneak on Gallade.

For Mismagius special, same as Gengar special?

Energy Ball
Focus Blast
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
Exact opposite. You lack a solid wall, and Mismagius is just that.

Shadow Ball
Thunder Wave

Something along those lines. You could go for a CM set also. But I would suggest using this for a Special Wall or something like it, the burn/paralyze will help the team a ton. Up to you though, it is your team after all.

You could also opt for a Spiritomb instead if you really wanted to go wall.
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Exact opposite. You lack a solid wall, and Mismagius is just that.

Shadow Ball
Thunder Wave

Something along those lines. You could go for a CM set also. But I would suggest using this for a Special Wall or something like it, the burn/paralyze will help the team a ton. Up to you though, it is your team after all.

You could also opt for a Spiritomb instead if you really wanted to go wall.

hmmm....i like that set... the current set i had was energy ball, dark pulse, thunderbolt and pain split. i think ill change it to the one you posted. Ill repost my new team in a few.
Mismagius is also one of the few pokes that can perish trap.
I know this is a few turns late, and my man wuddle has already said enough...

As far as specail charizards go. I had bred a realy good modest 'zard and played with it a bit. Specs Zard is almost impressive, but, For a much longer time, I run it as a sunny beamer...
Sunny day
And I give it a Pinch berry to boost its speed up once you get all set up to rock.

Ms. Magius is a verry interesting poke, that often gets just classified as "another gengar" when it is INTENSELY flexible.. with base stats of 60 60 60 105 105 105....
It has a great speed, special defence, and special attack, just lacking hit points....

It is a great perish trapper, it can be a killer sub/calm minder , and even be a tricksy little ghost whith a pinch berry...gengar is better, but more blunt. Msmaguis is...diffrent
hey dies anyone actually use Ampharos in their team i feel like im the only one who uses him in battle
i used him in gold, silver and crystal, but not anymore that i know of. to my knowledge, theres a large number of pokes that outclass him alot. electabuzz/electivire is one good example.
Amphardos is pretty potent in UU, but that is all. Its way to on the slow side to be found anywhere else, and not slow enough to find its way onto a trick room team.

As a mixed sub-puncher is by far its far best role, but it can play tank and support reasonably well.

With a scarf your max speed is 343 ish, and that is nothing interesting at all...

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