What's your pokemon team?

Then make it man! Nothing gets done unless you do it!:lol:
It was my desperate attempt at to do SOMETHING with a non lightball pikachu. Though i use a mixachu, my favorite idea is stilll
Pikachu@Light Ball
Static Naïve/Jolly
252 Speed / 252 Attack / 6 Sp.Attk
- Substitute/Endure
- Reversal / Focus Punch
- Quick Attack / Fake Out
- Thunder Bolt / Thunder Punch
You got’s something to say to Pikachu? He doesn’t like that attitude you been showing him. I hope I don’t have to explain this set. Do I? I hope not. Pika is gunna have to smack up a ***** is’nt he?
A bizzare sub reversal punching chu, i came up with. I think it was late and I was laughing to tears as I first typed this, I kept seeing fake out as a ***** smack from
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..A Reversal Pikachu?? Lolwut? Fighting/Electric probably gets good coverage too.. Too bad that low speed doesn't exactly help, and a weak STAB like thunderpunch off of around 400 attack doesn't really.. hurt unless it's super effective. Add in paralysis support, and it could definatly sweep though.

..God I want to see a Pikachu sweep an OU team. That'd make my day.
Or a Trick Room team of Clampearl and Trapinch.
Is this a Worthwhile while team for the Wi-Fi battles of Battle Tower:
Hyper Beam, Thunder Bolt, Tri Attack, Ice Beam

Zap Cannon, Lock On, Thunder Bolt, Thunder

I haven't figured out his moves yet.

The only problems is:
(1) It's only Sp. Attack.
(2) Magnazone has only Electric attacks.

they told you take out hyper beam, it sucks....
with magnezone, take out zap cannon and lock on. to predictable, and easy to screw up

scenario: you use lock on on any opponent pkmn. they switch out the next turn, nullifying lock on. you use zap cannon, 50% accuracy, no way its gonna hit. you just wasted two turns for nothing.
@ Mega Luigi- Porygon-Z

I would throw on Nasty Plot over Hyper Beam, and maybe switch out Thunderbolt and put on Dark Pulse. Thats a good set if you ask me.

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