What's your pokemon team?

if nt Sharpedo, then definately that Rotom-Heat. Not really doing enough to benefit a Rain Dancing team. And why Salamence? Why not something that more benefits from being in the rain, like Swift Swim SpAtk Choice Specs Kingdra?? Absolute monster. Thats STAB, plus Rain power, plus Choice Specs Surf off a base 95 SpAtk. The base isnt extremely impressive, but the outcome is when you get close if not OHKO both your opponents pokes at once while your partner is unharmed using Protect (assuming this bc you seem fond of it, possibly paired with Sharpedo to get a free Speed Boost as well?) AND Kingdra can take hits quite well, boasting a weakness to NOTHING except other Dragons, which in the Rain it can easily outspeed and OHKO with STAB Dragon Pulse.

If you couldnt tell, Kingdra is my favorite dragon. lol :p
....sadly, it seems that Drizzle + Swift Swim is banned in many places. DX

I could replace Salamence. =/
It is?!?!?!?!? thats bs..... Ughhhh.....

Well, you could STILL replace mence with Kingdra using a different ability, if you want. Stupid ass regulations.... ugh....
Id rather use my super special Huntail. :3

...wait, it has Swift Swim ._.


....I dunno....
Mr. Mime has great synergy with Politoed, but it's useless otherwise. If two flavors of ice cream work well together, but taste like utter **** by themselves and not much better combined, does that make them good? No. Mr. Mime and Politoed both suck, Politoed just has Drizzle. It's useless otherwise, and trying to make a lead that works with anything Politoed does besides set up permarain isn't really worth it. I can't recommend Mr. Mime at all, lol.

Although that Altaria looks like a beast.

I will destroy you...

And CK....come on, 255/255 is just because Im lazy. Im not a noob because of it. >.>

I wasn't referring to you Nick, you're not a n00b. :p I'm talking about newbies that know nothing of competitive battling, AND have no experience in it. They go 255 because they don't know any better, you go 255 because you're lazy. That's stupid, but it is acceptable. :lol:

It is?!?!?!?!? thats bs..... Ughhhh.....

I hate Garchomp being banned but I don't say it's bullshit. =/ Swift Swim + Drizzle is broken this gen. Weak OU/UU pokes with Swift Swim were good enough for dedicated rain teams in Ubers during Gen 4. Ya think with all the additions to Rain Dance teams that it wouldn't be ridiculously good in OU? Swift Swim + Drizzle is broken in OU, simply put. Thousands agree with me wholeheartedly, lol.

Also Nick, Rain Dance and Swift Swim is still 100% legal. Use a ridiculously fast lead with a Damp Rock and abuse Swift Swim that way if ya want, like that Accelgor you used in our singles that one time.

I'll have a go at your team soon, Storm.
I think Ill just stick with Politoed. I dont really need Swift Swim.

I enjoy being lazy with my EV training. =p
lol, sorry man.... I actually did, cuz im just used to never doing more than 252 per stat bc, like u said, its utterly pointless to do so, and i never did it simply because of that. and yes, i did get into it that way. it just never seemed logical to me to waste something when you could make use of something else... lol

well I feel sheepish.... lmao

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My new team (hahaha CK)

Kabutops (Lead)
Weak Armor
Salac Berry/ Leichi Berry/ Water Gem/ Rock Gem
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Waterfall
- Stone Edge

Hypothetical test-lead. Could be a potential surprise, and has enough bulk to get rocks up, and still spin away hazards if neccessary. This Weak Armor ability is interesting though, Kabutops can get hit while setting up, and by setting up, I also earn enough speed boosts for a potential sweep, firing off STAB Waterfall and STAB Stone Edge, decent coverage too. This creature can almost be a full-proof answer to stat-up sweepers like Gyarados, Salamence, the common ones, and others that will rely on using things to boost their speed. I get it all in one package with this guy. Entry hazard while setting up a sweep at the same time? Why not?

Kabutops is NOT bulky, bro. >_>; If you don't run a sash on this thing, it's gonna end up useless. Weak Armor is one of the worst abilities in the game, and if ANY strategies can trade speed for defense can succeed while somehow avoiding getting priority-owned, they must be gimmicky and require way too much support. You... need a new lead, lol. Experimenting is often a good thing, but this time, it isn't; I'm not gonna even include this in the typing and synergy jazz, lol.

