What's your pokemon team?

Recommending Flareon? Over Charizard? You're mad. :lol: Madder still if you'd suggest it over the plethora of better Fire-types like Heatran or Arcanine.
... In my opinion, anything with a 4x weakness shouldn't EVER be used in competetive play. Then your just askin to be one poke down.
Arcanine is a good choice to, but the others are poor.
... In my opinion, anything with a 4x weakness shouldn't EVER be used in competetive play. Then your just askin to be one poke down.
Arcanine is a good choice to, but the others are poor.
I'm not the type to say this usually, but your opinion is basically wrong. A x4 weakness is unfortunate, and can prevent certain Pokemon from doing certain things, but evidence shows that a lot of Pokemon with a x4 weakness can preform great. Scizor, Tyranitar, Heatran, Toxicroak, Heracross, Gastrodon, Volcarona, Salamence, and many more are great Pokemon capable of being very useful despite having a x4 weakness. Some of the frail ones couldn't care less about the extra vulnerability, cause many of them are going to get OHKO'd by a move even if they were x2 weak to it.
But the thing with that is. I ALWAYS have each other my team equiped with an attack to kill ( faint ) 4x weakness, so that's why I think they shouldn't be used.
Also I never said anything about them not being useful.
*Ignores ongoing argument* Over the summer I plan on grabbing another copy of HeartGold (I lost my old one) and using this team, for the same purpose of beating up my friends:
Houndoom: Flash Fire
-Dark Pulse

Mamoswine: (My friends are probably not going to ever use Hail or Attract, so it doesn't matter)
-Stone Edge
-Ice Shard

Electivire: Motor Drive
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch

Slowking: Own Tempo
-Slack Off (Slowpoke, lv. 39)
-Grass Knot

Heracross: Guts
-Close Combat
-Night Slash
-Stone Edge

Skarmory: Keen Eye
-Drill Peck
-Stealth Rock
-Steel Wing
Yeah, yeah, I know, Mamoswine has two Ice type attacks, blah blah blah. Other than that, any criticisms?

Also, here's a revision of the last two teams I posted:
Okay, so
View attachment 11127
-Flare Blitz
-Close Combat
-Grass Knot

-Brave Bird
-Close Combat

-Nasty Plot
-Grass Knot

-Dragon Claw
-Flash Cannon
-Magnet Rise
-Thunder Wave

-Stone Edge

View attachment 11126
-Bug Buzz
-Energy Ball
-Thunder Wave

-Shadow Ball
-Grass Knot
-Calm Mind

-Sacred Sword
-Rock Slide

-Fire Blast

-Ice Beam

-Power Whip
-Iron Head

Obviously, the first team is for Platinum and the second is for Black. These are teams I use to beat up my friends at school. The Platinum team hasn't been finished yet. Use the next 4 months I'm not on WiiChat to debate this. (No EVs. Raised in game)
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If they're useful, why shouldn't they be used?
Not to be used against me, cuz i'll smash'em!

Well, I don't see much good use of electivire. Use Machamp instead, his ability will see more use with this move set : Stone Edge / Dynamic Punch / Fire Punch / Earthquake.
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If they're useful, why shouldn't they be used?


'Specially since those weaknesses can be circumvented. Does a Poke that Scizor threatens possibly carry HP Fire? Switch it out. Run it on a Rain team. Give Heatran an Air Balloon. Throw Garchomp a Yache Berry. Let D-nite abuse Roost/Multiscale stalling against non-STAB Ice Beams.

Furthermore, many Pokes with a 4x weakness won't stay in on a 'mon with a move t' exploit said weakness even if it was just 2x. Does TTar wanna take a STAB Close Combat, even if it was only 2x weak? Obviously not. If 4x weaknesses are so terribly effective at murderin' a Poke's competitive viability, why does Rayquaza Outrage-ously romp around Ubers (ba-dum-pssh)? Gyarados has been OU since Gen 4 despite it's 4x weakness and even makes for a surprisingly effective (albeit lackin' unreliable recovery) tank.

Not to be used against me, cuz i'll smash'em!

And then a switch foiled your otherwise brilliant and well-thought out strategy. :p

*Ignores ongoing argument* Over the summer I plan on grabbing another copy of HeartGold (I lost my old one) and using this team, for the same purpose of beating up my friends:
Houndoom: Flash Fire
-Dark Pulse

Nice t' see Will-o-Wisp on a casual team, Burn is underrated. I see why you're usin' Protect as such, but Houndoom is a very offensive Poke. I recommend ya get a bulkier Fire-type (lol bulky Fire-type) to Protect-stall and better abuse Will-o-Wisp. Arcanine is amazing in that regard since he can Intimidate on the switch and then Will-o-Wisp, completely ruining any Physical attacker without guts. Arcanine has better stats, a better movepool, and a better ability (for this roll in specific too). It's known as the "Legendary" Pokemon for good reason indeed. T'is a shame it's not a 600-BST pseudo-legendary...

If ya don't want t' switch Pokes, Houndoom and your team overall would appreciate Nasty Plot over Protect, as your team lacks a stat-up sweeper and Houndoom is indeed moar Offensively oriented.

