What's your pokemon team?

Heracross-Phyiscial Sweeper-Toxic Orb
Shaymin S-Special Sweeper-Choice SPECS
Salamance-Mix Sweeper-Life orb
Heatran-Special Sweeper- Choice Scarf
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Heracross-Phyiscial Sweeper-Toxic Orb
Shaymin S-Special Sweeper-Choice SPECS
Salamance-Mix Sweeper-Life orb
Heatran-Special Sweeper- Choice Scarf

I noticed that your Heracross has Toxic Orb instead of Flame Orb. I used to use that too until I found out that Heracross' ability Guts (which I assume yours has if you gave it Toxic Orb) nullifies the loss of Atk that normally accompanies burn status. Which means that using Toxic Orb will cause Heracross to lose more HP each turn than it would if you used Flame Orb. So, using Flame Orb might help you out a little.
Well, I thought about it for a little bit, and here is what my Platinum team is going to be so far:

My only teams so far are

and Starmie

And my second team was (This was just for fun, no competing)


I want a cool platinum teams, with a bunch of really unique pokes.
i had electivire, ummmmmm, hmmm, i havnt played it in way to lo...oh yeah , my rhyperior kicked ass! And i think i had a gyarados
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Heracross-Phyiscial Sweeper-Toxic Orb
Shaymin S-Special Sweeper-Choice SPECS
Salamance-Mix Sweeper-Life orb
Heatran-Special Sweeper- Choice Scarf

Ah yes, the scariness that is Shaymin-S @ Specs. I'm assuming Shamyin-S will remain uber during platinums release though, so would you mind substituting that Shaymin-S for something else? Otherwise I'd have to base it off ubers, as you'd know.

My only teams so far are

and Starmie

Ya, I remember that team. The old thread helped you with it, yeah?
I noticed that your Heracross has Toxic Orb instead of Flame Orb. I used to use that too until I found out that Heracross' ability Guts (which I assume yours has if you gave it Toxic Orb) nullifies the loss of Atk that normally accompanies burn status. Which means that using Toxic Orb will cause Heracross to lose more HP each turn than it would if you used Flame Orb. So, using Flame Orb might help you out a little.
Although that is true, the positive point about using a Toxic Orb is it takes less damage at the start than Flame Orb. If Heracross is switching in and out, Toxic Orb could be advised over Burn Orb to avoid taking unnecessary extra damage. It really depends whether you want to start out losing 1/8th Health, or 1/16th Health.
-Rock Wreaker
-Hammer Arm
-Double Edge

-Drain Punch
-Stone Edge/Thunderwave

-Focus Blast
-Faint Attack

-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Pulse
-Ice Fang

-Energy Ball
-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb

-Sword Dance
-Psycho Cut
-Night Slash
-Close Combat

Nice Shadow.

heres mine

Hammer Arm
Meteor Mash

Dragon Claw
Fire Blast


Dragon Pulse

Psycho Cut
Drain Punch
Close Combat

Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Dark Void
Dream Eater

I know, i cant beleive im using a legendary either...

I think ill call this team.....Team Earthquake!
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Pulse
-Ice Fang

Aside from this Gyarados, the rest of your team looks okay to me. Gyarados has very weak Sp. Atk compared to its physical Atk and you have Dragon Dance on it which ups it's physical Atk. I'd suggest Aqua Tail instead of Surf. I have no suggestion for Dragon Pulse though. Maybe EQ to cover electric types?

In a survey given to over 172,000 people, in which they were asked to name all original 150 Pokemon, Pikachu was remembered by the most people, 93.5% of the time, and Executor was remembered least, only 26.4% of the time.

Why no love for Executor!?!
I would rate Storm's, but it's late so I only have time for one.

-Rock Wreaker
-Hammer Arm
-Double Edge

A few issues in regards to your moveset. If you keep it like that, Steels will just wall this in like mad. At the most, you'll be working with Earthquake, but the more manly steel types (Skarmory / Bronzong) don't have anything to worry about.

