Ur own personal Homeslice
Hey i was thinking i need a physical sweeper on my team so i was thinking instead of latios maybe Salamence, or Dragonite any thoughts?
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I need to get into the 5th gen metagame...
Ight bros check this shit out
So I don't really use Dream World because the WiFi at my house works in a way which doesn't allow my DS to access online play, so this team is for local battles in my circle of real life friends.
We take Pokemon battles pretty seriously.
Anyway, one of those friends gave me a Timid Drought Vulpix as a gift, so I decided to make a Sunny Day team with it, and it's been working pretty well so far! Check it out/evaluate if you will:
-At a Glance-
Yeah, I know this is pretty standard fare, but... hey. It sure is fun.Now let's take a deeper look:
Ninetales: Weather Lead
Timid/Drought/Life Orb
252 SpAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Nasty Plot
This is a pretty... typical Ninetales, I guess. A lot of people stress Energy Ball over SolarBeam, but that hasn't been a huge problem for me. I'm also a stickler for accuracy, so I chose Flamethower over Fire Blast. Psyshock is there to hit Special Walls, while Nasty Plot is there if I get the chance to use it. To be honest, I only really use this Ninetales to get the sun going-- beyond that, its utility has proven to be rather limited.
Yep, Ninetails... The reason almost everyone uses Energy Ball, is so that Politoed and Tyranitar don't just switch in and destroy you with ease. Since you can't switch while it charges, double STAB Hydro Pump or STAB Stone Edge is going to destroy Ninetails, and Solarbeam isn't going to OHKO either of them. Making a weather team prone to other weather can be a death wish, so just on that note, be careful with your choice of Solarbeam. Do not fire it off if the enemy has any sort of insta-weather changer. Ever. Otherwise your sun's gone for good, and this team's simply ****ed, lol.
Arcanine: Physical Sweeper
Adamant/Intimidate/Air Balloon
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Flare Blitz
Wild Charge
Close Combat
Morning Sun
Fun stuff, right? Also fairly standard fare. I chose Wild Charge over Extremespeed because of the added coverage against Water types. Given the fact that he'll be most active in the sun, though, I might put Extremespeed back on there. Thoughts on this? (By the way, Flare Blitz + Sun = <3)
If this wasn't meant to be bulky via Morning Sun and Intimidate/Air Balloon, I'd be spamming rows of "DARMANITANDARMANITANDARMANITAN", since the thing hits even harder than a damn Ho-Oh for god's sake when using Sheer Force. Literally Uber attack power with a double STAB boost, Sheer Force boost, and a life orb, I'd almost rather have Magikarp splash me. Almost.
Skarmory: Physical Wall
Brave Bird
You've seen this millions of times. While this may not be the most original set out there, it serves its purpose pretty well. Namely, to set up Spikes to break the Focus Sash I've seen on those damn Cloysters.
Skarmory in the rain is brilliant. Skarmory in the sun is... uh, possibly going to backfire. If Garchomp was still OU, in the sun it'd be able to power through this steel bird with Fire Fang. Physical attackers running fire moves are going to get past it, and since you already have Arcanine, Porygon2, AND wall/sweeper Volcarona (this idea is wtf original :lol: ), I don't think you need another dedicated wall. I would imagine there's a better spiker for you out there that doesn't have as poor synergy with harsh sunlight. A good poke, but maybe you could find something better for this slot? Or perhaps you could dedicate this slot to an end-all to enemy permaweather pokes.
Porygon2: All-Purpose Wall
252 HP / 184 Def / 72 SpD
Ice Beam
Thunder Wave
An average Porygon2 to fill an average niche, but with one deviation: Download. If I can get the Special Attack raise, this thing is an absolute beast, becoming a tank with the power to take practically anything and hit back with enough power to 2HKO things that are neutral to it. I love this thing!
