What's your pokemon team?

Cool thanks i have a few questions for you.

1. For Vaporeon are those evs still good for that moveset u gave me?
2. How do i get Hp fire???
Thats it and thanks i did think this team was good just didnt know it was as good as u said it really pays off for a second opinion! Thanks a bunch!
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^^^ I'm not entirely sure about the EVs, actually; if those were custom EVs of your choice, they're fine for Wish Vaporeon. But if they were specific to that SubRing set for whatever reason, you could look into something more fitting. I'd think they were fine.

Do you know the details of Hidden Power? If not, this should explain it.


If you just wanna know what the best IVs are to get HP Fire, then at the bottom of the page, you'll see a list for each HP Type here.


It's not easy to get a good Hidden Power in-game, that's for sure... Pokegen is one hell of a boon in that regard. /lazydouche

Not a problem, bro. :thumbsup:
actually the whole Vaporeon set i had was just wat i thought seemed best for Vaporeon so those evs i dont think are from that set i just put them in how i want.

dang it, today i was trying to find out the hp of my Latios. too bad it dark D: so what would you recommend since that doesnt seem to be an option on my current latios?
Right then. Keep the EVs or change 'em if you think there's a better choice. =)

Surf over HP Fire, definitely. I personally believe that's the best replacement. If only it got flamethrower... Every other ****in' dragon gets it. =/
100% yes. You can't get Soul Dew in B/W yet. It's not found in-game, you obviously can't transfer it since items aren't transferable anymore, and the event/dream world update to release it hasn't come out yet.

That, and Soul Dew on Latios (and Latias, of course) WILL be banned in OU on release, lol. There simply can't be a debate for that.
Any time, bro. :thumbsup: Now go make that team and tear some people up... I'll be the one thrashin' you, though. ;P /taunt

Speakin' of makin' teams, I need to get done with my doubles team, for god's sake. I've been putting off my research for too long.
I figured out what the 4th move will be on my Hydreigon: Charge Beam. I know, sounds like a stupid choice, but I think it has its advantages. It gives Hydreigon more coverage, and also hands me a handy-dandy little Sp. Atk boost every time I use it. It's also a great finishing move, basically like a Sp. Atk version of Moxie when I use it to finish off someone.
*Cracks knuckles* Been a long time since I posted on this thread. But this is my RU team as of right now. Check it:

Archeops - Jolly Natured @ Leftovers (May switch with Life Orb) ~ Defeatist
EV's: 252 Attack + 252 Speed
Rock Slide

Mainly used to stop leads like Crustle and such. Rock Slide is a good STAB move against Ice types that are slower than Archeops. Earthquake is a fantastic coverage move for Electric types. Taunt is to stop Stealth Rocks, Calm Minds, Subs, Spikes, etc. Crunch is good for Ghost types or Psychic types.

Ahhhh my friend, im glad that I get to rate your team. Anyways, I like Archeops, VERY good attack and speed, but lacking with that damned Defeatist ability... I see where you are going with Leftovers, but this thing just is not bulky enough to last or make use of them, especially with Defeatist activating after most likely a single attack. Slapping a LO on him would only add to his misery and send him spiraling to less attack even faster in the form of Defeatist. The ability kills the poke. Period. However, there is an alternative route I am thinking of. Simply is this, keep the moveset except put on Acrobatics in lou of Crunch, and drop Leftys and LO for a Flying Gem instead. This way, you can go for a one-hit-wonder using Acrobatics (55 BP Plus Flying Gem Boost plus Acrobatics double base power cuz u have no item PLUS STAB and Archeops monster attack is.... Well.... Very scary, to say the least) And after that is used, Acrobatics will have permanent boosted power plus Archeops STAB, which will ALWAYS do more damage than a super effective Crunch, and offer more type coverage. Also, im not very familiar with RU's pokes, but putting 20 of your EV's into your Jolly Natured Archeops HP means he will stay just above half health from a STAB Aqua Jet from Samurott and most other Water types looking to do the same. Just a thought.

