What's your pokemon team?

Ugh.... Fml to you ninjas... lmao.

At least I got your stamp of approval, CK. lol. Also, as I pointed out, only reaso I was saying possibly Brick Break for Krook is on the off chance Blissey shows up. Regardless of their coverage, I hate that pink thing...

After me bludgeoning your team ruthlessly with my advice? Of course it'd get my stamp of approval. xD Not that it means **** anyways. I'm still a n00b at Gen 5's metagames. I've plenty to learn.

A super-effective Brick Break has the same BP STAB EQ does, Storm... =P Not to mention Blissey ain't switching into a Krookodile anyways, and nor would it stay it. Moxie/Set-up bait, or simply threatened to be pummeled into a pile of pink blubber.
Anywho, for your actual suggestion, Dark Pulse. Dark is a great STAB, especially with all the powerful Psychics around these days. I personally wouldn't run Hydreigon without it, lol.
Well, the problem is is that with Dark Pulse, you've gotta breed it onto Hydreigon. And that would mean taking away the awesome shiny-ness. That or cheating, which I despise... You think I could get away with using Crunch? I know it wouldn't be as powerful, but...
Well, the problem is is that with Dark Pulse, you've gotta breed it onto Hydreigon. And that would mean taking away the awesome shiny-ness. That or cheating, which I despise... You think I could get away with using Crunch? I know it wouldn't be as powerful, but...

Oh, ****... right. Well, that's a damn shame... Dark Pulse isn't used for the typing, it's used for hitting hard off of STAB and it's high Sp. Attack, so nah. Crunch is definitely a no go. It's retarded it doesn't get Shadow Ball either, but what can ya do... I'd say throw Surf over Hyper Voice, then. Focus Blast is better than nothing. 'Least you could do a tiny bit more damage to Blissey, so if it was near-death/got hit by the Sp. Def drop, you might be able to just barely KO it.

Although, if you wanted to drop Focus Blast for Draco Meteor, it'd totally be worth it IMO. If you want to do massive damage if your Hydreigon isn't ready to sweep the entire team via Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor does only 30 Base Power less than a super effective Focus Blast, and gets a 15% boost in accuracy to boot. Remember what I said about Focus Blast letting me down recently? :lol: Draco Meteor has only truly let me down horribly once since the beginning of Gen 4, which is saying somethin', yeah?

On that note, my Specs 'Mence missed Draco Meteor twice in a row during that incident, which of course, got it killed. =/ Anyone that happens to is just-plain ****ing unlucky. =/ That's realistic with Focus Blast, but with Draco Meteor? Bullshit, I say. BULLSHIT!
CK, your mence prolly felt bad for your opponent so it sacrificed itself to give your opponent a chance. lmao
CK, your mence prolly felt bad for your opponent so it sacrificed itself to give your opponent a chance. lmao

Just like those two Focus Blasts... =/ I'm a merciless aggrofaggot (aggrofaggot... I've gotta remember that one, lol), but hax just loves to toy with that.

BUT KNOW THIS! Hax does not so much as give my foe a chance, 'less it lets them outright win. Until I start missing five Air Slashes in a row, my wrath shall not be stayed.
Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mischievous Heart
Nature: Timid
252 Def / 252 Spd / 4 Atk
~ Encore / Taunt
~ Leech Seed
~ Substitute(idk if this is good here but if another move is suggested ill probably use that.)
~ U-turn
This would be my lead. the ability lets me set up/not let them set up.

Kyurem @
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Naive
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Blizzard
~ Focus Blast
~ Psychic
~ Dragon Pulse/Flash Cannon/ Shadow Ball
My friend used this Kyurem, i had a very hard time taking it down, it almost took me down...

Victini @ Wide Lens
Ability: Victory Star
Nature: Modest
8 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 248 Spd
~ Thunder
~ FireBlast
~ Energy Ball
~ Psyshock/Psychic
Well i love Victini's ability and combine it with wide lens=wicked combo and makes thunder and fireblast rarely miss :)

Jellicent @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Bold
60 Hp / 200 Def / 52 SpAtk / 200 SpDef
~ Toxic
~ Shadow Ball
~ Surf
~ Energy Ball/Psychic
Jellicent is there to cover my weaknesses and possibly stall... i might change ev's and moves a little bit around, suggestions...

