What's your pokemon team?

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  • #212
my magnezone moveset was:
Thunderbolt/Thunder Wave/Tri Attack/Protect
ability: Levitate
worked really well for me

Protect is sort of useless on Magnezone without toxic.. It's not bad, but it's sort of a waste of a moveslot. Tri attack isn't too useful either. See the Magnezone moveset I'll post below if you want advice, yeah?

Is this a Worthwhile while team for the Wi-Fi battles of Battle Tower:
Hyper Beam, Thunder Bolt, Tri Attack, Ice Beam

Zap Cannon, Lock On, Thunder Bolt, Thunder

I haven't figured out his moves yet.

The only problems is:
(1) It's only Sp. Attack.
(2) Magnazone has only Electric attacks.

As everyone is saying, take off Hyper Beam for Dark Pulse if you use a choce item. If you're using any type of other item, throw on Nasty Plot instead. ..I don't know how many times we've said it.

Magnezone only having Sp. atk moves isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing. His attack is terrible, and his only viable physical move is explosion, which doesn't have much merit when you're as slow as Magnezone.

Drop Thunder, Zap Cannon and Lock on all together. Keeping thunderbolt, add Flash Cannon and Explosion or Metal Sound. Not much to put in the last slot but HP Ice since Magnezone's move pool is.. terrible. You could always throw on Thunderwave in the last slot to not only cripple any enemy, but potentially OHKO a faster poke like Azelf. And even if you can't hurt them, you just made them slow as crap and easy to counter(usually). Thunderwave is actually a good move too use if you have no other options(HP Ice).

Just a warning, don't use both Explosion and Metal Sound. I recommend using Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Explosion, and Thunderwave personally. T-bolt, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound is a bit of a lesser option IMO, but you can do that too if you want.

Alakazam is a bit tricky, he's a fragile sweeper with a bad movepool, but excellent stats. However, the new trick-specs set available in Platinum is 100% fun and devious.

Alakazam @ Choice Specs
Focus Blast
Signal Beam

Psychic for STAB, even though it's a terrible move in OU. Focus Blast is needed for good type coverage and to help hit what Psychic doesn't, and Signal Beam is.. not that useful, but it smashes Celebi and TTar with 100% accuracy.

The devious part is Trick, though. You've got a lot of special sweepers on your team, so Trickspecs Alakazam should be very helpful. You know Blissey, right? The ultimate special wall? Alakazam's Focus Blast won't even dent her severely. So, what do you do? Trickspecs her.

If you know a Blissey or another wall you don't like is going to switch in, use Trick. If Blissey is limited to only one move due to specs, it can no longer wall effectively, and just became useless. This is true for a lot of other walls and nearly all physical attackers.

If you trick your specs onto something that doesn't make use the sp. atk boost, you pretty much disabled that poke almost entirely. Then you're free to attack with your other 3 moves. Also, if you get another choice item back when using trick, that means you can trick another pokemon AGAIN. It's a bargain, yeah?
Can anyone rate this team?

OK, lets start off with ignoring the fact that garchomp is uber, and wind back the clock to when he wasn't.

Lead - Infernape, once the most used lead, has slipped back to just being a sweeper. As a lead, it can handle the job nicely.

Sweepers - Infernape, Electivire Garchomp, a solid combination that can break plenty of walls, and with 2 Electric weak Pokemon, Electivire is a decent choice

Support - Togekiss, Tangrowth. Togekiss can be one of the most beastly men to break, but with out knowing what kind, my analsyis has to stop here. Scarf or flinch kiss have bassicly the same role of disruption and kill, but on the offhand chance of a hussle kiss, I cant say much more. Tangrowth soaks up the physical attacks nicely, and can lay a smack down of knock off, seads, and even a few status.

Walls - Vaporeon Tangrowh. Vaporeon is always a good choice, but I have a hard time classifying it as wall or support with out knowing its move set. So I'll assume Ice, Surf, Dark, Wish....its a safe bet. In that case, yea, soak up the attack, and stall, while returning a bit back. See last comment for tangrowth.

Over all, its a bunch of dudes with some decent coverage of weaknesses. A little on the ice side weak (3x weaks) but a vaporeon to soak that all up.

I would like to say a little mamoswine weak, but then again, isn't everyone?
what I am not seeing as any real over arching theme or strategy here. Is something setting up for a full sweep? Are you trying to set up some sort of entry hazard I'm not seeing? Just rocking with meh speed sweepers and seeing where that gets you?
Also Shadow, Magnezone doesnt get Levitate...
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  • #217
..Levitate? No idea why he said that.. Hacked, perhaps? For some reason I didn't catch that. :lol:
It would make him epic though. 4X weakness to EQ SUCKS!
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  • #219
Magnezone with levitate would be cool, but.. Then he can't counter steels, probably the only reason he's even in OU.

Some sets would definatly benefit from levitate though, like the Rain Dancing sets or a specs set.
Magnet Rise solves to problem but who wants to waste time worying about it with something as slow as Magnezone? If he had Magneton's speed, we'd be in business.
Oh well, he still traps Skarm well.
well i was thinking it was weird he caught a Magnamite with Levitate, but when he offered me one of two. i shut up real fast.

the ability was the only thing about it though. everything else was just like a normal magnamite/ton/zone
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  • #224
Magnezone when not designed to be a steel trapper(which your's wasn't)with levitate is more than enough to justify only one thing being hacked.. I never would of accepted something like that. With Magnezone losing it's 4x weakness, it's significantly harder to kill, now that I think about it. Sticking around for longer while thunder waving things is annoying, too - all the while it can still attack pretty strongly paired with good defenses.

Even though a Magnezone that has levitate is impressive in terms of supporting and sweeping, it's not that amazing. The main issue is that it was hacked. It's sort of shameful.

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