What's your pokemon team?

You're suggestin' a VGC Doubles set for a Singles team lol. Gems are in no way optimal items in Singles and should really only be used to KO specific hard counters ubiquitous in the metagame that one should expect t' see... which is irrelevant to this team since Lucktown isn't some superMLGprolegit competitive player (... yet? :D) and isn't gonna be usin' some complex EV spread designed t' Speed tie or outrun all opposing Jolteon and OHKO with Ghost Gem-boosted Shadow Ball... or somethin' crazy like that. T'is an important thing t' consider when givin' team suggestions. I ain't sayin' to not give suggestions, I'm moreso sayin' to consider if your suggestions are a good match to the player. A good VGC suggestion can be a terrible Singless suggestion and vice versa.

Ampharos does suck though.

We've already had this dumb discussion 'bout Ubers. ._. It's an entirely valid tier of competitive play, and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't realize how far they've shoved their head up their arse. Few would think that 'less they've either not played it or never gave it enough of a chance. That's tantamount to embracing a retarded ideology similar to that one popular amongst casual noobs: that all legendaries are OP. The opinion Ubers is **** is clearly an unfounded opinion on your part since if you lack Singles experience, it's quite obvious you're particularly inexperienced in Ubers and therefore have no merit t' speak on the subject.

Furthermore, you do realize VGC once had Ubers a part of the metagame, no? This makes the statement "Ubers is for noobs" hypocritical in light of this fact alone. 'Specially when you're not supporting this (utterly incorrect) sentiment with actual facts. You've foolishly bashed on Singles and now you're thinkin' low of a specific tier without any discernible reason.

tl;dr: Educate yourself instead of presuming. Ya can validly (but still incorrectly) say Ubers is n00bish once you have plenty of experience in both Singles and Doubles Ubers. That goes for any other tier or ruleset as well, so no, I won't accept "VGC (year) sucks BECAUSE of Ubers" as a retort 'less you've extensive experience with that ruleset.

... With that said, please forgive me for that spiel bein' so blunt and direct. I couldn't really figure out a way t' properly present my opinion without bein' confrontational. Possibly 'cause I typed this up just after wakin' up... before breakfast. herpderp. My following response shouldn't be anywhere near as heated. So yeah, sorry if it appears I'm speakin' rude-like and such, as that's not my intent. It's moreso a symptom of my adamance on the matter.
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The uber tier is forbidden in most tournaments for a reason...

I have a reason to use Ampharos. It is very defensive and I already have enough offensive power in my team, so I don't really want Jollteon. Also Ampharos is one of my favourite Pokemon, so this isn't just about being strong...
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The uber tier is forbidden in most tournaments for a reason...I have a reason to use Ampharos. It is very defensive and I already have enough offensive power in my team, so I don't really want Jollteon. Also Ampharos is one of my favourite Pokemon, so this isn't just about being strong...
Wait... You call base 75 defence and base 90 special defence very defensive... Wow!?As for what splash said, i've tried that form of play, I don't like it. But i'll be happy to play against anyone with whatever rules they want ( as long as there not byist. )Lastly, there really aren't that many "uber" pokemon if you played VGC.
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... "Byist"? Biased?

There's a very big difference between disliking somethin' and somethin' bein' bad. I somewhat dislike UU, but at the same time I don't claim it's worse than OU or Ubers.

There ain't very many Ubers if you play non-VGC Ubers as well. Not in high-level play anyways. Some teams will go with only one Uber max dependin' on the build, namely if it's either Sandstorm, stall or anti-meta... I've even seen some (uberproMLGlegit) teams without a single Uber on an anti-meta Ubers team.

The uber tier is forbidden in most tournaments for a reason...

A reason completely unrelated to the quality of Uber tier competitive play. OU Pokes are "forbidden" in almost as many tourneys as well. UU is also banned relatively often. The only reason Ubers isn't the used format in most tourneys is simply 'cause Singles OU is the most popular format, not because Ubers is a shitty tier. Just like every other tier 'sides OU, it's played less often. Ya don't see Ubers tourneys often just like ya don't see lower tier tourneys very often in comparison t' OU's ubiquitous nature.

... Oh, just realized I forgot t' give your team some advice. Will get on that later.
Normally I hate to suggest specific Pokes, but... Garchomp is quite literally Zapdos' perfect partner.
That actually sounds like a really good idea. It'd probably work alot better with my team than Aerodactyl, so I guess I'll make that change unless I can think of something better.
-Night Slash
-Skill Swap
-Fire Blast
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-Stone Edge
-Heat Wave
-Light Screen
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I'm starting a Diamond team. Here's what I have planned so far:

View attachment 11186
-Fire Blast
-Close Combat
-Grass Knot
-Stealth Rock (Earthquake?)

-Close Combat
-Brave Bird

-Giga Drain (Petal Dance?)
-Toxic Spikes
-Sludge Bomb

-Stone Edge

-Shadow Ball
-Giga Drain
-Dark Pulse

-Shadow Claw
-Iron Tail
I'm starting a Diamond team. Here's what I have planned so far:

View attachment 11186
-Fire Blast
-Close Combat
-Grass Knot
-Stealth Rock (Earthquake?)
Stealth Rock is relatively useless in-game, but if you want to use this team to beat people up in the library every morning, be my guest. Earthquake is relatively redundant on a Fire/Fighting Pokemon.
-Close Combat
-Brave Bird
Finish your moveset with Pursuit, Quick Attack, Roost or Return.
-Giga Drain (Petal Dance?)
-Toxic Spikes
-Sludge Bomb
I don't think you're going to use Aromatheropy that often, but I like the support role Roserade plays.
-Stone Edge
Earliar, CK reccomended Payback over Stone Edge on my Gyarados, so he'd probably reccomend the same here.
-Shadow Ball
-Giga Drain
-Dark Pulse
Gengar isn't that bulky, so Energy Ball>>>Giga Drain. Delete Dark Pulse, it's useless. Maybe Focus Blast instead?
-Shadow Claw
-Iron Tail
Lol Iron Tail. I reccomend teaching it Stone Edge using the TM you didn't use on Gyarados to fill the gap.
*Insert nonsense here*
Alright, in that case:

-Fire Blast
-Close Combat
-Grass Knot
-Stealth Rock

-Close Combat
-Brave Bird

-Giga Drain (Petal Dance?)
-Toxic Spikes


-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Focus Blast?

-Shadow Claw
-Stone Edge
Found my HeartGold in the box it came in after three years of searching for it, so I guess I'll have to make a team for that. Forretress WILL be on it.
Lol I know but this team is mainly for lulz sweeps. I have a real good team Ill post. I actually have a team like this on my actual that has tyranitar sandstorm and a garchomp to help out
HeartGold rough draft:
-Ice Punch
-Meteor Mash
-Stealth Rock

-Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam

Machamp (Guts)
-Close Combat
-Bullet Punch

Scizor (Choice Band)
-Bullet Punch

-Dark Pulse

-Aura Sphere
-Calm Mind

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