You lack any real coverage, and Rock Wrecker is just plain awful. Your incapacitated after you use it. That makes all the in the game, whether it let's the opponent set up a substitute or buffer with a Dragon Dance. I strongly suggest removing it, and replacing it with something more diverse such as Aqua Tail / Fire Punch (Which you may need move tutors for Fire Punch). If you want a rock stab, just go with Stone Edge. Your better off taking the miss with Stone Edge than having to recharge with Rock Wrecker.

Now, Hammer Arm although is a decent choice nonetheless, it's only hitting so little. Blissey would most likely never pop in against Rhyperior with it's colossal attack stat chewing away at her. Basically although it's a good move, Rhyperior should never be in a position to use it most of the time.

Lastly, Double Edge. This move is pretty much trash honestly. Unless your getting STAB with it and are avoiding recoil damage, there's no reason to use it. Doesn't get any type advantage which isn't exactly bad in a sense, but your really neutering the coverage Rhyperior desperately needs.

In all, I would definitely lean towards Megahorn / Aqua Tail / Stone Edge / Substitute being thrown into there. Megahorn will let it push Celebi's out with it's 4x weakness (I believe) to it, Aqua Tail let's it effectively hit other steel types neutral at the least, and Stone Edge being more reliable than Rock Wrecker. If you can get Fire Punch, even better.

-Drain Punch
-Stone Edge/Thunderwave

I don't see what's wrong with standard Ice/Thunder Punch, EQ and Cross Chop. Electivire paralyzing things is not what it has time to be doing. It's decently frail and can't afford status afflicting when it's easily 2HKO/OHKO'd. Stone Edge makes no sense on this Pokemon, it's really only hitting Fire/Ice supereffective. Earthquake hit's fire supereffective and Cross Chop hits Ice supereffective. Also, Protect honestly isn't going to be doing anything but delaying the game. It's not like Electivire is going to gain much from it, at the most you'll protect from a random status.

Electivire is just one of those Pokemon who needs to go in and do as much damage as possible with it's diverse movepool. You just can't afford to not take advantage over it.

-Focus Blast
-Faint Attack

Don't know much of Magmortar, but the first 2 moves are fine, not so much the last moves. Protect for the same reason above, I see no real purpose in here other than delay. Sure there's conventional uses and it comes in handy here or there, and I suppose it isn't bad exactly in this case as it's quite slow. But it doesn't look right.
And Faint Attack is a physical move. Only physical move a Magmortar should have is Cross Chop to take on Blissey. I suggest Thunderbolt in place. It gives nice coverage against water types.

-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Pulse
-Ice Fang

Waterfall > Aqua Tail > Surf. 20% flinch and solid accuracy with a solid base attack. Unless you want to play the numbers game, feel free to use Aqua Tail, but you almost always want to use Waterfall being a strong choice. Also Earthquake / Stone Edge over Dragon Pulse. Stone Edge will hit Zapdos and other Gyarados who otherwise cause a bit of trouble. Otherwise, as the other guy said, Gyarados' Sp. Attack is crap.

-Energy Ball
-Sleep Powder
-Sludge Bomb

Fine. I find happiness sometimes in Grass Knot, but is fine. You can throw Leech Seed in there as well just to force those high HP users away.

-Sword Dance
-Psycho Cut
-Night Slash
-Close Combat

Sure why not. Although I have to say it wouldn't hurt having Shadow Sneak over Night Slash. The priority with Gallades massive attack and Swords Dance is going to hurt.

The team is interesting to say the least, but it just seems like you have no solid switch in to take hits. Once one Poke's screwed, they're essentially deadweight. Salamence easily poses a huge threat to the team. If it's physical, EQ will just chew up Magmortar/Electivire and everything else is either prone to being hit hard by it's other attacks and picked off by a Revenge Killer. If it's a Specsmence, Everything is all equally and royally screwed. Venasaur risks the Fire Blast, Rhyperior risks the Hydro Pump, and everything will get hurt insanely bad by Draco Meteor.

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