What's your pokemon team?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I forgot to say that the Pokemon aren't final. I'm working on evolving those I need to. Thanks for reminding me.
I can't say I'd be able to make 8 Battle Revolution-worthy teams out this selection (since you're limiting legends 'n all; you'll be fighting full teams of the BEST legendaries eventually), but I'd imagine I could make two good teams.

Team 1:

Ho-Oh: It's a powerhouse physically, nothing more to it.

Machamp: The same.

Gyarados: Intidimate's a great ability, particularly for the double battles you'll be doing; and of course Gyara is great.

Steelix: Hits harder than Skarmory, is a Ground type that gets STAB (same-type attack bonus) Earthquake which your Gyara and Ho-Oh can avoid, giving it nice synergy with the two).

Alakazam: Really should be replaced by Mewtwo or Latias (if it has a soul dew, otherwise it's an inferior Mewtwo with Dragon typing tacked on), but out of the pokemon you've got, it hits hard among the non-legendaries, and you need at least one powerful special attacker.

Electivire: The ol' bait and switch electric moves with Gyarados is a tactic of old, to get Electivire that free Motor Drive speed boost. It's not a bad pokemon either.

Team 2:

I would only recommend a few changes from Team 1, actually.

Mewtwo: The main powerhouse of the team, switching in from Ho-Oh.

Rhyperior: Hits nasty hard, and is very bulky on the physical side, switching in from Steelix.

Bronzong: Rhyperior should really be using Earthquake to do massive damage to both of your opponents with in doubles, and Bronzong also gets the ability Levitate (I really hope your Bronzong has Levitate) so it can dodge the friendly fire. In singles/on it's own, it's very bulky too, and because it's so slow it's Gyro Ball hits laughably hard. It can learn Trick Room to speed them both up to incredibly fast, and Machamp benefits from this too. Basically, Bronzong is strategically good for your team; not just hitting like a pile driver as the rest of the team. Switching in from Alakazam.

So yeah, those two teams might have so great success. And if you have a Soul Dew for Latias/intend to get one for it via the shop in Battle Revolution, you'd definitely want to use it on a team.
Ive been planning out a new team. Im going to get Pokemon Online and test it out before making it this time, but I wanted to know what you guys thought.

Its for doubles


Cinccino (Technician, Jolly, Air Balloon) (255 Attack, 255 Speed)

After You
Bullet Seed
Rock Blast/Wakeup Slap

This Cinccino is mainly designed to lead with Snorlax, but it can hold its own if it really needs to. Basically, it Protects when Snorlax Belly Drums. Then, using its high speed, it uses After You on Snorlax so it can sweep. Air Balloon is for avoiding Snorlaxs Earthquake, but I am also considering a Focus Sash. Im sure After You will help speed up other Pokemon as well.


Snorlax (Thick Fat, Adamant, Rock Gem/Sitrus Berry) (255 Attack, 255 [strike]Speed[/strike] Defense)

Rock Slide
Body Slam
Belly Drum

So, if it leads with Ciniccino, it will probably use Belly Drum on the first turn. I think it will usually have enough bulk to survive above half HP; if Im wrong, I can give it a Sitrus Berry. However, Rock Gem would be nice because Snorlax cant really use EQ if it will hurt its partner, and Im not sure that Rock Slide without the boost from Rock Gem will have the raw power to kill everything.

It can also be helped by Tangrowth, who can use Rage Power to take hits for it. Of course, it can still do serious damage without using Belly Drum.


Tangrowth (Regenerator, Impish, Leftovers) (100 HP, 155 Attack, 255 Defense)

Rage Powder
Power Whip
Sleep Powder
Stun Spore

This Tangrowth has a very high physical defense, so it has no problem taking physical hits. It can use Rage Powder to protect its teammates and take a hit. Sleep Powder and Stun Spore are obviously to disable threats, while Power Whip can really hurt depending on the Pokemon it hits.

Sadly, its special defense is very frail.


Conkeldurr (Guts, Adamant, ???) (255 Attack, ???)

Focus Punch
Mach Punch
Stone Edge

If I understand After You correctly, it ignores priority, allowing this incredibly powerful Focus Punch to hit first. It can also be used alongside Tangrowth, due to Rage Powder. Mach Punch and Stone Edge are also useful. Im not sure about the 4th move, Payback or EQ would be nice. Im not sure about the item or EVs, either.


Starmie (Natural Cure, Modest/Timid, ???) (255 Speed, 255 Special attack)

Hydro Pump
Ice Beam

A very fast special attacker. Hydro Pump and Psychic are mostly for STAB, Thunderbolt should be useful, and Ice Beam is for dragons. Im not sure about the item, a Focus Sash would be good.


Hydreigon (Levitate, Timid, Life Orb) (255 Speed, 255 Sp. Attack)

Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Earth Power

Dragon Pulse is self explanatory, Draco Meteor is for hitting things very hard. Flamethrower is for grass types, and things like Scizor and Ferrothorn. Earth Power can obviously help against things weak to it. Levitate means it wont get hit by its teammates Earthquake.

Other Pokemon I considered were:


And maybe a few others.