Mamoswine: (My friends are probably not going to ever use Hail or Attract, so it doesn't matter)
-Stone Edge
-Ice Shard

Anyone complainin' 'bout usin' a priority STAB move alongside a mainstay STAB move with higher BP is dumb lawl. Moveset is fine.

Electivire: Motor Drive
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch

Earthquake and Fire Punch have redundant coverage together. Put Cross Chop over one'a the moves to hammer Normal-types. I personally recommend replacin' Fire Pawnch, as Earthquake hits much harder against Steel-types bar Scizor and Bronzong. Ya've got Houndoom t' manhandle those two anyways.

Slowking: Own Tempo
-Slack Off (Slowpoke, lv. 39)
-Grass Knot

derpking <3

Ice Beam offers better coverage than Grass Knot, as Slowking can easily tango with other Water-types thanks to it's potent STAB Psychic, good bulk and Slack Off t' remove any damage it'l take. You can also use Fire Blast instead'a Grass Knot (yes, it learns Fire Blast lol). Use whichever ya want since both team mates already offer the same coverage. Either **** over Flyin' and Dragon types, or Bug and Steel types. Hittin' non-Heracross Bugs with Fire Blast can be especially useful if ya predict they'l switch in.

Heracross: Guts
-Close Combat
-Night Slash
-Stone Edge

Speakin' of Heracross... Night Slash is kind'a redundant unless ya want Heracross t' fight Ghost-type (ya don't, you've got Houndoom for a reason), and even then a super-effective 70 BP move won't do much besides KO a paper thin-defensed Gengar. If it doesn't Hypnosis ya first. 'Course, most'a Heracross' moveset is pretty redundant after his two STABs and Stone Edge. You can hit Poison-types which resist both his STABs with Earthquake, although Ground and Fighting-moves are redundant t'gether so that's all it's useful for. Useful indeed though. Instead'a EQ, you could give it Bulk Up. It has good Special Defense so the extra Physical bulk really helps it sweep.

Skarmory: Keen Eye
-Drill Peck
-Stealth Rock
-Steel Wing

Skarmory should have Brave Bird instead'a Drill Peck since it has Roost to completely negate the recoil. It doesn't hit hard without a high-BP move, so... yeah. Also, I'd highly recommend Spikes over Steel Wing. All the move does it hit Rock-types for really low damage; they have high Defense whereas Skarmory has mediocre Attack, so yeah. Steel is a terrible attackin' type after all. But with Spikes and Stealth Rock, Roost lettin' ya use Spikes thrice, you can really make switching a painful experience for ya foe. If ya use Arcanine like I suggested, Intimidate will force Physical attackers to switch in and out, so that'd be some good syngery.

Also, here's a revision of the last two teams I posted:
Alright, replacing Protect with Nasty Plot, Fire Punch with Cross Chop, Grass Knot with Ice Beam, Night Slash with Bulk Up, Drill Peck with Brave Bird and Steel Wing with Spikes.
Team in Soulsilver so far: (About to fight Falkner)
Mighty the Bee (Cyndiquil)
Like Button (Ledyba)
Jeff the Killer (Sentret)
One Direction (Geodude)
Charmy (Kakuna)
Spearow (Forgot its nickname)
Got a long way to go!
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So... my revised SoulSilver team.
(Not EV trained, raised during main story. No idea what their IVs are. Also I haven't taught some of these Pokemon the moves listed on here, so it's still an incomplete team. I guess you could say I'm going to use this to beat my friends at school like Esp, but once again, it's still a WIP.)

Charizard (Ability: Blaze, Held Item: Charcoal)
-Fire Blast
-Sunny Day
-Solar Beam
-Air Slash

Espeon (Ability: Synchronize, Held Item: Either Spell Tag or Twisted Spoon)
-Grass Knot
-Morning Sun
-Shadow Ball

Lapras (Ability: Water Absorb, Held Item: Nevermeltice)
-Ice Beam

Dragonite (Ability: Inner Focus, No held item; Dragon Fang maybe?)
-Dragon Dance

Heracross (Ability: Guts, Held Item: I believe the Muscleband)
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
-Night Slash

Snorlax (Ability: Thick Fat, Held Item: Thinking of either the Focus Sash or Leftovers)
-Sleep Talk
For my first two to go out in Double format.

Zapdos : Focus Sash

Jolteon : Brightpowder
Shadow Ball
Signal Beam
Items which give a STAB bonus are generally frowned upon since... well, they ain't all-that useful. Not 'less you're usin' really high BP moves which have also been boosted by weather (boosts directly to a Pokemon's Attack-stats are irrelevant for these items) and such... While your Charizard is an alright example of that, you're still better off with the gem items. Their effect on damage output is much more pronounced, and will almost always positively impact how many hits the foe can take. Items like Charcoal, not so much. 1.2 is just too small of a boost.

