What's your pokemon team?

Life Orb @ Naive

Standard mixape. OHKOs Blissey with CC (the reason for mix) and with the oponents special wall down, you can sweep w/plot boosted special attacks.
Beware Cresselia...
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Life Orb @ Naive

Standard mixape. OHKOs Blissey with CC (the reason for mix) and with the oponents special wall down, you can sweep w/plot boosted special attacks.
Beware Cresselia...

The very same set I use on my own 'ape. ...Blissey must die. And so must Cresselia, too bad infernrape's got nothing on her.
Bliss and Cress are for insecure battlers.
Notice how from time to time I tend to use a Bliss?
Incoming PM, CK.
For sake of clarification, its not so much that its hacked, its an apparently bad hack.

When *.sav -ing pokemon, you want them to be as legidmate as possible, in competitive battling, its not even frowned appon. Breeding takes time, and a good 100% legit breed, will take MONTHS...(specialy if it has hidden power 70 of good)

I say this from, of course experence.

Cress is for gay pride parades...

Blissey is ok, but a little on the over used side
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For sake of clarification, its not so much that its hacked, its an apparently bad hack.

When *.sav -ing pokemon, you want them to be as legidmate as possible, in competitive battling, its not even frowned appon. Breeding takes time, and a good 100% legit breed, will take MONTHS...(specialy if it has hidden power 70 of good)

I see where you're coming from Strype, and it's very parallel to my own opinion on that matter. To me, a semi-legit hack(pokesaving, etc.)is the exact same thing as what you get from breeding and all the hard work - simply minus the hard work, as long as all the stats and it's traits are legal. Makes things easier and much less time consuming too. Shoddy exists anyways, but it's not nearly as fun as an actual battle on your DS. Combine the quickness of Shoddy's team builder with the much more entertaining DS, and you've got something great, yeah?

Blissey is ok, but a little on the over used side

..Just a little? :lol:
ok, i got one more team for you guys to rate/help with. here it is

Swampert (Water/Ground
Venusaur (Grass/Poison
Charizard (really want a black one...Fire/Flying
Gallade (Psychic/Fighting
Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying
Scizor (Bug/Steel
ok, i got one more team for you guys to rate/help with. here it is

Swampert (Water/Ground
Venusaur (Grass/Poison
Charizard (really want a black one...Fire/Flying
Gallade (Psychic/Fighting
Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying
Scizor (Bug/Steel

It really helps saying movesets also. It would be like if I had listed Gyarados on a team, no one would know what it's running. It could be a Choice Scarf Splash set and just change the whole team. Anyways.

I can see Salamence really posing a threat to the overall team. No solid reliable switch against a Specsmence (Scizor risks getting hit with a FireBlast/Flamethrower, everything else does not want to get hit with a Draco Meteor except maybe Gallade). The overall team construction seems decent in case of Blissey since it doesn't want to get hit with a possible Leech Seed and everything looks very physical oriented. But Cresselia can really give this team a run for it's money. It's fine I suppose, but I don't know what movesets they are running. I could be entirely wrong, or somewhat right.
Swampert (Water/Ground
Ice Beam
Secret Power

Venusaur (Grass/Poison
Energy Ball
Leech Seed
Sleep Powder

Charizard (really want a black one...Fire/Flying
Rock Slide
Dragon Claw

Gallade (Psychic/Fighting
Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Close Combat

Aerodactyl (Rock/Flying
Rock Slide
Iron Head

Scizor (Bug/Steel
Night Slash
U Turn
Bullet Punch
Swords Dance
Items Natures? Or just takeing straight up...
With the way it looks first...
1) you lack an over all theme / synergy
2) Get rid of secret power for SOME sort of support move. Stealth Rocks, Roar...something...
3) If your useing a wallish venusaur, use, Sleep Powder, Energy Ball, Sludge Bomb, Leach Seed...trust me on this one.
4) You have a LOT of mixed pokes (swampert, better physical, Charizard, Better special)
5) Your Scisor is a little on the weak side, some better builds would be.... (with technician)
Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, Roost, Swords Dance - Life orb
Bullet Punch, X-Scissor , Brick Break, Swords dance - Leftovers
If it was a swarm Scisor, it should be
Substitute, Agility/Swords Dance, Reversal, X-Scissor/Bullet Punch
6) Man up, use Stone Edge on your Areodactyl, Iron Head has zero good coverage, just use either pursuit, or aqua tail

Over all, looks like good dudes, done poorly, with out any since of cohesive strategy
Also, not useing items, is foolish, and an out right death sentence in any actual battle... I mean, at least a salac berry belly zard, sure, that sweeps...and kills MANY teams

Items change the game in huge massive ways, just leftovers with it's 8% recovery, or Life Orb's 1.3x attack boost....
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My teamed is from Emerald. Please rate it and give advice.
Scizor (Bug/Steel) lv 100 Swarm Ability
Brave Nature
Item Bright Powder
Metal Claw
Morning Sun
Sword Dance
Charizard (Fire/Flying) lv 100 Blaze
Soft Sand
Iron Tail
Blast Burn
Aggron (Rock/Steel) lv 100 Rock Head
Silk Scarf
Aerial Ace
Iron Tail
Metagross (Psychic/Steel) lv 100 Clear Body
Spell Tag
Meteor Mash
Shadow Ball
Tyranitar (Rock/Dark) lv 100 Sand Stream
Rock Slide
Iron Tail
Dragonite (Dragon/Flying) lv 100 Inner Focus
Dragon Claw
Fire Blast
Hyper Beam
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OK here's the pretty easy stuff:
You team is very slow.
With Dragonite delete Surf and Fire Blast. Dragonite doesn't have good Sp. Attack.

Tryranitar, needs to get read of Rock Slide.

Aggron, needs to get a move that's his on type, and get read of Aerial Ace.

I would be able to be a better judge bet I have, Pearl.
And I don't know what Items are on, Emerald.
Dragonite DOES have good Sp.Atk. The only reason you shouldnt use special sets on him is because you're inevitably just making an inferior Salamence.
RockSlide is fine on T-tar. It's always a choice between, RockSlide and Stone Edge.
Power v Accuracy.
It's recomended more on faster pokes like Aerodactyl for it's 30% flinch rate, and T-tar gets Dragon Dance.

All your natures are crap.
On Aggron, he needs a defensive set, similar to a metal burst set on Bastiodon.
To be quite honest, there really isnt anything right with this team. If you typed it in a more orgaized fashion, I could critique it better.
I said similar. He can be like Bastiodon without being him.
To be honest thiugh, yes, I did forget, but even then, the team has no value.

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