What's your pokemon team?

I'll figure out most of the ev's myself, but is it better to make the stronger defense even stronger or make the weaker defense stronger when you have a bulky Pokemon (like Steelix for defense or Milotic for special defense)

Should I replace either Shadow Claw or Stone Edge on Garchomp with Swords Dance?
Karp told me that there is no need for Shadow Claw, so you should replace that with Sword Dance
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Original Pokemon Fire Red Team
- Charizard
- Primeape
- Sandslash
- Nidoking
- Gyarados
- Executor

Original Soul Silver Team
- Feraligatr
- Heracross
- Noctowl
- Ampharos
- Espeon
- Mamoswine

Original Emerald Team

- Swampert
- Swellow
- Zangoose
- Claydol
- Dusclops
- Camerupt

Original Platinum Team
- Infernape
- Staraptor
- Luxray
- Abomasnow
- Vaporeon
- Toxicroak

Original Black Team
- Samurott
- Zebstrika
- Lilligant (traded in Nacrene city)
- Unfezant
- Haxorus
- Chandelure

Original Black 2 Team
- Serperior
- Golduck
- Darmanitan
- Flygon
- Jolteon
- Gliscor
Okay, here's two teams I made for Redreavus's Black 2 and White 2 teams:
Black 2:
-Ice Fang
-Stone Edge

-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge

-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot

-Flash Cannon
-Magnet Rise
-Thunder Wave

-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
-Ice Punch

-Calm Mind
-Air Slash

White 2:
-Ice Beam
-Flash Cannon
-Signal Beam

-Flare Blitz
-Stone Edge
-Wild Charge

-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot

-Rock Slide
-Rock Polish

-Meteor Mash
-Ice Punch

-Wild Charge
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
I know this is late but whatever. I'm just going to list all the main pokemon i use in Black. it's slightly confusing cause i used poketransfer with my soul silver. so my pokemon is a mixture of both versions. here it goes.
Lvl. 100 pk:
Lvl. 80 something:
Lvl. 60 something:
Lvl. 50 something:
Togekiss (I think)
I'm open to any suggestions, questions, or opinions. Just to make it clear though. My lvl.100 team is my main.
What're their moves? The only thing more important than what Pokemon ya use are the movesets.

Hydreigon is the only Pokemon on your team that resists or is immune to Ground-type moves, whereas three members are weak t' Ground. Earthquake is one'a the worst moves to be weak to since every Physical attacker and their other-Generation counterpart can learn it, so ya should definitely not use Typhlosion, Ampharos and Rhyperior all at the same time. I'd personally recommend Hydreigon over Ampharos every time.

If that Samurott ever reaches Lv. 100, ya should replace Politoed with it. Politoed is simply awful when it's not using Drizzle on a Rain-abusing team lol. Samurott's movepool is better, and it's stats are slightly higher too.
Typhlosion [ability:blaze and item:charcoal]-sunny day-eruption -flamethrower-solar beam

Rhyperior [ability:lowers super effective attacks and item:quick claw]-earthquake -avalanche-stone edge-hammer arm

Alakazam [ability: no flinching and item: odd incense]-psychic-grass knot-calm mind/substitute -focus blast

Politoed [ability:water absorb and item:mystic water]-surf-hydro pump-blizzard-hypnosis

Amphorous [ability: static and item:something]-thunder-signal beam -discharge -thunder wave

Machamp [ability:guts and item:focus sash I think]-cross chop-revenge-dig-rock slide

Hydreigon [ability:levitate and item:lax incense]-crunch-draco meteor-dragon pulse-fly

I was thinking of replacing politied with samurott but I'm too lazy to train. As for most of my move sets, I'm sure they can improved.

......I don't know why it's not spacing out the way I typed it out
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If you're postin' from a mobile device, that's probably why. But yeah, those movesets could use some improvement.

Typhlosion's moves are fine.

Hammer Arm is somewhat redundant, but it does murder Dark and Normal-types more effectively than Earthquake so it's not useless. But since ya don't have Black 2/White 2 there ain't really any better moves anyways. 'Cept maybe Megahorn if you'd rather hit Psychic-types instead'a Normal-types, but Rhyperior makes better (and more often) use of Hammer Arm than Megahorn since it can actually switch into Normal-types.

Alakazam's moveset is fine, although one should consider Psyshock and Shadow Ball. The former screws over Pokemon you know have really high Special Defense (like a Volcarona or Gyarados), or at the very least much higher Sp.D than D. But it's not necessary, and using Psyshock over Psychic can be just as inconvenient as it is convenient when facing somethin' with high Defense. Shadow Ball is obviously for opposing Psychic-types and Ghost-types wantin' to take advantage of it's weakness. Shadow Ball is absolutely necessary on any set, so I'd highly recommend removing either Calm Mind/Substitute or Grass Knot for it. Otherwise opposing Psychic-types (which almost-always have Shadow Ball of their own) will switch in with impunity.

Also, Alakazam would appreciate that Focus Sash a lot more than Machamp.

Politoed is kind'a weak offensively, 'SPECIALLY without Drizzle, so I'd recommend better coverage. Ice Beam over Blizzard since, with Politoed's poor speed, a miss will probably mean it's gonna get KO'd. You're better off usin' only one Water-type attack and puttin' a coverage move in place. Surf or Hydro Pump works, but I don't feel like the latter is really worth it without Drizzle since Politoed isn't powerful anyways. Most of your team already has a Fighting-type move, but Focus Blast is useful as coverage... sadly that's all Politoed has for coverage.

Signal Beam is a poor move, but I guess the fact it hits Grass-types is better than nothin'. Electric-types ain't known for havin' a lot of coverage after all. ampharos also learns focus blast lol. Better t' have Focus Blast than Thunder, as then Ampharos can deal with Rock-types and gets additional coverage. Focus Blast also prevents the various Steel-types with an Electric resist/immunity from walling ya.

Close Combat is better than Cross Chop since it's noticeably stronger and has perfect accuracy. Missing with Cross Chop has the same effect as staying in with lowered defenses anyways. But I s'pose Machamp is slow as ****, so Revenge is acceptable if you're appalled by Close Combat's defense drops. Either way, drop a Fighting-type move. Machamp has fantastic coverage moves to use in place. Payback for example, is an absolute must. Ghost-types will wholly regret switchin' in. Ground-type and Fighting-type moves don't really do much when used together, so replace Dig with somethin'. Ice Punch is Machamp's saving grace, but ya don't have BW2 for the move tutor... so I guess Bulk Up would work.

Dark-type moves are pointless on Hydreigon if said moves are Physical, as Dragon Pulse does about the same (or more) even when Crunch is super-effective. I'd recommend Dark Pulse, but... yeah. No BW2. Fly is worthless without Same-Type Attack Bonus, and even with is still garbage. Replace both moves with better coverage: Flamethrower/Fire Blast (an answer to Steel-types is a must for any Dragon) and Surf work quite well.

Also, I'd recommend ya read my policy on dumb ol' type-boosting items. Take a quick glance at Redreavus' team above to understand the context.
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Cool. Thx. Going to make some positive changes. I actually was thinking of switching out cross chop with close combat for machamp but apparently machamp can only learn through breeding, sadly........
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None of these team are competetive... Are they. Most of them just seems to be teams to do the game with or something.

I'll post my team soon.
Obvious in-game teams are obvious. :lol: I have mentioned to ya on a few occasions that most posters these days are casual trainers. Ain't nothin' wrong with that neither.

... Not that I don't sorely miss Wiichat's once-respectable competitive battlin' crowd. Oh, those were the days...

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