What's your pokemon team?

To be honest, I can't really rate teams for games other than 4th generation titles.
Yeah maybe "no" value was a little extreme but I couldnt think of one competative team it would defeat.
You ever getting Diamond/Pearl/Platinum?
I hate to say, my last commonly used team would have no problem with it, thats why I didn't say a word on it...
Also, I'm with foxy, I may KNOW alot about other generations, but I cant play gen 3 rules, ect.....all my gaming knowlage is gen 4...
Hey guys!
I have one final team to rate.
its alot to ask, but i also need movesets, prolly nature reccomendations too.
plz and thnx.

Scizor w/Technician (of course)
Tyranitar or Salamence
Kabutops or Aerodactyl
Hate to say, depends on what you want them to do...

just for example, with metagross, ive written about 10 diffrent solid movesets...
this will help you in the game itself, A LOT, but what role do you want each poke to play?
Hey guys!
I have one final team to rate.
its alot to ask, but i also need movesets, prolly nature reccomendations too.
plz and thnx.

Scizor w/Technician (of course)
Tyranitar or Salamence
Kabutops or Aerodactyl

Just throwing this out there, might I suggest at least making an attempt before you ask for help. It helps in the learning process for yourself. This kind of reminds me of my history teacher, he's always told us that what people in school tend to do is just sit in the class and wait until the teacher spoon-feeds the kids the answer. By doing this, the kid learns nothing other than what the teacher said and the teacher practically wasted his time. So he pretty much refuses to let class go by without students attempting comprehending the material than just letting giving out all the answers.

The point - At the most, try putting movesets together. Even if it's wrong, people can correct your mistakes so you understand why. For example, if I gave you this set for a Tyranitar:

Tyranitar @ Leftovers

Focus Punch
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
252 HP / 52 Atk / 176 SpA / 28 Spe

it probably won't help at all since I'm assuming you don't know what the heck this is designed for, what the Evs do, etc. So yeah, would you mind just trying, otherwise this is a 'Make a team for me' thread. Get where I'm going with this? :idea:
The cool thing about Tyraniboah's 28 speed on quiet nature is that it's slow, but it outspeeds Blissey. If you arent worried about her because of sub, dump 'em in S.ATK since Tyraniboah is reletively overlooked for CB Pursuit.
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  • #248
This team of "no vaule" wiped out plenty of pokemon teams. I can't remember if Shadow fought this team or not.

Trust us Inugami, this team is terrible, especially for 3rd gen. Just because you've won a lot, doesn't mean you fought anyone good, no offense.

Dragonite's only physical move is hyper beam... Lame. Charcoal is useless, and Modest is an equally bad nature.

Atleast TTar gets Rock Slide and EQ.. Solid type coverage there, but Iron Tail is useless, and Crunch even more so for being special. ..Atleast leftovers is a useful item.

That Metagross is passable, in terms of non-competitiveness. Shadow Ball, Mash, and EQ are all great moves for him. Psychic though? Not really. Spell tag=lol, I hope you switch items when you actually battle.

An offensive Aggron set back in the day wasn't too wise. Heracross dooms it, Jolteon dooms it, TTar dooms it, ..everything dooms it. Defense while relying on steel for resistances is the only way to go.

But for an offensive Aggron, EQ is good, and double edge is passable with Rock Head. ..The other two moves aren't. Iron tail as a rule, has terrible coverage/accuracy, and Aerial Ace makes me lol. Only reason to run it is to kill Heracross, which outspeeds you easily and OHKO's with reversal/EQ/Brick break. Silk scarf is also pretty useless.

Charizard is pretty bad. Mixed attacking is really not for him, and Iron Tail/Blast Burn are absolutely useless. Flamethrower is ofcourse, good, but when mixed attacking EQ is too weak. He needs to keep with one stat. ..Soft sand makes me lol too.

That Scizor is absolutely terrible.. Slash is bad, Morning sun is even worse, ESPECIALLY in a sandstorm which your TTar causes, metal claw is useless, and Swords Dance is junk on such a set with few attacks, all of which suck. That Scizor=phail in every way, in item, ability(not making use of it), and nature.

[/harsh review] The terms to be a competitive battler are harsh, no?
Just throwing this out there, might I suggest at least making an attempt before you ask for help. It helps in the learning process for yourself. This kind of reminds me of my history teacher, he's always told us that what people in school tend to do is just sit in the class and wait until the teacher spoon-feeds the kids the answer. By doing this, the kid learns nothing other than what the teacher said and the teacher practically wasted his time. So he pretty much refuses to let class go by without students attempting comprehending the material than just letting giving out all the answers.

The point - At the most, try putting movesets together. Even if it's wrong, people can correct your mistakes so you understand why. For example, if I gave you this set for a Tyranitar:

Tyranitar @ Leftovers

Focus Punch
Dark Pulse
Ice Beam
252 HP / 52 Atk / 176 SpA / 28 Spe

it probably won't help at all since I'm assuming you don't know what the heck this is designed for, what the Evs do, etc. So yeah, would you mind just trying, otherwise this is a 'Make a team for me' thread. Get where I'm going with this? :idea:

I see what you mean. Sorry for not outlining sets i already have, i was just tryin to figure what to give them.

anyway, heres the current sets.

Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
-Swords Dance
-Night Slash
-Bullet Punch
Job: Physical Sweeper

Ability: Sand Stream
Nature: Adamant
-Stone Edge
Job: Physical Tank

Ability: Clear Body (I think)
Nature: Modest
-Hammer Arm
-Bullet Punch
Job: Physical Tank/Bomb

Ability: Steadfast
Nature: Bold
-Psycho Cut
-Night Slash
-Leaf Blade
-Swords Dance
Job: Physical Sweeper

Ability: Blaze
Nature: Modest
-Rock Slide
Job: Special Sweeper

Ability: Battle Armor
Nature: Adamant
-Stone Edge
-Swords Dance
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  • #250
Alright, it's about time I did a team analysis. I've been really slacking off lately.

That Scizor is pretty good actually, just not the moves. For example, U-turn is very unfavorable. Using Swords Dance and then retreating out is a bad thing, so now for a sweeper, you don't have it's important Bug STAB.

Bullet Punch is a very scary move on an Adamant, Technician Scizor, specifically after an SD. Now, you need to get rid of U-turn for more reliable STAB. It's a fairly obvious choice, X-scissor is the go-to move. Luckily, with a Heart Scale you can move tutor on X-scissor.

As for Night Slash, drop it. The only thing you'll need to hit are bulky psychis and ghosts, and X-scissor covers Psychics already. Bulky Ghosts like Dusknoir shouldn't be OHKO'd either, and then can proceed to Will-O-Wisp you, halving your attack and ending your sweep. ..Dusknoir has fire punch anyways. Throw on Brick Break to deal with any steel types in your way. Note that in Platinum you can tutor Scizor Superpower, but all it does is OHKO Skarmory.. for one poke, I wouldn't give a damn if your team can smash Skarmory anyways. Typhlosion does, after all.

So, it should look something like this.

Scizor @ Life Orb, Adamant

Swords Dance
Bullet Punch
Brick Break

With that, he's a scary sweeper, let me tell you. Anyways, I'll edit in each poke at a time, so keep checking back.

That TTar moveset isn't bad at all, nope. The only actual problem is what it's designed for - TTar isn't that much of a tank, in terms of bulky. With maxed HP EVs he's very bulky, but more or less still very offensive. Anyways..

With the moveset your using, you wouldn't have to change much at all for a choice band set. Avalanche is the only thing that needs to go. Replace it with Pursuit to smite psychics and ghost and force switches - or prevent them and pummel the enemy. Note though, fast sweepers like Azelf are already handled by Scizor, and bulky ghosts get smashed by TTar's crunch(on the switch only, they'l will-o-wisp you), so pursuit TTar isn't as useful to your team.

While this isn't very orthadox, in Platinum, Tyranitar gets a physical water move - Aqua Tail. You can take off Avalanche for Aqua Tail, allowing you to bash enemy ground types easily. While Avalanche does the same, it's negative priority means you'll eat an Earthquake, which Tyranitar can't afford when it comes off of STAB.

Aqua Tail 2HKO's both Hippowdon and Gliscor, some of TTar's biggest counters. Scizor can have a hard time with these guys too, so using Aqua Tail from a Platinum move tutor to replace Avalanche is a wonderful idea, IMO.

So, here's the moveset.

Tyranitar @ Choice Band, Adamant

Stone Edge
Aqua Tail/Pursuit

With this moveset(Aqua Tail, not pursuit), your TTar already has some good synergy with Scizor. Don't forget Sandstream also doesn't affect Scizor and kills focus sashes, meaning things like Sash Azelf no longer pose a threat to Scizor. Scizor and TTar make great synergy, yeah?

Metagross is.. relatively bad, really. Modest is absolutely a terrible nature for a Metagross, he needs Adamant ASAP. When it comes to physical tanking, he's not the best either. He's insanely durable considering he's a steel type, but he's mainly an attacker. A bulky attacker better suits him as a title.

Now, TTar is already using a band, so putting one on 'Gross would be relatively stupid. Now, Metagross can do a few things here. He can be a useful Stealth Rock lead, also serving as the "bomb" role you're looking for in explosion. If you aren't going to use Choice Scarf Typhlosion, he would be a great lead to consider. You could also use a sturdy 'Gross I myself use, designed to specifically counter physical attacker and fire types, using an Occa berry and reflect move in combination. If you still want a tank and supporter that can explode, I've got a good moveset for Metagross. Just post whichever one you might want, and I'll show you whichever moveset you wanted to see.

As Real-o mentioned, that Gallade needs a new nature ASAP. Adamant, is preferable. As a sweeper, he honestly needs paralysis support, but you have a speedy sweeper in the form of Scizor(and bullet punch), so hopefully it shouldn't matter.