As for replacements, countless pokes are faster and/or ridiculously bulkier than this heaping pile of easily broken ****. Pokes that have both taunt and an extra hazard(s) of choice, while either hitting hard or outpacing the competition to simply do better. When it comes to leads, Taunt > Rapid Spin in every case. Taunt does more than get rid of rocks after all, and doesn't get nulled by a ghost. Just find something better, it won't be very hard. :lol:

Sheer Force
Choice Scarf
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
- Fire Punch/ Flare Blitz
- Brick Break
- Stone Edge
- Facade

Hard hitting fast crazy fire-pig-monkey.... Thing.... Sums it up pretty well. BB, SE, and Facade are staple/filler, trying to make the most out of that scary Sheer Force ability. Speaking of which, my decision on Fire Punch or Flare Blitz rests on this question, because Flare Blitz has a possibility of burning the target, will Sheer Force activate and work with it?

Flare Blitz 100% works with Sheer Force; useituseituseit. Unless you really want to keep it around for better revenge killing, but especially without a life orb or band boost, Flare Blitz is needed to keep hitting like an absolute truck. So yeah, you'd have to be crazy to not, or this team loses if it loses Darmanitan or something. :lol:

Considering how defensively weak Darmanitan is, as well as his pathetic defensive typing, you'll want Rock Slide over Stone Edge, bro. You lose the flinch for more power, which almost matches Stone Edge's. As a bonus to losing that, you get 10% more accuracy, and 5 more PP (and even more with PP Ups). Just like with the Flare Blitz argument: unless you absolutely need certain damage %s Stone Edge gets on a Scarf Darmanitan over Rock Slide (which is less likely than any other poke, since this thing's a glass cannon and gives a boost to Rock Slide's power), there's no reason to screw yourself over time and again with that nasty 80% accuracy.

Considering it has a Scarf, if you stick with a lead that can prevent/rid you of rocks, Sheer Force doesn't negate U-turn's switching ability. Anything with a choice item and a high physical attack stat, even moreso with high speed, benefits from U-turn's uses. Especially since you can preserve some of Darmanitan's HP if you don't want to fire off a random Flare Blitz the first time. While you have Team Preview this gen, you still don't know their movesets; U-turn also gives you a free switch that doesn't eat up a turn either, while still dealing nice damamge with Darmanitan's beastly Attack. Throw it on over Facade, without a doubt.

Just like U-turn, Brick Break doesn't receive the 33% boost. Thus, unless you want a poke specifically for screen breaking, you should run EQ over it. 25 BP means all the difference when it comes to using Flare Blitz or not to kill a poke. Especially since EQ does more damage super effective than a neutral Flare Blitz.

Iron Fist
Choice Band
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
- Mach Punch
- Drain Punch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

A bold new, powerful fighting type, one of the highest Base Attacks in OU, AND gets a priority move, WITH STAB, AND 20% Increase from Iron Fist, ANDDDD Choice Band Boost. Basically... This thing is just plain terrifying. Coming off a base 140 attack with all said above boosts to match it (not to mention priority to speed up the teams slothful nature) this thing is bad to the bone, so to speak. EQ and Stone Edge are really just staples... This things priority is to hit hard, first, and destroy immediately, or pick off one at a time late game. Drain Punch can be devastatiing, being a punch also has it benefit from Iron Fist, virtually can bring this poke back from the dead in a single hit.

Yep, Conkeldurr is a scary menace, no doubt. However, not only is Iron Fist hard to access via DW, but it's 100% inferior to Sheer Force unless the moves you're utilizing absolutely CANNOT have their secondary effects taken. The 20% boost is really only a Black Belt boost on this set too, for Drain Punch and Mach Punch. Sheer Force doesn't negate Mach Punch or Drain Punch's secondary effects either, since they aren't aimed at the foe. They're aimed to aid Conkeldurr itself.

Also, you could have better moves on this set; namely, EQ to be replaced by almost anything. Fighting and Ground have redundant coverage together. Just like in Ubers in the Ice v. Dragon move rule, use whichever you have STAB on. Considering this beast has fighting for STAB, ditch EQ. Payback should be your move of choice as replacement. Conkeldurr is slow, so the odds of it not getting boosted are stupid-low. It's also your strongest move against switching Ghost and Psychic types even without the boost, so why not? Coverage on a choiced pokemon is always key.

Also, just like Darmanitan, if you use Sheer Force Rock Slide is the way to go. When you've got the boosted Rock Slide alternative to 'Edge, it's a given IMO. Whenever I use a Sheer Force poke, I always take Rock Slide, no exceptions.

If you do want to keep using Iron Fist (I wouldn't recommend it, really...), you should still switch EQ for Payback, and simply consider Stone Edge's unboosted alternative. Accuracy vs. power all over again. Oh, and perhaps I should mention moves with an additional crit ratio like Stone Edge aren't boosted by Sheer Force.

