What's your pokemon team?

Hmmm.... Looking back at this team, I'm not sure Gliscor would work that well on a rain team. The reason I put it on there is because it worked well with Tentacruel, but if that's the case I probably shouldn't be using SubPass Gliscor. I wonder what better Pokémon/movesets I could use...
Also, Latios is completely out of place on the team, as it's the only Pokémon (other than Sub-Passing Gliscor) that's meant for sweeping rather than stalling. I think this team still needs a bit of work...
Oh yeah, and Gengar too, but that's just there for Spin-trapping.
Edit: I've been thinking it might be better if I run a Disable Gengar instead of a substitute one, and replace Latios with Jirachi. Also, I've changed Gliscor's move set to this:
Toxic Orb/Poison Heal/Impish
252 HP / 184 Def / 72 Spe
I mainly want Disable Gengar because I'm scared of Conkeldurr taking advantage of Toxic Spikes to active Guts. Even though most Conkeldurrs run Payback (or at least Stone Edge,) if I had a Disable Gengar I could shut it down and switch in my Latios/Jirachi or force it to switch.
Also, who should I designate as lead?
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'Ey, don't forget 'bout Latias. SubRoost with the always useful Dragon-type STAB/free STAB on Surf makes her very useful on Rain-stall. A huge support movepool as well if you'd rather have somethin' else instead'a Substitute. A defensive Dragon-type is also very helpful t' Rain-stall thanks to them resistances to opposing Water moves, Electric and Grass. Latias in specific since she's a fantastic Special wall.

... Remind me why teachin' Latias Roost is recommended over Recover. The former requires shards whereas the latter only costs a Heart Scale/leveling up.

Obviously Politoed is the "designated" lead... and I put that in quotations since there ain't dedicated leads no more. Lead with whomever ya think works best for the situation. You'll generally always lead with 'Toed, but if your opponent has blatantly obvious counters to Politoed ('specially ones that can check the rest of your team) as well as a way t' change the weather, you'll want t' make an adjustment in your lead choice for that particular battle.
'Ey, don't forget 'bout Latias. SubRoost with the always useful Dragon-type STAB/free STAB on Surf makes her very useful on Rain-stall. A huge support movepool as well if you'd rather have somethin' else instead'a Substitute. A defensive Dragon-type is also very helpful t' Rain-stall thanks to them resistances to opposing Water moves, Electric and Grass. Latias in specific since she's a fantastic Special wall.

... Remind me why teachin' Latias Roost is recommended over Recover. The former requires shards whereas the latter only costs a Heart Scale/leveling up.

Obviously Politoed is the "designated" lead... and I put that in quotations since there ain't dedicated leads no more. Lead with whomever ya think works best for the situation. You'll generally always lead with 'Toed, but if your opponent has blatantly obvious counters to Politoed ('specially ones that can check the rest of your team) as well as a way t' change the weather, you'll want t' make an adjustment in your lead choice for that particular battle.
Alright, good idea. So I'll have Politoed (regular lead,) Tentacruel and Ferrothorn, Disable Gengar, Defensive Gliscor and Latias.
I've been thinking this for Latias:
Light Clay/Timid
4 SpA / 252 HP / 252 Spe
-Dragon Pulse
-Light Screen
Edit again: and this for Gengar:
Life Orb/Timid
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
I tweaked the set a bit to turn Gengar more flat-out offensive, and stuck Thunder on there for no real reason.
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Screens aren't very useful on a defensive team. Not 'less you also have Roost somewhere on the set... which would be a good idea, as Latias is easily the best Special wall on your team. Not a Poke you would ever want t' throw away or just use screens once or twice. And even then, Light Screen is kind'a overkill and Reflect isn't really good for Latias anyways.

... Although Light Screen isn't overkill when you're lackin' Sp.D EVs. Latias' Sp.D is great, but ya need to invest in it for that to pay off.

Speakin' of, quite a few of your EV sets don't seem defensively geared enough. Obviously Pass'Scor wants Speed, but only when it's not running Rock Polish/is passing offensive boosts. 'Less the purpose of those speed EVs are to let it Taunt slower Taunters (which I personally wouldn't be concerned about, in all honesty), I'd invest in Defense. And speakin' of your Gliscor, Protect is just plain necessary IMO. Stalling an opponent's Poison is a necessity, but it's even more useful for Gliscor since it gets a free turn of Poison Heal recovery. SubProtect @ Poison Heal is a really nasty strategy since, if ya get a Substitute up, ya can indefinitely Protect and Substitute. Conkeldurr's Mach Punch @ Guts won't be breakin' a 252/252 Gliscor any time soon. And Stone Edge isn't a worry since you'll be faster.
Alright, so
Toxic Orb/Poison Heal/Impish
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk

40 SpA / 252 HP / 212 SpD
-Dragon Pulse
Or would you recommended a full 252/252 investment for Latias?
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Basically just so that Latias can hit stuff. I guess it doesn't really need it, so I might cut back and add a little more to SpD. Maybe 24 SpA/252 HP/228 SpD? Or maybe just go with the 252/252 spread, that would fit better with it's role on the team. I could also send that 24 to Defense, but that'd be pointless since I already have Gliscor.
'Less it's for a specific damage output on a certain Poke, it is indeed better thrown into Sp.D.
Okay, I guess that's that.
Final team:
Black Sludge/Rain Dish/Bold
252 HP / 236 Def / 20 Spe
-Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin
-Magic Coat

252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
-Ice Beam

252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Power Whip

Life Orb/Timid
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast

Toxic Orb/Poison Heal/Impish
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk

252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 SpA
-Dragon Pulse
Ah, I forgot t' mention: Tentacruel loves t' Protect in the Rain just as much as Gliscor loves to Protect while Poisoned. What's Magic Coat for? If it's just to reflect hazards and ya ain't worried 'bout status, I'd recommend Protect over it.
Ah, I forgot t' mention: Tentacruel loves t' Protect in the Rain just as much as Gliscor loves to Protect while Poisoned. What's Magic Coat for? If it's just to reflect hazards and ya ain't worried 'bout status, I'd recommend Protect over it.
It was for reflecting hazards, yeah. More of an element of surprise than anything. I do understand the benefits of Protect (getting healing from Black Sludge/Rain Dish,) so I guess considering that Tentacruel doesn't have a recovery move, it would be a huge benefit. I guess it's a bit too early in my career to be using 'surprise' moves, anyway.
By the way, what does PS stand for and where can I get it?
Magic Coat can be kind'a viable on a Poke without Magic Bounce and a team without Rapid Spin, but generally the moveslot is better relegated to more important tasks. It's just not that useful on Tentacruel since it has both Rapid Spin and 1/8th recovery of health every turn, and while Paralysis and Burns are always an issue ya still have Gliscor t' soak up them T-waves and WoWs thanks to Toxic Orb.

... PS?
PS stands for PlayStation, obviously.

I appreciate Espmaster helping me with my teams for B2 and W2 while I was busy preparing for traveling, but I ran across a problem:
Vaporeon can't learn Grass Knot.

So, I'm considering either Rest, Substitute, Toxic or Wish. Any ideas?
Wish is one'a the few traits that differentiates Vaporeon from other bulky Water-types. T'would be a good choice.

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