What's your pokemon team?

Yeah, mine's no where even CLOSE to a competitive team, with Vanilluxe and whatnot. I'll find a replacement for it, Vanilluxe is just there for now to make people angry for the most part, since it seems to be hated a lot.
Yeah, mine's no where even CLOSE to a competitive team, with Vanilluxe and whatnot. I'll find a replacement for it, Vanilluxe is just there for now to make people angry for the most part, since it seems to be hated a lot.
Hey, the only other option for an Ice type was Glaceon, and he's not much better. Plus, you can't even evolve Eevee into it in the main game.
You should keep Vanilluxe. <3

Just for fun, here, have my Black 2 in game team.

Serperior (Overgrow)
-Leech Seed
-Calm Mind
-Giga Drain
-Dragon Pulse

Golurk (Iron Fist)
-Shadow Punch
-Fly (Largely for convenience, though it's helpful sometimes)
-Drain Punch

Qwilfish (Indimidate) (Nearly always holding Leftovers)
-Minimize (Note that in Generation V it now boosts Evasion +2, making it much more practical than Double Team and such)
-Poison Jab
-Spikes (Not very practical in game, but I wanted to actually use entry hazards in game for once, so yeah. It can be useful once in a while. And I didn't feel like using Toxic Spikes for whatever reason.)

Cincinno (Skill Link) (Nearly always holding Kings Rock)
-Rock Blast
-Wake up slap
-Tail Slap
-Bullet Seed

Vespiqueen (Pressure)
-Heal Order
-Bug Buzz (I used it over Attack Order since this Vespiqueen is Modest, and I needed more special attackers)
-Air Slash

Absol (Super Luck) (Nearly always holding Scope Lens)
-Sucker Punch
-Night Slash (I don't usually go for dual STABS, but Sucker Punch can be unreliable and has low PP, I did consider Psycho Cut though)
-Swords Dance


Vespiqueen is obviously the least valuable player, but I don't really care, I used it anyway. The stats are fine for the most part, it just has really bad defensive typing.
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<3 crit abusing Absol.

-Minimize (Note that in Generation V it now boosts Evasion +2, making it much more practical than Double Team and such)

Trollfreak strikes again.

Hey, the only other option for an Ice type was Glaceon, and he's not much better. Plus, you can't even evolve Eevee into it in the main game.

Lies! LIES! Glaceon's stats are distributed better, and... and ... ... ... ;_______;
Okay, I just created another team for Pokémon Firered Omega, a hack featuring all 381 Pokémon. (Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Volbeat, and Illumise apparently don't count as Pokémon.)
Rosa (Jynx)
-Powerful Psychic-type move
-Powerful Ice-type move
-Lovely Kiss
-Some other move
Named after Rosa Huberman from the Book Thief, for no real reason.

Jim (Sceptile)
-Leaf Blade
-Focus Punch
-Dragon Claw
-False Swipe
Named after Jim Parsons, the actor for Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory.

Swampert (Jackson)
-Brick Break
-Ice Beam
Named after a guy who graduated from my school last May.

Arcanine (Amanda)
-Iron Tail
Named after a girl at my school who has a humongous dog.

Magneton (Magnetoff)
-Thunder Wave
It's name is an awful pun.

Heracross (Jesus)
-Brick Break
-Rock Tomb
Named after Jesus Christ, considered the son of God in Christianity and a major prophet in Islam.

Aerodactyl (The Ugly One)
-Double Edge
-Rock Slide
It's name is a reference to homestarrunner.com.

Yeah, they have crappy move sets, but I couldn't think of anything better. Nb4 Fly/Dig hate
Still better than what I could've come up with. :p You are playing 3rd gen. after all.

As for casual teams, I only got back into the franchise last November, so before I actually set up a competitive move set, I'd like to know more about the franchises' mechanics before I set up a competitive team. (With that being said though, it's only been like a half year since I've gotten back into the franchise, and I've already ran into 2 shinies and the Pokerus.)
Still better than what I could've come up with. :p You are playing 3rd gen. after all.

As for casual teams, I only got back into the franchise last November, so before I actually set up a competitive move set, I'd like to know more about the franchises' mechanics before I set up a competitive team. (With that being said though, it's only been like a half year since I've gotten back into the franchise, and I've already ran into 2 shinies and the Pokerus.)
Check out Serebii and Smogon, as they have articles introducing people to the game's mechanics. http://www.serebii.net/games/mechanics.shtml
Smogon's down right now, but it ought to be up shortly.
Don't count on it. Smogon's been encounterin' hacker problems as of late.

Magneton (Magnetoff)

As for casual teams, I only got back into the franchise last November, so before I actually set up a competitive move set, I'd like to know more about the franchises' mechanics before I set up a competitive team. (With that being said though, it's only been like a half year since I've gotten back into the franchise, and I've already ran into 2 shinies and the Pokerus.)

In the mean time of Smogon's implosion, I can certainly answer whatever Pokequeries ya got.
I wonder what exactly the hackers are doing to Smogon... probably rewriting the pages so that Dunsparce, Sunkern, Magikarp, Luvdisc and Feebas are in the Uber tier... Oh wait. Magikarp already IS in the Uber tier.
DDoS attacks.

'Karp sure as **** should be banned, but no, 'course it ain't. All'a those competitive battlers on Smogon have their heads far up their asses and thus, you have Blaziken without Speed Boost in Ubers instead'a the Splash master. I'm curious as t' what the hell they spend their time thinkin' on, and why they think it's more important than Tackling the 'Karp issue.
All'a those competitive battlers on Smogon have their heads far up their asses and thus, you have Blaziken without Speed Boost in Ubers instead'a the Splash master.
As little right as Blazekin has to be Uber without Speed Boost, the only reason Blazekin was banned as a whole is because Smognites (to my understanding) are terrified of specific combinations of Pokémon/Ability/Item or whatever being banned, as they worry it might become a norm.
What's DDoS mean?

Also, I made a new team for Competitive play, just in case I haven't posted enough here yet. I'll probably actually use this one. It's sort of a pseudo-rain team.
Black Sludge/Rain Dish/Bold
252 HP / 236 Def / 20 Spe
-Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin
-Magic Coat

252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
-Ice Beam

252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
-Leech Seed
-Power Whip

Life Orb/Timid
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
-Pain Split

Toxic Orb/Poison Heal/Impish
248 HP / 24 Def / 236 Spe
-Baton Pass

Life Orb/Timid
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Draco Meteor

Most of the team revolves around Politoed and Tentacruel, either helping those two do their job or benefiting from Rain. (Or both, in the case of Ferrothorn.)
Anything obviously wrong with this one?
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Aye, I'm pretty sure that's the reasoning behind it. Banning certain combinations is a very slippery slope in any competitive game. 'Course, sometimes it's necessary (ohai swift swim).

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