Porygon2 had wall usage before eviolite. Now, it's just-plain badass. You're definitely going risky with Download, especially since Trace gives it the means to counter a huge amount of threats (throw an intimidate right back, negate damage with absorb abilities like Flash Fire, etc.). It certainly is risky... It can pay off, but just like with Rivalry (even though Download has no negative effect), the flip of a coin is hardly worth it when a reliable ability does this thing's job better: wall and counter. This thing ain't no sweeper, so unless those EVs revolve around that +1, I'm suspicious of using Download. But since you love it so much, I'll trust your intuition in the fact it's been paying off. =)
Shiftry: Sun Sweeper
Modest/Chlorophyll/Focus Sash
252 SpAtk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Dark Pulse
Nasty Plot
Giga Drain
Switch in. Nasty Plot. Survive with Focus Sash. Commence Sweep. Recover HP with Giga Drain. Nasty Plot. Survive with Focus Sash. Rinse and Repeat.
A flaw in your plans: Sash doesn't regenerate. One use and it's like any other disposable item or a berry; even if you have the requirements to make use of it again, the item's gone. Solar Beam > Giga Drain for this reason. You might also want a Life Orb to increase it's power, since 612 Sp.A isn't going to OHKO bulky pokes without a super effective attack. And I'm sure you know Psychic/Dark/Grass is in no way good coverage, lol.
I won't lie, I have no experience with using Shiftry or sun teams, but wouldn't Focus Blast be more ideal for coverage than Extrasensory? Plenty of common fighting types use Mach Punch, so it'd be better to simply get said pokes out of the way instead of trying to sweep. At the same time, I have no idea if Fighting/Grass/Dark is that great of coverage to risk that unreliable Focus Blast's accuracy or not, though...
Volcarona: Sun Wall
Bold/Flame Body/Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpDef
Fiery Dance
Morning Sun
Quiver Dance
Bug Buzz
This totally works so well. I'm not even kidding. It can take a hit like a pro and heal it off with Morning Sun and Leftovers, then respond by buffing up with Quiver Dance. This thing has become quite the force, and it's probably the best on the team.
This just utterly confuses me. A bulky Volcarona? A poke that has average HP and Def for a speedy sweeper with a massive attack stat(s)? This is innovative, and if we battled each other blind, I would never expect that. Stealth Rock is obviously the entire team's bane, but especially for the not-so-bulky Volcarona. At the same time, maximized defenses and Quiver Dance's Spe and Sp.D boost, alongside Morning Sun and Leftovers recovery, is actually pretty scary... This probably is the best thing on your team. Volcarona is scary enough without the sun, but in the sun Fiery Dance is terribly powerful, and that Sp.A boost chance is just utterly deadly. If you had a good rapid spinner on your team, I'd think this would be absurdly deadly. It still is, but a spinner would make it all the more so, as well as your entire team overall. As I mentioned replacing Skarmory earlier, why not get in a good rapid spinner instead? After all, I can assure you that without a rapid spinner, my own OU team will destroy this one, guaranteed. Not that we can find out unless you use Pokemon Online or another simulator, though... =(
But yeah, props for this set. I personally love it and the innovation behind it.
So that's it! Comments/Criticism would be nice.
Um, I was going to use this team for doubles. Every battle would most likely be 4 vs 4.
Tell me what you think.
... You mean for random wi-fi matches, then? 'Cause we on Wiichat aren't to fond of VGC style battling last time I checked, lol. Anyone who disagrees, please do interject, though.
Also, Ive so far only trained Salamence, Sharpedo, and Kangaskhan.
Adamant/Speed Boost/Focus Sash
255 Attack/255 Speed
Ah, Sharpedo. Youre so awesome.
Anyways, this guy hits pretty hard, especially in the rain. With Speed Boost, he can outrun virtually everything in the game that dosnt have priority. Focus Sash prevents him from being killed in one shot, although priority attacks and some other stuff pose a threat. Ive considered putting Aqua Jet on him to counter priority, but I prefer Earthquake, to be honest. Also, Protect serves more than one purpose. It dosnt just allow him to speed up.
Sharpedo's not very usable in doubles... With a sash, it's not hitting hard enough. Even with a +1 via protect, it's outrun by a LOT of pokes too, actually. Not strong enough, not fast enough, and far too frail; and when it's trying to act strong while it's not, this isn't a proper poke to lead with, IMO. Also, since you need to lead with Politoed, you simply cannot lead with this since if you're using Protect while Politoed isn't, you're not maximizing your pokes' uses. Not enough of your pokes have protect to make synergetic use with your protect-speed boost strategy. If they think you're going to protect with Sharpedo, they can dump everything or at least one sure-fire KO move onto your other poke, and then the single protect just wasn't worth it.