Shell Armor
Life Orb/Lefties/ Leichi Berry
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 6 SpDef
- X-Scissor/ Megahorn
- Iron Head
- Aerial Ace
- Reversal/ Swords Dance

Escavalier is a beast on his own. Can very well stand up for himself in battle. Shell Armor so I dont have to deal with any of those damned critical hits.... Ugh. X-Scissor or Megahorn, power for accuracy, cant quite decide yet. Aerial Ace can smack fighting types around, and wanting to go with Reversal for ever-Persistent Normal types. Really, I couldnt find a good move to fill last slot, Reversal is kind of an end-all filler. Escavalier serves two purposes though, to scare whatever he switches into and draw out something to play against his only weakness: Fire. Which can then draw out my Chandelure to take advantage and pull a surprise sweep. This bug is both Bait, and a Predator.

Gyarados and Electivire would be proud. :p I personally dislike Escavalier; his poor STABs alongside his low speed make for a poke not my style, but I won't deny he hits hard, just like the rest of your team. :lol: I prefer Scizor and his priorty/u-turn bullshittery as my Bug/Steel of choice, but this thing is a tiny bit more powerful, and obviously more bulky.

It's movepool is nothing impressive, so that moveset'll do well enough. I highly recommend running Megahorn, however. Otherwise, it's just a bulky Scizor without the priority or U-turn. Spamming Megahorn is the best thing Escavalier can do outside of a well-predicted super effective hit (with coverage like that... quite uncommon xD). Also, you should really get rid of Shell Armor. This thing is hardly winning games by surviving a crit. Swarm could definitely win you games. Swarm's extra STAB boost makes spamming it's absurdly deadly Megahorn even more painful, and can easily make a counter wish it would of waited a bit longer for it's team-mates to wear down your armored bug, once it fails to KO and then eats a 2x Megahorn off of this thing's nasty 405 max attack. Swarm is simply better.

Also, running a Life Orb means you can control when you're firing that harbinger of bug-doom Swarm Megahorn without relying on a foe's attack that could put it's health just a bit too low for your liking. So LO is better than Liechi. But as I've said since 3rd gen; when in doubt, Lefties. Either or, really.

Flash Fire
Choice Scarf
EV's: 252 SpAtk, 252 Speed
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower
- Energy Ball
- Overheat

What im thinkin is the standard version of Special Attacking Chandelure. This things SpAtk by ITSELF is a complete monster.... Putting massive speed behind it is just plain scary. If I can draw a fire attack with another poke to activate Flash Fire, might as well kiss it goodbye from those amped up STAB Flamethrowers coming off this Scarfer.

Swarm Megahorn and then Flash Fire Flamethrower; you're gonna make someone cry, Storm. :lol: Yeah, Chandelure is absolutely scary. Shadow Tag version will be banned, little doubt of that. But even without a broken ability, this thing's Sp.A comes close to broken. Good synergy and a fine moveset, no complaints here.

HOWEVER! There are common scarf'ers that can ruin your day that outspeed a Modest Chandelure. Aerodactyl will still ruin your day though, and a Jolteon could pick off a weakened Chandelure. I'm not saying you need a Timid nature, nor recommending it, but I'm throwing it out there; be wary. Just don't send Chandelure out blindly if there's a chance something that could fight back for massive damage can outspeed you with it's own Scarf. So long as you do that, a Modest nature is entirely worth it. Darmanitan has enough speed with it's Adamant nature to outspeed a lot of such threats regardless.

Cloud Nine
Red Card/ Lefties
EV's: 252 Def, 252 SpAtk, 6 HP
- Cotton Guard
- Ice Beam
- Flamethrower
- Roost/ Dragon Pulse

Just to spite you, CK (ha) this is my Altaria Defensive Wall Rebounder (at least, thats what im calling it) After a single Cotton Guard, this thing is ready to run with the best of them. After two, dont even try to mess with it. Timid nature to give it jusssst a touch of Speed. Clud Nine to negate weather effects, meaning this Hat Bird (CK.... -.-) Is a very efficient sweeper stopper, especially amongst Weather-centered teams. Red Card can piss alot of things off that attempt to bring in a counter to Altaria, giving me a chance to Cotton Guard, forcing their switch and getting down a second Cotton Guard, and BOOM, Uber Wall. Beam and Flamethrower get nearly perfect coverage, btw. Last slot will be Roost if I go with the Red Card, but will be Dragon Pulse for extra STAB if I go with the Lefties. Either way, this thing will get some miles on it before it goes down.