Any opinions?
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That After You-Belly Drum sweep won't work... After You doesn't have priority, so scarf users will come in and hammer Snorlax, and so will faster pokemon in general. Having half HP right from the get-go in doubles is asking for trouble, too. Snorlax is 100% more threatening than Cincinno, so I'd imagine the prime target is gonna be 'Lax; hence my worry over Belly Drum, since any one strong attack, neutral or especially super effective, will finish 'em off. A chople berry isn't gonna save him from any Close Combats, either... Cincinno has possibilities in doubles, but Snorlax is completely useless. You should replace 'em with something different ASAP.

I'm not a fan of slow and bulky in doubles, but Tangrowth does resist both water and ground which means something. The only problem with the moveset is Stun Spore; since Tangrowth is so slow, paralyzing one enemy means the other still murders you. I'd recommend ditching it for another offensive move that offers good coverage with power whip (... does anything go good with grass offensively? >_>;).

If After You does turn Conkeldurr into a Focus-Punching machine of destruction, they'l do everything in their power to end that frail Cinccino of yours. That means you're out of your main STAB once that happens. I'll admit that After You-Pawnch is a neat gimmick and props on thinking it up, but it's not going to last too long. One, maybe two shots. I think you should just give Conkeldurr proper STAB over Focus Punch and a Fighting Gem if you want all that massive damage, although his massive HP would really appreciate leftovers and that bundle of EVs you can't decide on.

For the last move, you should go protect. Perfect type coverage is doubles is never something to need to go for. That, and your team is really lacking on protect users.

Speaking of type coverage, here comes Starmie with a loaded moveset. :lol: You need to drop BoltBeam for just one offensive move and protect. Neutral coverage like that which hits few pokemon super effective is really looked down apon in doubles. And of course, protect is infinitely useful. Life Orb as the item since Starmie really needs the boost in strength. Timid is best since Starmie is a bit too slow to be so frail without that speed.

With levitate and those resistances, Hydreigon only really worries about boosted rock slides so Protect isn't necessary... But now that I'm thinking harder, you don't want two dragon moves. I'll take back what I discussed on Hydreigon earlier and say that you should have Dark Pulse over D-Pulse. I know you want that earth-shattering power, but since you have great coverage in Fire/Ground/Dark, you don't need to end up using D-Pulse in order to score a neutral hit. Adding in Dark gives you further coverage and still retains STAB, even adding in that flinch chance (which could be a gamewinner if you're lucky). So yeah, I'd recommend Dark Pulse over Dragon Pulse.

Onto typing 'n all (excluding Snorlax), I think it does rather well. You've got good resistances/neutrality to the most common of multi-target moves (Surf, EQ, Rock Slide, and Heat Wave), although you lack a Dragon resist. But since a lot of dragons are firing of Draco Meteors and Outrage in doubles, steel types might not be able to whether it any better than non-steels. As for that member to replace Snorlax (if you decide to), I'd recommend something that hits hard, plain and simple. You could use some more speed on the team too to go with that power (Cinccino won't be around forever), since Hydreigon and Conkeldurr are already reasonably bulky, and Tangrowth is especially so.

Oh, and one more somewhat random thing; against trick room, you at least have a chance with Conkeldurr and Tangrowth. Give them both a -speed nature just in case. The moment you run into Trick Room, you'll be glad you did. In case you don't have them both at the ready to deal with said trick room, this would be why Protect is so important. Stalling out half of the turns TR is in effect means your team should thrive and survive if you have enough protects on movesets.

Anywho, the team definitely has potential if you play it right (and ditch Snorlax :p), and I think at the least it'd give me a run for my money. Give us the details on how successful you were online, yeah?
I think Ill try out the Snorlax thing on PO before I completely ditch it. Thanks to team preview, I can see if they have anything faster than Cinccino, so really only Scarf users should be trouble. If they do have something faster than Cinccino, I dont need to use Belly Drum and Snorlax can just not use it. Priority Mach Punch is threatening, but I think for the most part only fighting-types have it.

Tangrowth can use Brick Break, EQ, and Payback. Leech Seed could be useful for stallers or tanks.

I guess youre right about Conkeldurr. Ill give it Hammer Arm and a Fighting Gem. I can give it Protect for its last move.

Sure, I can give them -Speed natures. Although Im iffy about Tangrowth since I may want it to outspeed slower Pokemon.

I guess I can replace Thunderbolt with Protect. Ice Beam really is necessary for dragon types like Garchomp.

Sure, I can give my Hygreigon Dark Pulse.....but Im gonna have to get a new Hydreigon. .__.

As for a Pokemon to replace Snorlax, if I do, a fast hard hitting Pokemon with a lot of special bulk would be nice. My team is lacking Sp. Defense. Gyarados could do the job, and also has Intimidate, which is cool. Togekiss might also work. Mismagius is also possible, being a sweeper and having a decent Sp. Defense. And of course theres always Volcarona.
I think Ill try out the Snorlax thing on PO before I completely ditch it. Thanks to team preview, I can see if they have anything faster than Cinccino, so really only Scarf users should be trouble. If they do have something faster than Cinccino, I dont need to use Belly Drum and Snorlax can just not use it. Priority Mach Punch is threatening, but I think for the most part only fighting-types have it.