(Timid or Modest)/Drizzle/(Wide Lens or Zoom Lens)
255 Sp Attack/(255 Speed or 127 Defense and 128 Sp Defense)
Hydro Pump
Perish Song
Focus Blast/Blizzard
Obviously for rain. Hmm. Should I make him slow and give him a Zoom Lens, or fairly fast with a Wide Lens? Both improve the accuracy of his moves, but currently Im leaning towards slower with Zoom Lens.
Hydro Pump is self explanatory, getting an accuracy boost from the item. Perish Song is for killing off the opponents last two Pokemon, and I can protect his teammate by using Protect, assuming they have it. Hypnosis is for putting to sleep threats, and the Lens gives it a more reliable accuracy. Im not sure if I should use Focus Blast or Blizzard, to be honest.
As a lead weather poke, needs protect. Perish Song is entirely useless, and needs to be replaced, possibly with said protect. It also needs Specs, a Life Orb, or something to make it hit as hard as it can and take advantage of a beastly Hydro Pump in the rain. By the by, don't use either of the last slot; use Ice Beam. Blizzard is tempting since it hits both enemies, but what happens when only one of the foe is going to actually be hurt more by it than Hydro Pump? You don't want to risk missing, since Politoed isn't sticking around for long in a double battle. Especially if you make him offensive. Ice Beam is the way to go, 100%.
Also, there's a problem with you saying this isn't your lead, but you want screens instead; Rotom HEAT will die setting up screens, or become half as useful or completely useless if it does live. That's a wasted slot when you could have a much better screener like Deoxys-S who has synergy and works better for your strategy to the point that it actually works, lol. But, I'll save any more complaints for when Rotom-H comes to be reviewed.
Jolly/Scrappy/Expert Belt
255 Speed/255 Attack
Fake Out
Ice Punch
Brick Break
Fake Out is useful for many things, really. It can be used to help Rotom-H set up Screens, whatever. Along with Brick Break and Strength/Return, it can hit Ghost-types! This should really surprise some people. Ice Punch is good against Dragons, Flyers, and Grass-types. Brick Break can hit a lot of things super effectively, including Steel, which is useful. She also has a fair amount of bulk, and most likely wont be knocked out in one hit. Expert Belt powers up her Ice Punch and Brick Break when they hit for super effective damage. She isnt exactly super happy yet, so Im currently using Strength, but this will soon be replaced with Return.
All good players know to keep ghosts away from Kangaskhan, actually. It's a common newbie mistake that they won't know it learns Sucker Punch, Crunch and gets Scrappy, but newbies alone. I certainly wouldn't fall for it, and would pull my Gengar/Chandelure/whatever immediately. Kangaskhan succeeded in Gen 4 UU; all tiers' pokemon have practically downgraded from their previous tier by one. Kangaskhan is effectively a NU or even RU poke at this poke, and it's only use is Fake Out since you aren't using Sucker Punch. Many pokemon learn Sucker Punch and Fake Out, having better movesets and much better stats. Unless you're determined to use pokes like this because they suck, you need to replace this guy immediately. =/ He has no synergy on this team that any other poke couldn't do much better.
Timid/Intimidate/White Herb
255 Speed/255 Sp Attack
Draco Meteor
Hydro Pump
This is a bit odd. A purely special attacking Salamence. Most Salamence are physical or mixed, I believe.
Anyways, this girl hits hard. Draco Meteor does a ton of damage, and White Herb gets rid of the Sp Attack drop. Protect is mainly to protect again Perish Song, among other things. Flamethrower may be weakened in rain, but Hydro Pump hits for roughly the same damage, so its all good. Her Intimidate is also useful for lowering the opponents Attack stat.