Terrakion @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
Nature: Adamant
4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
~ Sword dance
~ Stone Edge
~ Earthquake
~ Sacred Sword
He's my physical sweeper i took my friend on with just him sweeped almost his entire team(his team was beastly almost didnt win lol)

Theres my team so far. I cant think of any pokemon for that last spot... any recommendations? Terrakion im not looking to change.(hes shiny :yesnod: and i love him), Victini im not looking to change i like him just the way he is. Jellicent is okay but just tell me what u think. and Kyurem i think is fine but if u have suggestion let me know!

Thanks HomieG.
Hey hey, welcome back to the thread, bro. A team review, coming right up. =D

Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mischievous Heart
Nature: Timid
252 Def / 252 Spd / 4 Atk
~ Encore / Taunt
~ Leech Seed
~ Substitute(idk if this is good here but if another move is suggested ill probably use that.)
~ U-turn
This would be my lead. the ability lets me set up/not let them set up.

Whimsicott is doing no damage with U-turn, and since non-attacking moves give it priority, investing in speed just to predict switches, when Substitute already does the same thing but with priority, you do NOT want U-turn. What Whimsicott does best is switching into enemy sweeper to encore a stat-up move, set up a Substitute, and Leech Seed away. You've got the right idea with Taunt, but any other poke with Prankster (you can stop using the japanese names for abilities, ya know. =P) can do what this Whimsicott is trying to do, better. You should take off U-turn and the Speed EVs, replace it with something epic like Tailwind since it's leading, Light Screen to further bolster your team's defenses; if you dump your speed EVs into Def, this is a great idea for Whimsicott alone, too. Or you can do the opposite and make Whimsicott specially bulky, and have it use Cotton Guard, which increases it's defense by 2.5. This makes it frighteningly bulky towards any physical attacker, which can let you start SubSeeding, and force it out.

Also, OHKOing Whimsicott is no easy task, especially if you preemptively use Substitute, or invest in it's HP and either stat. If you use Light Screen or Cotton Guard respectively, you'll be impossible to OHKO unless you're taking a Specs Heatran Eruption to the face or something, lol (no, there's no such lead Heatran that does that xD). Point being, replace your Sash with Leftovers. Leech Seed & Leftovers makes SubSeeding a viable strategy, and gives it extra bulk, instead of surviving some overpowered attack it shouldn't be staying in on no matter what. It's not a suicide lead, so no Sash should be used.

And, if you don't want to change Whimsicott at all, you might as well grab Thundurus or Tornadus in it's stead, since they both have Prankster and Taunt, Thundurus has T-wave for status, and they both hit very hard.

Kyurem @
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Naive
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Blizzard
~ Focus Blast
~ Psychic
~ Dragon Pulse/Flash Cannon/ Shadow Ball
My friend used this Kyurem, i had a very hard time taking it down, it almost took me down...

You really don't want Blizzard, lol. Ice Beam all the way. If Psychic is there to take down Fighting types, be careful when using it. Kyurem isn't going to outspeed the fastest and deadliest fighting types, especially ones with a Scarf. So it's an "on the switch" move only.

Also, I'm curious. Are you aiming at anything in specific that hurts Kyurem with Focus Blast? Steel types in general, sure, but you might want to make room for Glaciate. With max speed, nerfing a pokemon's Scarf almost guarantees that Kyurem will outspeed after a Glaciate, which functions similar to Substitute in that you can pick the move you want after the switch; the plus though is that you're still doing huge damage (90 BP and 356 Sp.A is no joke, even more so if you used a Life Orb or somethin'), and then you can do even higher damage. You'd be surprised how much a -1 speed on the foe can impact how they can counter Heatran. For example, unless a Scarf Terrakion is running Max speed with a neutral nature, you can go ahead and finish it off with Psychic. I've no idea how many Scarf Terrakions do or don't run max speed, but that was just an example of Glaciate's uses.

