What's your pokemon team?

I use a lot of UUs, but Raichu can only use SubPunch and Revenge sets effectively and ONLY in UU. Hate to say such a cool poke gets the shaft like that.
Pikachu on the other hand, can do quite a bit due to light ball.
Strype has what he has dubbed a mixachu. (I have it too) and it's not too shabby.


DarkPulse is the set I recomend
lol, ok, nevermind on Raichu.

how about for Kabutops? I seem to be partial to ancient pokes. :lol:
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My recomendations? Get rid of recover and Hyper Beam for Thunderbolt and Dark Pulse if you're using any type of choice item set. If not, throw in T-bolt and Nasty Plot for the Nasty Plot set.
Kabutops is very versitile.
He can function very well in a sandstorm, utilizing the Sp.Def boost it provides or he can get a swift swim boost in the rain which after a SD, makes him quite the threat (or without it).

StoneEdge/Waterfall/AquaJet/X-Scissors is a fantastic CB set.

RockPolish/SwordsDance/SalacFlail/Support, Kabutops can do it all, and with that 115 base atk and a gigantic movepool, he's deffinately not something you want to triffle with.
Another example of a poke who belongs in the BL group.

If he could baton pass, I'd be in love.
StoneEdge is recomended over EQ due to STAB and resistance but otherwise mthat works. I'd pair him with a Ludicolo, Kingdra, or something else that can set up rain to activate swift swim, maximizing his epic potential.

My first custom job was a Rain Dancing Magnezone.
speaking of Ludicolo, i need a moveset for em and the location of a leaf stone in diamond (other than underground)

He needs either Leftovers with this set or more likely a damp rock.
It's recomended to have IceBeam over Toxic, but everybody and their mother has an ice attack nowadays and with rain support, STAB surf will be his attack of choice when you get a chance to attack (seeding/toxicing/etc)
Keep in mind although Ludicolo is a bulky Pokemon, he wont survive long in OU battles.

I'm not sure where to get a leaf stone outside of the underground. I could give you one, but I'm actually busy now.
Try to look near the mossy rock in the forest. That sounds like a logical place to leave a leaf stone IMO.

On a side note, if for some reason you choose to take a grass move in the 4th slot, energy ball is only more useefull against Vaporeon wheras Grass knot will almost always do more damage against anything that's weak to it, but again I woldnt recomend them over IceBeam and Toxic.

I have a rain dancing Ludicolo of my own, but he's retired.
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As far as Riachu is concerned, I had written a few intresting pikachu builds some time ago...

But take this support pikachu, evolve it, and slap on thunderbolt instead of it's last slot and your all kinds of gravy.

Strype McClaine said:
I support ‘chu
Pikachu@Focus Sash
252 Speed / 252 HP / 4 in whatever stat you choose
- Wish
- Counter
- Thunder Wave
- Sweet Kiss / Charm / Encore / Knock Off - Platinum Move

This is about all pika can do as a surprise support man. Countering….yea..that’s about it, will auto kill a physical attacker. Wish to do something useful. T-wave for the cripple and the last move for whatever you want it to do as it decides to go back to its ball and rest after getting the crap kicked out of it.
@Storm-He was never really that usefull to me anymore sinceI have a decent OU rain dancer now (my afformentioned Magnezone)

I just had a thought. You could make a really cool rain dancing Bronzong. I would definately respect that a lot.
@ Damp Rock with an Impish nature is the one Smogon has (I found it as I was typing)

I think I would recomend Hypnosis over Reflect, just because by the time you set up rain, Zong may have taken a hit, and it may be time to explode, but then again, that's a touchy issue.
I would say toss a coin or think about which situation you would be caught in more first.
As always, make sure the rain wont hamper the rest of your team.

Oh, Toxicroak makes a great rain dancer as well since he gets heald by the rain with dry skin.
No comment on counter-riachu? I'm almost suprised foxy.... I actualy have thought about a rain danceing zong, almost wondering if it could go to a calm/dance zong and have psy and thunder/water attack here
You got that post in just before I got mine in.
It looks like it could work well, but it reminds me of FEAR in a sense that it would take one poke out, but then itself would be fodder at best.
Very creative though, me like.

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