What's your pokemon team?

Cell Battery OP? Naaaaah. Really useful? Hell yes.



sableye (leftovers, impish) (252 defense, 252 hp) (prankster)
-will o wisp
-night shade

standard sableye. It burns stuff and can heal off damage with recover. Night shade is to do some damage maybe, and taught is there for defensive/setup/etc pokemon.

priority recover, burn and taunt... What a dick of a pokemon. Standard set, nothing to correct or give advice on; it is what it is. Thank god it's stats are sub-par, or this thing'd be the bane of every physical attacker.

sharpedo (adamant, life orb) (252 attack, 252 speed) (speed boost)
-ice fang/eq

a physical sharpedo used for revenge killing.

sharpedo isn't useful for revenge killing, since it outspeeds little before the speed boost. Not only that, but it's fraility means revenge killing is all it'l be doing, which it's bad at... If it ain't sweeping, sharpedo needs to gtfo. And since you have gyarados for that (who is your team's water type regardless)... :p

gyarados (adamant, cell battery) (252 attack, 252 speed) (moxie)
-dragon dance
-stone edge

a setup gyarados. It takes advantage of electric attacks with cell battery, and can obviously wreck havoc.

all i can say is be very careful with moxie gyarados. Since you're using a cell battery, you need to make sure you can get off your sweep when you can. Lack of intimidate + a one-use item + sr being a huge thorn in gyara's side = a surprisingly unbulky gyarados.

As for the moveset, you need to watch the **** out for dragons like scarf haxorus or scarf lati@s and multi-scale d-nite ruining your sweeping days; hell, d-nite might set up dd on you by abusing roost/ a stone edge miss, so in gen 5, ice fang > stone edge for sweeping gyarados imo. Also, you might want to invest in a jolly nature since you're not going for bulk. You won't always get that cell battery boost, but it (as well as a possible extra dd) and especially moxie will make up for that loss in attack, whereas that extra speed might save you from an aerodactyl or jolteon (if your cell battery is used up). Might let you get the jump on other gyara prior to a dd too. But it's all up to you, either choice has clear benefits. If ya already considered what i said, forget 'bout changing the nature.

venomoth (modest, leftovers) (unsure on evs) (tilted lens)
-bug bug
-quiver dance
-baton pass
-sleep powder

a baton passing venmoth. Not much to it.

i'm pretty sure a +1 porygon-z isn't going to be sweeping... Even +2 z will be ****ed by things like blissey and the oh-so deadly and common mach punch. My personal opinion is to replace venomoth with something that aids the team's bulk/typing core more, or replace z with something that benefits from the bp'd quiver dances a lot more.

porygon-z (modest, life orb) (164 hp, 252 sp. Attack, 92 speed) (download)
-tri attack
-ice beam
-dark pulse

an agility porygon-z. It can also take advantage of venomoths baton passed quiver dance.

you ain't running hazards, so without that inconsistent download boost, this thing ain't gonna do too well. Unless you get it to +2 (or +3 if you're a tactically inclined son of a *****), your team doesn't have the tools to use it effectively. Not to mention z and venomoth do next to nothing to help the team's typing and such, and since you already have one sweeper, you might be better off just throwing away the both of them for pokemon more team-oriented, rather than the current two who aim to steal gyara's thunder (eh? Ehh?! ;d) and sweep. Having two sweepers can work for hyper-offensive teams, but having three pokemon dedicated solely to sweeping will probably harbor bad results. So yeah.

for the last slot, i'm thinking hydreigon or magnezone.

hydreigon all the way. ;d the only steel type your team will get annoyed with is ferrothorn (what team isn't...), and magnezone will need hp fire to take it out. Unless you're running a dragon (ohai hydreigon) and can get a hp fire magnezone, there ain't much of a reason to use it.

For some reason, going into an advanced reply de-capitalized a bunch of the post... Meh. Too lazy to fix.

Not going into in-depth team rating until ya clear up what I've thrown at ya already; and fill in those remaining slots/confirm you're not changing Z and Venomoth.
Skarmory (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 Spd
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Spikes
- Roost
- Whirlwind
- Taunt

Terrakion @ Choice Band
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- X-Scissor
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- Sacred Sword

Cresselia (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Moonlight
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Toxic

Gyarados (M) @ Cell Battery
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Substitute

Latios (M) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dragon Pulse
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Psyshock

Tyranitar (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Unnerve(?)
EVs: 252 HP / 64 SAtk / 192 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Aqua Tail

Just slapped this together. What should be done to it?
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For Terrakion, I would go with just one Fighting-move.

I was using a Gyarados with Cell Battery, and it got killed by a Zapdos's electric attack. Don't think it protects against electric attacks....
For Terrakion, I would go with just one Fighting-move.

I was using a Gyarados with Cell Battery, and it got killed by a Zapdos's electric attack. Don't think it protects against electric attacks....

I was going to run both because of whether or not I see Def and SpD -1 being able to spend or not. Plus, Sacred Sword breaks through Defense stat boosts, which could prove beneficial.

What do you think would be a good Pokemon in place of Gyarados? If Keldeo was OU, I'd try it.
Nice list RockerJ

Bad post Bxym.

Not trying to troll and especially not to be elitist, but really bro, in a thread this srs (Pokemon is srs business; DON'T JUDGE ME) don't post if it isn't relevant.

I was using a Gyarados with Cell Battery, and it got killed by a Zapdos's electric attack. Don't think it protects against electric attacks....

... Apparently it doesn't, and my memory is completely ****ing lieing to me. :( Sorry Nick. I don't know how I managed to fail so miserably and provide false information like that.

I was going to run both because of whether or not I see Def and SpD -1 being able to spend or not.

Terrakion is banded and fast, so that extra 45 Base Power means you will ALWAYS want to use CC instead.

Sacred Sword breaks through Defense stat boosts, which could prove beneficial.

Only useful for eviolite pokes IMO; since CC already destroys Chansey, and Dusclops is immune, ... yeah. It's not like Terra has anything all-that better for that last moveslot, but it's better to just give it another type coverage move. Choice'd Pokemon love dat coverage.

Will review the team eventually.
Sorry Ck and I would post my Pokemon but with your Pokemon I rather stay out because I will get my *** kicked
Just post it bro. :lol: If anyone bashes you, they'l be dealing with me. ;)

And if ya don't want any team ratin'/only a bit of casual advice, just say so in your post. Don't be afraid of jumping into the nerd-dom of Pogeymanz, now. :p
Okay this is for diamond

Hippowdon LV 59
Empoleon LV 64
Salamence LV 100
Venusaur LV 63
Dragonite LV 58
Nidoking LV 100
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Enter key bro, that's how we do it in this thread. :p

Those're some pretty quality Pokemon for casual play, I'd say. You've got physical attackers and special attackers, and you cover all of your type weaknesses very well; except one, though. If you're ever battling another real trainer, you really need to be wary of Ice moves, if you didn't already know. If your Empoleon goes down, your entire team is weak to Ice and might get owned by Ice Beam or Blizzard spam. Since your team is pretty slow, something like a Froslass might utterly destroy it.

That's really the only downside to this team, though. It's a hell of a lot better than the casual teams I'm used to seeing; without using a single legendary too. :lol: That's certainly a team worth merit.

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