And then Draco Meteor spitted this fluff ball into oblivion. The end! =D

Get rid of it NOW. -.-

Ok guys, have at it.

Poor Storm... still struggling to comprehend Sheer Force, and deluded that Altaria is of any use... I pity you. :p

As for the typing review, discounting Kabutops and you-know-who, you've got a nasty weakness to water and ground, both without a single resist nor immunity. Your single flying weakness is also unresisted, so those are what you need to handle with the last two pokes on your team. If the hat-bird wasn't so ****ing useless, it's typing would be useful. Thus, for a stat-up sweeper, I'd have to recommend something like Salamence (y'know, a USEFUL dragon). Your Rock weakness would be borderline unbearable at three though, so you'd have to have a lead to stop Rocks at all costs. And considering not everyone continues to lead with their SR pokes, a suicide lead with taunt is NOT what you want to protect this team from this infamous entry hazard. A good spinner is what you'd need. Just something not Forretress, you don't need another Bug/Steel.

Considering the synergy between the four, defensive typing needs improvements obviously. But the combination of your scarfer's speed, Escavalier's typing and power, and Conkeldurr's raw power backed with priority, this 4-poke core is currently a tough shell to crack without relying on weaknesses. Problem is, picking on type weaknesses is easy. :lol: So patch up those current holes with new team members, and this team will obviously be dangerous. So far so good, bro. Now make it better by ditching those two pieces of garbage for something that supports the team properly. :thumbsup:
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Ok CK thnx, ill take what you said intto consideration and post a revised team (btw you DO know that Altaria was a joke meant specifically for you right? told you I would lol) and the Sheer Force question is still unanswered though, will it boost Darmanitan's Flare Blitz or no?
Ok CK thnx, ill take what you said intto consideration and post a revised team (btw you DO know that Altaria was a joke meant specifically for you right? told you I would lol) and the Sheer Force question is still unanswered though, will it boost Darmanitan's Flare Blitz or no?

Hence why my response to your useless flying fluff ball wasn't serious, bro. :p

Er, I meant to say "Sheer Force" instead of Darmanitan in the first sentence... Yeah, Sheer Force boosts Flare Blitz. Sorry. :lol: Edittin' that now, just because.
lol thanks bud.

And actually, that Altaria would behoove this team really... Its a great all wall with that Cotton Cpore, and it provides resistance to my water weakness, with an immunity to my ground weakness, so either Altaria should stay, or im thinkin possibly an Intimidate Gyarados Wall, then just gotta get another lead... lol
Alright analyzers in training, it's been ages since I've posted a team. So, here ya go, have a blast. Give your comments no matter how trivial or critical, your opinions good or bad, and of course a full review if you have the time. =)


Focusing too hard: Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
EVs: 12 HP, 252 Atk, 244 Spe

Focus Punch
Seed Bomb

Yeah, the SubPunch bit. I've been owned by the SubSeeding variety one too many times (just once -_-+), and since that's stall bullshit, I'm using the offensive one. The 12 HP EVs allow maximum Poison Heal percentage, speed and attack to hammer things. Spore is a dick, Seed Bomb for non-flinching STAB to fall back on, Substitute for scouting and obviously to abuse Focus Punch. Ferrothorn can kiss my ass, some grass types can actually throw a (focus) punch.

And yes, this Breloom is indeed female. :lol:


THAT AIN'T 'MENCE!: Hydreigon @ Choice Specs
EVs: 252 Sp.A, 252 Spe, 6 Def

Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse

I was always lovin' me some 'Mence in Gen 4. But now I've got something faster, with a more accurate movepool and an actually usable STAB. Speaking of STAB, it may not have the neutral coverage of Dragon Pulse, but it's still reliable. Late game should allow at least one non-Draco meteor move to sweep. And since I'll be switching plenty with Specs, Draco Meteor is there to put nasty dents in everything that dares to take it. I'd use this over Latios for this team in specific only for that Dark typing; and Flamethrower, of course.


A weaker splash: Gyarados @ Cell Battery
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Def


Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

I've been using offensive Gyara since '06, and nothing much has changed; except it now has Moxie. While it now has less chances to switch in, it's a veritable death machine that gains nigh-unstoppable momentum once it takes your fodder, or outright KOs something. The Cell Battery is a Wacan Berry on sinister steroids; immunity to a single Electric attack, which is 200% better than halving damage, and even a +1 to attack. This could very well get me an extra Dragon Dance as something switches out, and what switches in fails to even scathe this monster. Gyara has gotten scarier every generation, literally. With the two most new important toys it's gained both on this set, it's somethin' threatening.