Yep, always best to give something a try before completely scrapping the idea. My prediction is Snorlax won't be too good, though.

Tangrowth can use Brick Break, EQ, and Payback. Leech Seed could be useful for stallers or tanks.

You aren't gonna find stall in doubles, so leech seed is pretty useless. You could run EQ if you're willing to risk it, particularly since Brick Break ain't useful without STAB (and even then... :p), and Dark/Grass ain't the best offensive combination.

Sure, I can give them -Speed natures. Although Im iffy about Tangrowth since I may want it to outspeed slower Pokemon.

Tangrowth ain't outspeeding much, I can assure ya that. :lol:

I guess I can replace Thunderbolt with Protect. Ice Beam really is necessary for dragon types like Garchomp.

Garchomp is banned. >_>; Your bigger worries are enemy Hydreigon, Salamence, Haxorus, and Latios (any of these with a scarf is pretty dangerous to your team), so Ice Beam isn't 100% necessary. T-bolt's in a similar vein in the fact you'll choose the move to fight off whatever you fear more; Rain Dance-abusing water types, or Dragons?

Sure, I can give my Hygreigon Dark Pulse.....but Im gonna have to get a new Hydreigon. .__.

I forgot about that... sorry. =(

As for a Pokemon to replace Snorlax, if I do, a fast hard hitting Pokemon with a lot of special bulk would be nice. My team is lacking Sp. Defense. Gyarados could do the job, and also has Intimidate, which is cool. Togekiss might also work. Mismagius is also possible, being a sweeper and having a decent Sp. Defense. And of course theres always Volcarona.

Gyara is all-around awesome for doubles (takes advantage of enemy rain, intimidate, bulky and hits hard), but the only problem will be Thundurus raining on your parade. Almost all rain dance teams run 'em, so that could cause trouble. Gyara is still definitely runnable, but for that reason compounded more, I'd say no on Togekiss.

Since you shouldn't see rocks very often, if at all in doubles, Volcarona is viable. The only problem is that Volc. is only really useful once it gets off a Quiver Dance for sweeping, since it's a bit slow otherwise. But it does hit nasty-hard and gets Heat Wave, and you might be able to take advantage of a sun team's boost. Just would have to be careful of boosting flash-fire pokes with that Heat Wave.
Ill give Tangrowth EQ.

I see Garchomp all the time on random Wi-fi. ¬_¬

Wait a minute, is it even possible to get a Hydreigon with both Earth Power and Dark Pulse?

Couldent I just give Gyarados a Cell Battery? That absorbs electric attacks, right?
I see Garchomp all the time on random Wi-fi. ¬_¬

Shoulda mentioned you're playing on wi-fi. >_>

Wait a minute, is it even possible to get a Hydreigon with both Earth Power and Dark Pulse?

... I don't see why it wouldn't be.

Couldent I just give Gyarados a Cell Battery? That absorbs electric attacks, right?

Absolutely! =D Just keep in mind it's only got once use, and make sure not to murder your own team mate with EQ (if you run it on Gyara) after the attack boost.

Speaking of which, Garchomp and Zapdos is a nasty lead duo to watch out for on wi-fi doubles. I don't know exactly how common the pair is, but EQ-Discharge spam using their immunities is no joke of an opening strategy.

There's always Focus Blast. I don't blame ya for not wantin' to forsake a reliable move to get STAB sub-par and have to re-breed your Hydreigon and everything. Dragon Pulse is still more than acceptable.

Sableye (Leftovers, Impish) (252 Defense, 252 HP) (Prankster)
-Will o wisp
-Night Shade

Standard Sableye. It burns stuff and can heal off damage with Recover. Night Shade is to do some damage maybe, and Taught is there for defensive/setup/etc Pokemon.

Sharpedo (Adamant, Life Orb) (252 Attack, 252 Speed) (Speed Boost)
-Ice Fang/EQ

A physical Sharpedo used for revenge killing.

Gyarados (Adamant, Cell Battery) (252 Attack, 252 Speed) (Moxie)
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge

A setup Gyarados. It takes advantage of electric attacks with Cell Battery, and can obviously wreck havoc.

Venomoth (Modest, Leftovers) (Unsure on EVs) (Tilted Lens)
-Bug Bug
-Quiver Dance
-Baton Pass
-Sleep Powder

A Baton Passing Venmoth. Not much to it.

Porygon-Z (Modest, Life Orb) (164 HP, 252 SP. Attack, 92 Speed) (Download)
-Tri Attack
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

An Agility Porygon-Z. It can also take advantage of Venomoths Baton Passed Quiver Dance.

For the last slot, I'm thinking Hydreigon or Magnezone.

My first question is this:

Why do you have Pokemon in every tier from NU to OU? Are these just Pokemon you like, or is the setup for some particular playlist?
That's what I thought.

On to my second statement:

What is the likelihood that Gyarados survives an electric type attack so that he may get the effect of Cell Battery? I imagine with a 4x weakness and below average defense, he can't take a decent hit without falling. But I'm assuming you've tested that out?

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