Now, that moveset isn't too bad, but it still needs to go. Leaf Blade just doesn't work, so you should remove that - it's the only move that must absolutely go, ofcourse. Mainly, you only need Close Combat for his very important STAB. Now I know you're going to think something about the defense loss for Close Combat, but just use it sparringly. SD + CC + STAB = intense pain for the enemy. And if you need to switch out because of an enemy, it's likely they'd OHKO/outspeed you either way, so the defense drop doesn't matter too much. Gallade is a wall breaking sweeper, and used to soften the team - not stay in 6 turns to OHKO everything without taking any damage.

Next, you need Ice Punch. It destroys his number one counter Gliscor, which is also a threat to Scizor's sweep. Even then Gliscor counters TTar, and if TTar is killed due to Gliscor dodging a move thanks to it's ability, Gallade will be waiting in the wings with an Ice Punch. It also smashes the dragon pokes, namely Salamence - even after intimidate.

Anyways, the last moveslot is important. Psycho Cut can easily be put on for although only average STAB, it serves a purpose. Having an extra STAB since you can't use CC every attack is useful. It's also necesarry to OHKO Heracross and Weezing, which are very potent enemies to Gallade, they also can annoy Scizor.

The next option for the last move is one you previously listed - Night Slash. Basically it ruins bulky ghosts and psychics, but TTar already does that job very easily. Scizor kills the faster ones too, Night Slash is a much lesser option on this team, IMO.

The last viable option for that moveslot, is Stone Edge. It smashes Gyarados, and plenty of the pokes Night Slash would of hit(not the bulky ones). I personally would recommend Psycho Cut over all else in this moveslot. You can use Stone Edge if you really fear Gyara, but TTar has a more powerful stone edge anyways.

So, the moveset should look a lot like this.

Gallade @ Life Orb, Adamant

Swords Dance
Ice Punch
Close Combat
Psycho Cut/Stone Edge/Night Slash

So yeah, Psycho Cut and Stone Edge are the better options, Psycho Cut generally being the best. Your choice, ofcourse.

Typhlosion needs to get rid of that Modest nature - he needs Mild or Rash. If he's going to be mixed attacking, then he'll need one of those natures to increase Sp. atk, but not lower Atk.

Anyhow, onto the moveset.. Eruption, EQ, and Overheat are all good moves to you, you've got that much perfectly set. Instead of Rock Slide though, just slap on Focus Punch - Typhlosion doesn't have many more options than that. ..Atleast he can hurt TTar on the switch? So yeah, easiest analysis of all your pokes. The moveset should be....:

Typhlosion @ Choice Scarf, Mild/Rash(either)

Focus Punch

Good team analysis, yeah? ..So far, anyways. I don't know junk about Kabutops, I've never played UU in my entire battling career. You'll have to get advice from a UU battler like Fox, sorry.
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Ability: Clear Body (I think)
Nature: Modest
-Hammer Arm
-Bullet Punch
Job: Physical Tank/Bomb

Ability: Steadfast
Nature: Bold
-Psycho Cut
-Night Slash
-Leaf Blade
-Swords Dance
Job: Physical Sweeper

Why do your physical tank/sweeper have natures lowering their attack? Or am I missing something? Metagross has only physical attacks and its nature increases its Sp. Atk. Wtf? Gallade needs the Atk too, no?
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Dragonite DOES have good Sp.Atk. The only reason you shouldnt use special sets on him is because you're inevitably just making an inferior Salamence.
RockSlide is fine on T-tar. It's always a choice between, RockSlide and Stone Edge.
Power v Accuracy.
It's recomended more on faster pokes like Aerodactyl for it's 30% flinch rate, and T-tar gets Dragon Dance.

All your natures are crap.
On Aggron, he needs a defensive set, similar to a metal burst set on Bastiodon.
To be quite honest, there really isnt anything right with this team. If you typed it in a more orgaized fashion, I could critique it better.

My Dragonite's Sp. Atk: 277
My Dragonite's Attack: 342
I don't consider any thing a "good" stat till it reaches 300.
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  • #253
Good, as in Dragonite can make use of it's Sp. atk stat in ways such as smashing some of his physical wall counters, or more importantly, breaking Skarmory. Dragonite's Fire Blast is more than capable to kill it's number one nemesis, so.. yeah. His sp. atk stat IS good. Just not excellent, as in sweep using it.

..Salamence's Sp. atk is a lot higher, btw. Salamence>>>Dragonite for mixed sweeping.
thanks CK, id like the bomb/tank set plz!

also, Real-o, these are the natures they have right now, as i havent gotten the oppurtunity to re-breade them yet...
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  • #255
Mmkay, the exploding tank set it is.

Metagross @ Occa Berry, Adamant

Meteor Mash

I love this Metagross of mine. Reflect is for team support and to certainly help it take EQs, it can also bash other Metagross with an EQ of it's own if the other isn't banded/has a Shuca berry. Explosion is.. well, to explode, as you know. EQ is for type coverage and is necesarry to counter some things, and Meteor Mash is there for good STAB.

Very simple set - and don't forget the Occa berry, it's necesarry to take fire moves from say, a Flamethrower Azelf.

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