... But since you're playin' on a Gen 4 game, you've no access t' Gems sadly, so other items will have t' do. The only type-boosting item you should even think 'bout keepin' is Charcoal on Charizard... and ya really shouldn't. The reasoning for this is that under harsh sunlight, with Blaze active, Charcoal will add an extra 84 BP to Fire Blast. That's alright, but generally irrelevant since without Charcoal Fire Blast would have a terrifyin' 422 Base Power regardless. If that won't OHKO an opponent, the extra 84 BP won't help either because you're gonna two-hit KO anyways or the opponent is a Kingdra or somethin' else which 4x resists Fire. Outside of weather and Blaze boosting, it only gives an extra 37 BP when hitting neutrally. Pretty poor indeed.

With that said, a better (and more fitting item) would be a Life Orb. A raw 30% boost to all your moves' power in exchange for losin' 10% of your HP every turn. More potent than Charcoal, and also boosts Solarbeam and Air Slash in order t' ensure Charizard can better fight Water-types and help one-shot the bulkier Fighting-types like Machamp. If ya don't like Life Orb's recoil damage, you could use an Expert Belt instead to increase damage output whenever ya hit super-effective. This would generally be for, as mentioned above, helpin' to combat Water-types and Fighting-types. Fire Blast doesn't appreciate the boost as much as Charizard's other moves do, so I'd highly recommend replacin' that Charcoal. Hell, ya could even give it a Wide Lens t' help ensure Charizard goes out in a Blaze of glory (heh) and doesn't miss with that super-charged Fire Blast at a really untimely moment. Anythin' is better than Charcoal.

Espeon could also use a Life Orb, especially since it has Morning Sun t' heal itself up with. 'Course it's very frail as is, so you'd need t' be even more careful with it when usin' an Orb on it. It could hold a Focus Band t' prevent an untimely faint... if you're lucky. Focus Sash could be used in the same way against, albeit only once (the item is used up after the first time; gettin' back to full HP won't let ya use it again). Brightpowder does the same thing as a Focus Band yet better, but it's a cheap as **** item anyone should feel ashamed usin'. If Espeon just barely can't KO a bulky opponent; which happens very often when battling Pokes which aren't specifically EV'd; the oh-so rare Petaya Berry might barely let Espeon win the exchange and retreat back t' it's ball to heal later.

Lapras doesn't really warrant for any particular item. A generically good item like a Scope Lens, Sitrus Berry or Quick Claw would work.

Dragonite could appreciate a Lum berry, allowing it t' Outrage a second time in a row. This would let ya ignore confusion and throw out four hits minimum 'fore switching, which would make Dragon Dancing up and then spammin' Outrage for awhile very deadly. That or block any random status that hits it 'fore the confusion sets in, which is even more useful.

Muscle Band is even more useless than type-enhancing held items, so drop it period. Even a Black Belt is better. Anyways, the Choice items are potent and very useful. In particular, Heracross loves choice items. Choice Band gives it a free 1.5 boost to it's attack, making either of it's STAB moves destructive even when resisted. Heracross also has good enough speed t' use a Choice Scarf, which would give it enough speed t' outrun quite a few 'mons and really catch an opponent off guard. Their Psychic-type they expected to outrun and off your beetle will receive a speedy Megahorn instead, netting you a "free" KO.

If ya don't like gettin' locked into a move but do like the sound'a that 1.5 boost, use a Flame Orb instead. Guts negates the attack drop caused by a Burn, and turns it instead into a 1.5 increase instead. You'll be able t' switch moves freely, but will lose 1/8th of it's HP as a result. It's essentially a Life Orb but even more powerful in the hands of a Guts Pokemon. Bein' Burned after turn 1 also means Heracross instantly becomes immune to even less desirable status, such as severe Poison, Paralysis and especially Sleep. Alternatively, a Wide Lens will sorely help Megahorn and Stone Edge's less than desirable accuracy even moreso than it'd benefit Charizard. The latter missin' is generally a disaster against say, a Flying-type, who will guaranteed destroy Heracross if it doesn't KO first. A Zoom Lens would work quite well too since most slower Pokes; Rock-types and such; generally are afraid of eatin' a Close Combat, whereas the faster ones are often those ya absolutely need t' hit with Megahorn and Stone Edge.

Snorlax's bulk comes from his massive HP, so yeah, Leftovers without a doubt. Ain't a more fittin' item for it anyways lol.
If you're grading items now as well, I need to iron a few things out in my Platinum team. I had no idea what items to give my Pokemon, but luckily I happened to have 5 Leftovers. However, there may be better things to give these guys.
Pokemon Platinum:
Infernape-Life Orb-Naïve-Blaze
-Flare Blitz
-Close Combat
-Grass Knot
-Stealth Rock
-Brave Bird
-Close Combat
-Fly (for convenience)
-Nasty Plot
-Grass Knot
Gyarados-Choice Band-Naïve-Intimidate
-Waterfall (nb4 Aqua Tail vs. Waterfall argument)
-Stone Edge
Magnezone-Leftovers-Timid-Magnet Pull
-Flash Cannon
-Magnet Rise
-Thunder Wave
Rayquaza-Leftovers-Bashful-Air Lock
-Ice Beam

If ban list is enforced, Rayquaza is replace with this:
-Dragon Claw

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