Normally I'd recommend specs, but since this is doubles, that's debatable in terms of it being superior to a white herb. A single switch can spell your doom in doubles, and you wouldn't be able to use Protect either with a choice item. However, you'd only need to switch if Salamence is threatened anyways, or an Ice Shard user appears. Spamming Dragon Pulse with Specs will be doing massive amounts more damage than two Draco Meteors, the second one still giving the Sp.A drop. Flamethrower will be useless in the rain as well, and special 'Mence lacks serious power if it's Draco Meteors aren't boosted, and can only resort to a STAB boosted Hydro Pump only.
To put this in perspective for you, Timid unboosted 'Mence is doing 10 or so more damage than Modest Politoed. Politoed sucks besides drizzle. So yeah, Specs probably would be better in doubles, and without a doubt in singles. Therefore, you want a change in moveset, hence I'm recommending Specs, replacing Draco Meteor with Dragon Pulse, and dropping protect for another coverage move (er... there are none?) or Draco Meteor, if you still want raw power at the cost of a switch. Also, consider replacing Flamethrower with Heat Wave. If the attack won't OHKO anything in rain, might as well maximize the damage done. A 10% loss in accuracy is nothing compared to Blizzard's 30% drop from Ice Beam, so Heat Wave can very well be worth it.
Also, Specs Mence is no longer the beast it was. Hydreigon and Latios are the better dragon-type special attackers. Unless you're using it over these two for Intimidate, you want one of the other two, really.
Oh, and Perish Song goes through, Protect, Nick... >_>;
Bold/Serene Grace/Evolite
255 Defense/255 Sp Defense
Follow Me
Thunder Wave
A bulky Togetic. Its almost impossible to OHKO it, so Follow Me can save my other team members if a deadly attack is aimed at them. Hes quite annoying, really. Thunder Wave is to cripple sweepers. His Tailwind speeds up my entire team for a few turns. Roost is obviously for healing damage and for temporarily getting rid of his Flying-type.
It knows no attack moves, sadly, and it dosnt abuse Serene Grace at all.
I disagree, Nick... 295 Def and 309 Sp.D increased by half, when backed by a meager 220 HP, is very easy to dispatch. Any boosted attack is doing at least half it's health, if not more or an outright OHKO. Shuckle isn't exactly bulky, and it has nearly 200+ in comparison to both these defensive stats, but 100 less HP. This thing's not getting you anywhere. I'm not an expert in using Follow Me, but I'm sure there're users of it plenty better. Offensive pokes that fit the team like Thundurus can use T-wave with faster speed, or even priority. Tailwind users are everywhere, and some of the best of them have Prankster for an ability, too. Considering you're recovering only 110 HP or so with Roost, it won't do anything worth while. And since you can't throw an attack move on something so weak, this poke is... garbage, really.
Rotom Heat form
Timid/Levitate/Light Clay
255 Speed/255 Sp Attack
Light Screen
Yes, a Rotom H on a rain team. I honestly dont plan to use this thing at the same time as Politoed. I expect it to mainly be used in combination with Kangaskhan to set up Screens at the beginning of battle. The Screens should really make my team a lot harder to kill. Thunderbolt is quite useful, especially against Water-types. Overheat should come in handy, although the Sp Attack loss is quite annoying. Electric/Fire isnt really a bad typing, its only weak to Water and Rock I believe. I guess the Water weakness will be rather annoying, but then again, if it can outspeed Water-types it will often be able to kill them.
So here we are. A fire type on a rain team. Even as a lead, it's not defensively strong. Offensive and balanced teams can lead off and easily OHKO/2HKO this thing before it throws up any screen. Fake Out may not be enough to let this slow thing set up even one screen, and after that Fake Out both pokes are rendered useless and most likely dead, with just one screen up to show for it. It's inefficient, so this poke's job is done better by countless others. It's synergy with the team if it somehow does survive the first two turns is abysmal, too... Another poke that I believe should be replaced.
What do you think? Yeah, I dont really use the extra 4 EVs, Im too lazy. Its not like they make a big difference anyway. =/
Only one thing to add, CK.... Arent his EV calcs wrong? I thought you could only max out 252 in each respective stat out of a total of 510 total EV's, the latter 6 being placed on something else bc you cannot have more than 252 per stat right?