What's your pokemon team?

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  • #166
To Storm:
What!? You took Porygon-Z out of your party?
Oh and here's my Porygon-Z:
Lv. 100
Moves: Tri Attack, Hyper Beam, Recover, Ice Beam.
Health: 301
Attack: 189
Defense: 152
Sp. Atk: 393
Sp. Def: 179
Speed: 269
Other Information:
Nature: Mild
Likes: Likes to run.
Likes: Dry Food
I wish it had more Defense and Sp. Defense,
He's normally taken out in two hits!
I used all my EV's on Sp. Atk and Speed.

..Mild? Ehhh.. No wonder he dies so fast. But hey, can't have the best nature every time.

Recover will do you no good.. If the chance arises to recover, he loses that much HP he recovered, or even more in a single shot. A pokemon EV'd to hit hard(i.e. maxed out in atk or sp. atk)will one shot Z almost every time.

Hyper Beam barely does anything to Bliss without a Nasty Plot and Adaptability, just as Fox mentioned. Even then, 2HKOing Blissey with Return is much more favorable. Why? This is the scenario.

Blissey switches in, and Z uses Hyper Beam. About 40% HP taken off. Blissey uses Thunderwave as you have to recharge, leaving Z absolutely useless. Then, she softboils aaaall her health back. Your Z just got disabled completely and is now useless, while Blissey got in scot free. Not a good idea, eh? What, you want to fire off another Hyper Beam? She heals again and gets in an attack like Seismic toss, making Z in the "KO'd by anything" range.

My recomendations? Get rid of recover and Hyper Beam for Thunderbolt and Dark Pulse if you're using any type of choice item set. If not, throw in T-bolt and Nasty Plot for the Nasty Plot set.

...but i love download...
i was wanting to replace shadow ball anyway, but id like to keep psychic. cant make much use of dark pulse without speed priority.

Z uses Dark Pulse for ghost types mainly, as well as any psychics. Dark Pulse is necesarry to smash bulky pokes like Cresselia and Dusknoir. Besides, Z is fast enough to get use out of it, not every single poke has blazing speed. He's not that fast, but fast enough.

Then there's the issue of Psychic only covering fighting and poison. Poison types are rarely going to be found in OU, if at all(bar Tentacruel, which is owned by T-bolt), and Fighting types he has no business with. The only thing you'd really hit in OU with Psychic is Infernape(which you have no business switching into, he's faster and will OHKO you), Machamp, and Heracross(choice scarf sets murder you).

Then also think of Adaptability's boost on Tri Attack. Psychic has 180 BP when super effective, Tri Attack has 160 on those fighting types. Tri Attack>Psychic.

Oh.. by the way, Dark Pulse is much better for Z than Shadow Ball, just thought I'd mention it.

.As for Dragonite:
DragonDance/EQ/Outrage/FirePUnch is the standard.
Don't feel like getting deeper into dnite without CK, this seems like his territory. Also Strypes hlal is effective so I'm not the guy for it.

Right on the money, Fox. That's the perfect D-nite set, too bad Salamence owns it in every right in Platinum.. .-. That set isn't too reliable as a main sweeper though. It's best for softening up the team with a mid-game attempt, or sweeping the enemy when they have 2 or 3 pokes left.

Dragon Claw is obviously much weaker, but if you're aiming to sweep the team with no catches(outrage's confusion), you should use Dragon Claw. If you have another sweeper, by all means use Outrage.

I will mention a problem with Outrage some people don't see, ofcourse. The confusion obviously makes D-nite not capable for a longevital sweep. If the enemy switches in a steel type and you're locked in, say a Metagross, you have a chance of dieing. Why? Metagross learns Ice Punch.

Then there's also 'Zong with Hypnosis, or possibly reflect. Even worse, Explosion. Outrage can be used to soften teams mid-game, as I mentioned before, but if they throw out a steel type, your D-nite is probably going to faint.

So if you're using Outrage, you better be prediction-happy. Especially if you use it mid-game, mainly if you don't know the enemy's entire team. That's why I stick with Salamence and Dragon Claw - I prefer more reliable sweepers.
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That's why you carry Fire Punch.
You send in Dnite and scare something away, bringing Bronzong out to take a predicted Outrage. This is where fire punch comes in handy (EQ for Metagross)
Bronzong MAY be able to live a +1 fire punch, but I'm not sure. If he does, he has many optijns.
Hypnosis/Explosion/StealthRocks/TrickRoom(this would suck with +1 speed)/etc
Yes, Dragonite is hampered by steels, but not walled.
Also 2 DDs is scary. You don't always have to use Outrage, but without a steel to back you up, +2 Outraging Dragonite is a disaster (Weavile/Mamoswine laughs at Yache berry-less versions though)
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That's precisely why I said you have to be "prediction happy". If you use outrage at the wrong moment, you've failed your sweep and alerted the opponent you've got a DD D-nite waiting in the wings. Or even worse, your D-nite faints.

It's true, while no steel can wall Mence or D-nite, they can certainly stop it if you have bad prediction. ..Oh, and I'm pretty sure a physically defensive 'Zong will survive a +1 Fire Punch.
I was commenting with you, not against. Reinforcing you I guess.
252 SPE/252 ATK/6 HP
Choice Band @ Jolly nature

Yeah, it is, but I needed fodder and Aerodactyl was something I really didnt need since I had Yanmega/Mamoswine.

@Dusknoir-Will-o-Wisp/FirePunch/ThunderPunch/PainSplit is the popular moveset for a tanking Dusknoir.
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ok cool, thanks alot for all the sets guys. one more thing...

a set for...say.....Metagross and Raichu
Ask CK on Raichu. That thing is useless IMO.

On Metagross
Agility/MeteorMash/EQ/Explosion is one set that works well with Metagross

MeteorMash/EQ/Explosion/BulletPunch is a good CB set
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Ask CK on Raichu. That thing is useless IMO.

..So you let me give movesets for the crappy pokes? Thanks a lot. -.-

Hahah, joking. Raichu is pretty useless in OU though, I'll agree on that. Just because he's one of my favorite pokes, doesn't mean I know junk about him though. Call me bland, but I've never used a UU in my entire battling career.

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