As for the item, with a Taunt lead, stopping those rocks from getting up is 100% necesarry if you want to maximize this beast's power and use Specs or a Life Orb. Since you're using Naive, the huge boost in power would be sorely appreciated.

Victini @ Wide Lens
Ability: Victory Star
Nature: Modest
8 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 248 Spd
~ Thunder
~ FireBlast
~ Energy Ball
~ Psyshock/Psychic
Well i love Victini's ability and combine it with wide lens=wicked combo and makes thunder and fireblast rarely miss :)

Sorry to say, but this just isn't worth it at all... Fire Blast has perfect accuracy, sure, but Thunder still only has 84%. Ya see, Victory Star and Wide Lens increase the base accuracy of a move by 10%, both being stackable. 70% gets increased by 7% twice, so... yeah. Since Victini is very slow for this set, and 328 Sp.A really isn't anything special, it's underwhelming. Give it a life orb and it's perfect accuracy moves, and it'l definitely do plenty more damage. Unless that 30% burn and paralysis chance is somethin' special to ya, a poor set indeed.

And, as another note, I personally feel that Victini ain't worth using unless you intend to abuse Sunlight, V-Create, or both. Using a physical Scarf/Band set with V-Create is much more potent for Victini, sun or not. If you don't have access to the movie Victini, that's sadly not an option, 'course. I know ya said you like him the way he is, but is really isn't a good set, and Victini can be used in a much better way, so yeah.

Jellicent @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Bold
60 Hp / 200 Def / 52 SpAtk / 200 SpDef
~ Toxic
~ Shadow Ball
~ Surf
~ Energy Ball/Psychic
Jellicent is there to cover my weaknesses and possibly stall... i might change ev's and moves a little bit around, suggestions...

You're using 2 EVs too many, ya know. :lol:

Standard Jellicent, all good. Nothing I should ***** about. You should definitely use Energy Ball, IMO.

Terrakion @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
Nature: Adamant
4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
~ Sword dance
~ Stone Edge
~ Earthquake
~ Sacred Sword
He's my physical sweeper i took my friend on with just him sweeped almost his entire team(his team was beastly almost didnt win lol)

Swords Dance Terrakion is definitely scary, no denying that. Not having the ability to ruin things with Close Combat sucks, but with double attack, Sacred Sword'll do, lol. You really need a Jolly nature, though. 315 Speed ain't outspeeding much. And considering Terrakion's plenty common weaknesses and while it isn't frail, without investment it's not going to take many hits. It needs that extra speed, and DOESN'T need that extra attack Adamant offers. Adamant should be the exclusive nature for Scarf sets, IMO. Unfortunately, the fact you can't just change natures leaves you boned, really...

Also, Ground and Fighting moves are terrible to use together, horrible synergy. You should replace EQ with X-scissor ASAP, to stop bulky psychics like Reuiniclus or a faster one like Latios from stopping your sweep cold. Sweepers with SD don't need high-power moves, they need as much coverage to help their sweep as possible.

Theres my team so far. I cant think of any pokemon for that last spot... any recommendations? Terrakion im not looking to change.(hes shiny :yesnod: and i love him), Victini im not looking to change i like him just the way he is. Jellicent is okay but just tell me what u think. and Kyurem i think is fine but if u have suggestion let me know!

For the last slot, I can't think of anything epic off the top of my head, but you need a bulky Steel type for this team ASAP. No resists to Ghost, Dragon, or Flying, and I feel your Rock weakness isn't covered enough. Make sure this Steel type won't be hit super effective by Fighting or Ground, though; otherwise you're risking your team being very susceptible to the most common of physical sweeper; the very Terrakion you're using could sweep your entire team if it beats out yours in a speed tie, as it is.

Thanks HomieG.

As the team isn't complete, my type analysis will be null and void for the final product; but, I'll state a few bits. As I said above, you need some key resistances, and need to avoid increasing weaknesses like Ground and Fighting with that last poke. If you can close up your current typing weaknesses without opening any others, you'll be A-ok on typing. You do have a scary amount of 2x weaknesses for just five pokemon, though. So you'll need to be very sure of keeping certain pokemon alive, once you know the foe's team. Otherwise, your weaknesses could quickly stack, and you'll but up a river without a paddle when a sweeper manages to set up.