Rotom [Grass Form] - Bold Natured @ Leftovers ~ Levitate
EV's: 252 HP + 168 Defense + 88 Sp. Defense
Shadow Ball
Leaf Storm

Well, you're typical Rotom. Just in RU and in a different form. WOW is mainly stopping physical attackers that can do harm to Rotom. Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt are just coverages in case. Leaf Storm works well against Quagsire and Seismitoad.

I like the move output, but why not put a more beneficial nature to it? Rotom Grass isnt the best wall there is, he has good defenses, but his health is incredibly lacking, and he has no supporting/disable moves on this set EXCEPT for WoW. Levitate isnt helping any weaknesses on Grass-Rotom, and adding Grass type to Ghost, its only adding more weaknesses. I agree with CK in saying that you should change it to Fire Rotom. Mainly because, like he said, you have a big ICe weakness to the team, and Fire Rotom would be really handy, and make use of levitate by having it cancel one of its weaknesses, that way this rotom is only truly threatened by Dark types, Water types and Rock types. And as Heat Rotom, with your above moveset and Overheat in place of Leaf Storm this Rotom could potentially do a mid to late game sweep. Your Ampharos will be pounding out the paralysis around here and soaking up damage, why not make Rotom a sweeper? He has enough raw SpAtk power to make himself a sufficient clean up when need be, and it can scare everything bar ground/rock types and Dragons, the latter of which do not have many holds in RU. I would think dump your EV's into SpAtk and Speed and throw a LO on him to make him a self-sufficient sweep-tank.

Lilligant - Timid Natured @ Life Orb ~ Own Tempo
EV's: 252 Sp. Atk + 252 Speed
Quiver Dance
Petal Dance
Hidden Power {Rock}
Sleep Powder

Very very nice sweeper after one Quiver Dance. QD increases Lilligant's Speed, Sp. Def., and Sp. Atk. Own Tempo + Petal Dance = No confusion! Hidden Power {Rock} is fantastic coverage against Bugs, Flying types like Moltres, Ice types, etc. Sleep Powder allows me to set up a couple Quiver Dances so Lilligant can sweep.

Interesting... With Lilligant's more than shallow type coverage of a movepool, im surprised you were able to make it up as a sweeper. Honestly... This would get decent coverage. The only things you couldnt hit for at least neutral damage are Steel types. Other than that, uhhh, im honestly not really seeing much wrong with this. You did a good job making the most out of what this poke can deliver. Lemonade out of Lemons, so to speak.

Floatzel - Jolly Natured @ Choice Band ~ Water Veil (DW Ability)
EV's: 252 Speed + 252 Attack
Aqua Jet
Ice Fang
Brick Break

A very well rounded Bander. With Water Veil, Floatzel's high Attack cannot be lowered because it can't get burned. STAB + Banded Aqua Jet is pretty deadly.... Ice Fang over Punch because flinch and it's illegal with Water Veil, but it helps against Grass types. Crunch will help because of Psychic types that carry T-Bolt. Brick Break will most be effective because of Steel types like Steelix.

First things first, STAB super effective Aqua Jet to a Steelix will do just about the same damage as super effective Brick Break =p Anyways, I like this set the way it is. Plays to Floatzel's strengths, very well rounded, all around hard hitting, and able to upset a variety of pokes. One thing you may want to consider is Pursuit instead of Crunch, simply bc bringing this badboy out could force a switch to a counter so you may at least be able to take something with you.