Panzerkampfwagen, anyone?: Metagross @ Choice Band
Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Spe


Bullet Punch
Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt

This thing hits like a tank (see above). I've been using it since Gen 3, and it's always been a Steel-type monstrosity. A wall, a sweeper, or something to just throw out raw damage like this set, it's dangerous. It's by no means the best Pseudo-legendary IMO, but still a definite threat.

Now, before I get "what, no elemental punch? WTF?" and "not even trick either? N00B!" thrown at me, EQ and STAB are, of course, almost necessary. It's bulk, raw attack power, and band means Bullet Punch will be doing massive damage and bypassing it's piss-poor speed as well, so it can revenge kill and combat deadly threats that could outspeed and OHKO it. So, that leaves one slot.

As you'll see later on, I have nothing on my team that directly combats Fighting types not locked into a fighting move; Metagross takes it neutral with it's massive Defense and good HP, so why not give him his earth-shattering psychic STAB in the form of Zen Headbutt? To take out fighting types is the only reason Zen Headbutt is on there; if this were Gen 4, it would be Ice or Thunder Punch. But, it's not. :lol:


Shadow tag is broken: Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Sp.A, 252 Spe, 6 Def


Energy Ball
Shadow Ball

If Metagross hits like a tank, this thing's a howitzer; if it had a pair o' Choice Specs, anyways. Regardless, a unique STAB combination, plentiful resistances and immunities, the aforementioned obliterating Special Attack, mix it all together and add in more than enough speed to kill the usual counters and revenge kill with ease, thing is one poke all teams should be prepared for. This thing is the definition of dangerous. Something that plucks the souls from the living, leaving behind empty husks of a being should be, no? Eat your heart out, Gengar. ;D


Trololololololol.~♪: Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 6 Def


Bulk Up
Drain Punch
Mach Punch

A late-game sweeper if necessary, more stopping power added to the team, a sort of status absorber, and another shot of nasty-strong priority. Add in the fact it can double as a really hard hitting tank, and this thing troll is just-plain useful. Lefties, that huge HP, as well as the damage Drain Punch can cause with it's boost in Base Power this gen makes this beast have incredibly staying power. Payback also gives it perfect neutral coverage, or close enough to it; I don't remember if any pokes resisting the combination came out this Gen. >_>;

Yep, that's the team. Bulkier and a tiny bit slower than my usual teams, not as great type coverage offensively and defensively, and a few new pokes and strategies for me. Honestly though, I don't plan on ever giving it much of a shot. It's relegated to the B-list of my team efforts; UNLESS, that is, y'all think you can improve this good team, and make it even ebtter. I expect great things from ya, my students. :thumbsup:

/poke-superiority complex
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its hard to rate this team, it was put together very well. if this is your B team, your A teams must really be awesome. the only thing i think might be good for this team is maybe squeeze a poke that can set up entry hazards as it would help this team tear apart teams more easily. i find it interesting how you put leftovers on conkledurr. why not give him flame orb so his ability guts gets activated?? unless are you worried about a sandstorm team?
if this is your B team, your A teams must really be awesome.


the only thing i think might be good for this team is maybe squeeze a poke that can set up entry hazards as it would help this team tear apart teams more easily. i find it interesting how you put leftovers on conkledurr. why not give him flame orb so his ability guts gets activated?? unless are you worried about a sandstorm team?

Indeed, hazards always help a team offensive, and/or with many choiced pokes. I'd probably change Metagross into a bulky 'Rocks supporter, or change Breloom into a hazard poke. But, I decided not to since literally every team I make has an entry hazard(s), lol. So I'm intentionally handicapping myself a tiny bit with this team; B-team indeed. :lol:

Since I have Bulk Up, I don't need Guts in order to boost Conkeldurr's attack; not to mention he's very bulky, moreso with a defense boost and lefties. A burn would cut his longevity obviously, so while a massive +2 attack Mach Punch is some scary **** from the troll, I wanted him to be a bulky hard-hitter, rather than sacrifice that bulk to hit even harder. Those defense boosts do make him a physical wall, after all. Good thought, though. Mach Punch might not get a Technician boost or have high BP like Extremespeed, but I can see +2 Mach Punch after a single turn of set-up ripping through teams, once their physical wall/fighting stopper is KO'd. Conkeldurr ain't no lightweight, lol.
Forgive me for being meticulous, but having Conkeldurr use a Flame Orb to cause a burn is self diminishing. It activates Guts, but Conkeldurr's attack still gets halved by the burn. It just handicapps the Troll. Toxic Orb is better for that.

Had to put in my two cents

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