What's your pokemon team?

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  • #257
Yes, that's precisely what I was implying. Skarmory is the natural enemy to any physical dragon sweeper - he's immune to EQ, resists Dragon, and has the defenses to take a physical fire move - unless the pokemon had used Swords Dance previously. Skarmory can whirlwind out the pokemon that just stat'd up, and then roost off the damage.

Only SD Garchomp and a dragon with a special fire move pose a threat. Skarmory's that good. Bronzong is in a similar predicament since he's immune to EQ and resists ground, but lacks a recovery move outside of the useless rest. He has higher Sp. def though, and can use something like Hypnosis to disable the sweeper.
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  • #259
A move doesn't count as an arch nemesis, Strype. :p It's the pokemon that can learn the move and use it effectively. ..Which you listed, ofcourse.

Without Ice Shard, Mamo and Weavile can't do much once they'd Dragon Danced, you know. It's a 2HKO. Dragonite can run Sp. def EVs and a Yache, making the OHKO not possible and the enemy to be 2HKO'd or 3HKO'd. Suicune, Cresselia, and Vaporeon can't do anything but Ice Beam though. Starmie can Psychic, but.. meh. None of the pokes you listed are faster than D-nite without a boost after a DD, meaning they have to get in unscaved on the switch or fodder KO.
You know there is a REASON why I still run DD nite, I was also being a bit of an ass...

But a good ice move, is usually the bane of my existence, specialy since I dont run yache
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  • #261
Yache + Dragon = win, you should try it. :p I used to run a Yache 'Chomp before he was banned. He did wonders for me.

'Chomp @ Yache, Jolly, 252 atk/spe 4HP

Dragon Claw

Weird set, eh? Yache on a substituter. I usually sub to see what they have coming in, if it's something that'l beam, I switch. If not, I either attack to leave a dent and retreat, or set up and begin to devastate. Combine my TTar's Sandstream with Substitute and SD, and you've got some hax on your hands. XD

...The funny thing is that even though I battled atleast 10 times with this strategy, and I only pulled off a double SD thanks to sandveil causing a miss when a sub was up once.
My Dnite used to get beamed from Starmie all the time so I just said screw it, slaped a focus sash on and took out fire punch for thunderpunch.
I dont recomend anyone else try it, but Starmie used to really ruin me, so I took care of it. (Also note I had no need for fire moves on that team so long ago with Moltres, Specsmence, and Weezing.)
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  • #263
..Really? You used a Focus Sash? That's incredibly risky with SR around. That'd definatly pay off if D-nite never met SR though, since it'd survive say, a stone edge or another dragon move rather than just ice. If you didn't have a spinner though, that's a bit haywire IMO. Late game sweepers with sash's are incredibly risky. ..That, and getting it in without using fodder lategame, would be difficult unless it was a wall - a wall that wouldn't paralyze/burn/be a physical wall.

Also, Fox.. Uh, Kabutops? >.>;
On Kabutops, you're going to need a little help from your t-tar so the sandstorm will raise your s.def and help you set up SD. Since it's in a sandstorm team, I recomend a jolly nature and making T-tar your lead (And CB pursuit from ttar is something a lot of leads fear. Particularly Azelf. Gengar can focus blast but...70 accuracy..)
Always use Swift Swim just incase someone tries to ruin your sand with rain, you'll still benefit.
Waterfall and Stone Edge make for good STAB and coverage. Slash is a bad idea compared to your other options.

Kabutops @ Leftovers/LifeOrb
Jolly nature
32 HP/252 ATK/96 DEF/128 SPE
Stone Edge
Swords Dance
X-Scisors/Night Slash
I prefer X-Scisors for grass types who 4X you w/Grass Knot, and Night Slash is really only for ghosts.

Putting in more speed EVs wont help you outrun anything.[/note]
Kabutops does not learn EQ[/note]
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  • #266
Does any one have a Move Set for a, Deoxys Attack Form?
And Psyical or Special... Which is better?

Neither is generally better. Special has more options to choose from in terms of movesets to put together, but Physical attacks the uber pokemon's more often than not weaker defense stat.

If you don't want your Deoxys-A holding a choice band, you should use a special moveset. If you don't want a bander, I'll throw out some special sets for you.
Normally people used mix sets on Deoxys if I'm not mistaken.
Life Orb if so.
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  • #268
Correct Fox, but not everyone does. I've seen a few banded Deoxys-A users. ..Very few, though. Life orb is certainly the most common item/set for Deoxy-A though, no doubt. I can see why, considering it smashes everyone to pieces with that l. orb boost, and having free reign over what move to choose with that massive speed, it's hard to deal with. Deoxys-A counters(..well, something to threaten it anyways)are necesarry for all ubers teams, IMO.
OMG! Have you actually read Smogon's Deoxys-A counters!?
The Dugtrio one made me laugh soooo hard I was crying.
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  • #270
Yes, yes I have. Was loling when I first read it. XD They better not take that off if they revamp Deoxys-A for Platinum. Whichever Smogonite who wrote that's a genius.

Smogon said:
While Dugtrio's chances of safely switching in is equivalent to the world imploding by the time you read this, it traps Deoxys-A and OHKOes it in the groin with Sucker Punch while screaming "Sucker!" like a little boy who has just drawn all over your face with a permanent black marker.

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