Druddigon - Adamant Natured @ Life Orb ~ Sheer Force
EV's: 252 Attack + 252 HP
Sucker Punch
Rock Slide
Fire Fang

A brute force that just loves to cripple teams. The only thing that may cause a problem is this thing's speed.... Outrage is it's main STAB move that is just deadly. Sucker Punch will allow it to take out anything that tries to finish this thing off. Rock Slide + Sheer Force = No Life Orb damage! That goes for Fire Fang as well!! :D

Umm, I dont think you are understanding Sheer Force as an ability correctly. CK, plz explain it you can do it better than i can. Outrage is good, Sucker Punch is GREAT, but I would say put in Superpower and EQ as the last two moves, and put Mold Breaker as the ability instead of Sheer Force. Mold Breaker is VERY useful, and your gonna want this thing to hit as HARD as possible, seeing as it lacks Speed. Really put a dent in your foes with these moves and have one of your faster sweepers clean up later. Win win yeah?

Ampharos - Calm Natured @ Leftovers ~ Static
EV's: 252 HP + 252 Sp. Defense
Hidden Power {Grass}
Light Screen
Cotton Guard

After one Cotton Guard and one set up of Light Screen, nothing can take this beautiful Pokemon down. Cotton Guard works perfect with Ampharos because it's Defense is crappy. Light Screen helps out with this thing's Sp. Def. Discharge is a great move to cripple any Scarfers. Hidden Power {Grass} allows Ampharos to move past any Ground types.

As ive been told many times, make it either a Def wall, or a SpDef wall, not both. I would personally stick with light screen and opt out Cotton Guard for Signal Beam. Yes, Cotton Guard is an amazing move, but Light Screen can also benefit the rest of your team. Need that with this team, but Cotton Guard will work too if your hellbent on using it. Otherwise, good set, and if you change one of the moves, change the EV's accordingly.

And there you have it. My RU team. Feedback please? :D

Overall, still needs some work. Your lacking in walls, which isnt bad if you run an aggrofaggot attack team (erh-hem, CK, lol) but this one isnt quite that. You have a few pokes that could work as potential walls, but at a longshot. Also your team, as it stands doesnt have much synergy. None of them are really working together, and your pokes, as I see it, have there moves set up to generally try to stand on their own instead of working as a team. Like I said, this isnt a huge problem, but just one that needs some tweaking to make it work effectively. Take my advice or dont, its up to you, im jsut saying what I see. I recommend some remodeling and then repost and we'll take it from there.
I figured out what the 4th move will be on my Hydreigon: Charge Beam. I know, sounds like a stupid choice, but I think it has its advantages. It gives Hydreigon more coverage, and also hands me a handy-dandy little Sp. Atk boost every time I use it. It's also a great finishing move, basically like a Sp. Atk version of Moxie when I use it to finish off someone.

You get no useful coverage with Charge Beam, lol. Super effective is 100 BP, and since Dragon Pulse hits much harder than that, ... yeah. Earth power kills Empoleon better than Charge Beam too. Charge Beam only works 70% of the time, with 90% accuracy. Unless you're using a Timid Hydreigon, I really don't recommend it. It's only use is the CHANCE of a Sp. Atk boost, and even then, Timid Hydreigon isn't really a speed demon.

aggrofaggot attack team (erh-hem, CK, lol)


Good review Storm, but I need to correct YOU on Sheer Force; KOP's got the right idea. Fire Fang and Rock Slide are boosted via Sheer Force, and negate Life Orb damage because of how strange Sheer Force works. So yeah, he's bludgeoning as hard as he can, just as you said Druddigon should. =P
^^^ Really? Damn.... ugh.... Its just confusing... Still, do you think he should go with that or with the Mold Breaker version I gave?
^^^ Really? Damn.... ugh.... Its just confusing... Still, do you think he should go with that or with the Mold Breaker version I gave?

Sheer Force, bro. xD Since there's no EQ on the set (although, with Sheer Force, there's no need since Fire Fang replaces it), Mold Breaker isn't very useful. It'd only help for canceling Prankster if it can stop that, so that Sucker Punch won't fail from said Prankster, and to stop Flash Fire from taking Fire Fang. Not very useful when LO damage is negated, and good moves get boosted.

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