What's your pokemon team?

Forgive me for being meticulous, but having Conkeldurr use a Flame Orb to cause a burn is self diminishing. It activates Guts, but Conkeldurr's attack still gets halved by the burn. It just handicapps the Troll. Toxic Orb is better for that.

Had to put in my two cents

View attachment 8802

Your two cents is worth even less than said currency. -_- Inexcusable, Storm. INEXCUSABLE!

Guts negates the drop Burn causes and still gives the boost. :lol: Come on now, not knowing Mold Breaker's details is acceptable, noone knows the details of every ability. But Guts, bro?

Not to mention a Conkeldurr will take more damage from Toxic poison's increasing damage than a Burn's static damage if it intends to Bulk Up and stay in. For shame, Storm... For shame. T_T

But now you learned something, and knowing is half the pokebattle!

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well i think ill post a UU team:

i decided to give it pizaz like urs CK


Dancing with Lilligant @ Leftovers
Ability: Chlorophyll
252 SpAtk / 4 SpDef / 252 Spd
~ Quiver Dance
~ HP Fire
~ Giga Drain
~ Sleep Powder

if i see something i can set up on like another grass type like Tangrowth for instance i switch in use dance and begin my sweep but usually i dont until all my opponents fire weaknesses or threats are gone. and HP fire is there for other grass types and steel types so they dont wall me. Sleep powder can be useful especially if they switch into something that can do real damage to my team

Killin wit the Pengooin @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Stealth Rocks
~ Scald
~ Ice Beam
~ Grass Knot

Stealth rocks for when i switch into something and know they are gonna switch out yay free turns lol. rest are nice coverage plus its a great poke to take out lilligants threats. at first glance can u tell what color her eyes are???? :wink::wink:


The Phoenix! @ Life Orb
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Heat Wave
~ Air Slash
~ Agility
~ Roost

Roost to recover off of stealth rock damage, or attack depending on whats out. agility to make em faster to out speed and scarfers. and heat wave and air slash for stab.
3 special attackers f*ck yea and a nice fire/water/grass setup :yesnod::yesnod:


Pink Demon!!! @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Modest
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Earth Power
~ Flamethrower
~ Icebeam
~ Toxic Spikes

Why not be an A$$hole and set up toxic spikes and stealth rocks??? Nidokings move pool makes him a good anti-lead and not to mention sheerforce ability with life orb=sh*t tons of damage if super effective.

4 special attack holy f*ck!


Da King @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sniper
Nature: Jolly
4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
~ Dragon Dance
~ Outrage
~ Waterfall
~ Substitute

Only one weakness(dragon) da king is beasty if i get a few ddances off with lum berry enabling me to recover from my confusion at the end of and outrage makes it even better. waterfall for those stab attack and substitute on a switch then do as many ddance as possible then outrage.

yay a physical attacker

Being a Total Bi+ch @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
252 Hp / 108 Def / 148 SpDef
~ Reflect
~ LightScreen
~ Ice Beam
~ Lunar Dance

I might consider changing Lilligant to Tangrowth, and maybe changing Cresselia moves to something that damages more or do like a rest sleep talk type thing. idk what do you guys think?

i randomly found this, this pic is for u CK:
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UU, huh... Nope, can't touch this one. I do have a bit of general advice, though;

What's Empoleon hitting with Grass Knot, exactly? I know how great Water/Ice/Grass coverage is (I have plenty of experience with Manaphy sweeps :p), but is Grass Knot really needed for specific threats?

Flamethrower over Heat Wave on Moltres. You'll regret it otherwise when that 5% miss serves you an extra large dish of fail, and Moltres' many weaknesses gets it killed on the same turn. This isn't doubles, after all. >_>

Since I'm sure you'll abuse the resistances of your fire/grass/water core as well as Kingdra's countless resists, I see why your Cresselia has Lunar Dance. Just be careful with it, eh? Don't wanna lose that epic screener 'till you intend to sweep.

Also, in terms of team typing, your core says enough, lol. For the actual statistics, you have multiple resists to quite a few types; but what I'd personally worry about are the single Normal resist, and the single Ice resist. Hail teams will happily hail on your parade (/pun), and since your stat-up sweepers don't have an Ice resist, their stall will be VERY hard to break. The worst part is not all Water/Ice pokes are hit hard by Grass Knot, so if Lilligant is your only hope, hail will put you in a nasty situation.

And as for the single normal resist; if Slaking ever shows up, you'll get holes punched into your team, simply said. Slaking generally run EQ, so Empoleon can be predicted and absolutely destroyed on the switch. So yeah, be wary of this double-edged beast.

i randomly found this, this pic is for u CK:

The entire .gif is better... >_> Good effort, though.
This was my first attempt at a UU team so yea Grass knot is for those heavy ground and water types milotic for example

the picture was just for laughs but whatever

i am rebuilding this team


replacing Moltres
Rotom-H @ choice scarf
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Trick
~ Volt Switch
~ Overheat
~ Shadow Ball

replacing Lilligant
Tangrowth @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Relaxed
252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 SpDef
~ Sleep Powder
~ Giga Drain
~ Earthquake
~ Leech Seed

replacing Kingdra
Flygon @ Choice Band
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Jolly
4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
~ Outrage
~ U-turn
~ Stone Edge
~ Earthquake

replacing nidoking
Blastoise @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Calm
252 Hp / 4 Def / 252 SpDef
~ Rapid Spin
~ Scald
~ Roar
~ Icebeam

and idk but i might replace cresselia cause if it gets tricked or toxic'ed then its srewed. i am thinking about possibly Escavalier to add to my resistances and it still has beastly defences! and also can attack.
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Not a bad change in team, actually. Covered up your previous typing flaws (except normal; but yeah, Slaking isn't all-too common), and added some balance. I'm curious why you felt you needed to add a spinner, though? Keeping Rotom strong for your F-G-W typing core is important, but a spinner wouldn't be necessary unless you want to put a stop to opposing stall teams. I'm not saying it was a bad choice, just curious as to your thoughts on said spinner.
Well i used rapid spin to stop those stall teams that use roar and such to rack up that entry hazard damage cause i have battled quite a bit of people who just roar over and over. I also just like to get rid of those entry hazards as in uu theres a lot more toxic spike users. And id rather not have my pokes poisoned. I might change roar to rain dance because of those hail teams that can rain on my parade. And also there are some evolite hippotas that ive seen.
Ah, I never thought that Hippopotas can use Eviolite, obvious as it is... Shows what a UU n00b I am. :lol:

Rain Dance just wouldn't work to counter hail, really. Abomasnow can just scare you out with Wood Hammer, or come in right after you RD and proceed to Wood Hammer. Changing the weather to counter other weather WITHOUT auto-weather, is a waste of time IMO. Too much of a disadvantage to bother. A solid counter to the deadliest UU weather pokes would be more suitable, IMO; i.e. a Stall'rein destroyer. And if anything can destroy Walrein in Hail, not much in UU should be able to stall said destroyer easily either, lol. So yeah, I'd say keep your Rapid Spin.

... Is Walrein not BL yet? >_>;
I raise you a full party of Caterpie, my good sir!

... Just to be an annoying prick.
I am currently transferring all my Pokemon (Lvl 38-70) from Pearl to HeartGold. I am doing this to get all my powerful Pokemon to one game so I can store them on Battle Revolution. I still have to catch Lugia, Zapdos, and Suicune which would bring me to over 70 Pokemon, allowing me to make 12 teams in PBR!

EDIT: I caught those three Pokemon and for now, the teams are complete!

EDIT: And I just caught Cresselia which was awesome! NOW the teams are complete!
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I want anybody, who will, to make 8 teams out of the following 48 Pokemon that range from levels 40-70. If you need the levels, I can give them. Consider these rules:

-Fair teams

-Try not to combine Legendaries like Lugia and Ho-oh together. Other examples: the three dog and bird Legendaries

-No repeats on teams like Pikachu

-Have fun!



I have 2 teams already:

My Pearl team - Infernape, Golduck, Luxray, Lucario, Staraptor, Palkia
My HeartGold team - Typhlosion, Poliwrath, Jolteon, Gengar, Pidgeot, Nidoking

This is for battles on Pokemon Battle Revolution. I've made teams myself but I want to see other people's ideas as well.

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