Also, as is, your team is slow. No speed demons, no pokemon with a scarf. Terrakion being your fastest is an issue, since your main sweeper can't just die, and since your current Whimsicott has NO way of stopping foes with priority, any sweeping increasing it's speed will eat you alive. DD pokemon like Tyranitar and 'Mence will tear this team apart. You also lack priority offensive moves, so pokemon vulnerable to priority but are very powerful sweepers in contrast, can also pick you apart.

So at the moment, this incomplete team gets a "meh" from me. Of course, that should definitely change if you consider at least a bit of my advice, and make that last pokemon slot count. What I'm most apprehensive for this team is it's vulnerability to sweepers and stacked weaknesses in general, after all. A single pokemon could definitely make the difference.

... I wish I had a shiny Terrakion. =/
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I could see Choice Band BP Scizor ruining this team, save for Terrakion and Jellicent as it stands... But... I dunno.

CK, do me a favor, explain to me the meaning and use of Mold Breaker, could never understand it nor how it worked. And not a link to a site, literally just explain to me how it works with an example or two.
I could see Choice Band BP Scizor ruining this team, save for Terrakion and Jellicent as it stands... But... I dunno.

CK, do me a favor, explain to me the meaning and use of Mold Breaker, could never understand it nor how it worked. And not a link to a site, literally just explain to me how it works with an example or two.

CB Bullet Punch WOULD ruin Terrakion, actually. I'm not sure if Adamant Max Atk +1 BP will OHKO 6 HP/0 Def Terrakion and vice verse, but it'l do absurd amounts of damage at the least. Victini also has the bulk to take at least one BP, being it's not very effective. But Bug Bite or Night Slash... >_> Good spottin' on that though, Storm. This ain't the Platinum metagame anymore where Scizor thrives, but being weak to any powerful priority abuser is always a death wish in Gen 5. I wouldn't doubt Scizor being popular on Drizzle teams, either.

Not brushing ya off, but when in doubt, Bulbapedia bro. The "use google" of pokemon. =P

Anywho, Mold Breaker means any foe's abilities that effect the Mold Breaker pokemon's attacks in any way, are null and void. Levitate users can't avoid a Mold Breaker pokemon's ground moves. Pokemon with Shell Armor won't avoid criticals. Something that lessens damage like Thick Fat, or nulls it completely like Volt Absorb, no longer work. You can even get around accuracy modifying moves, like Snow Cloak and Sand Veil. It's a shame no pokemon with Mold Breaker were OU-worthy in Gen 4; less Garchomp and Froslass evasion hax. :p For anyone not playing OU, it miraculously gets past Wonder Guard, too.

I'll mention bulbapedia again; if you want a list of what abilities Mold Breaker overrules, here ya go.


Haxorus is the only pokemon you'd really want using Mold Breaker over it's other abilities IMO, but when you throw out EQ, it's nice to know only a Flying type will come in to negate it.

Oh, and Turboblaze and Terravolt do the same thing. Glorified Mold Breakers for legendaries; and considering their non-dragon STABs, it's actually a REALLY lethal ability.
Thanks for review.

Wat would u say if i replaced my jellicent with vaporeon?And for that steel type wat about Skarmory????

Shiny Terrakion FTW!
My pleasure. :thumbsup:

There's some good pluses, and a slight minus to switching out Vaporeon. You won't be able to Will-o-Wisp anymore, but Vaporeon hits hard, and I can see this team liking some Wish-Passing. Vaporeon also gets Water Absord as Jellicent, so you're not missing out on abilities. On top of that, Vaporeon is also naturally more bulky, so that Will-o-Wisp loss does hurt, but it won't hurt Vaporeon's ability to wall in comparison to Jellicent.

So, as long as you're willing to forfeit that fighting immunity offered by Jellicent, Vaporeon would be a great replacement. Just be very careful around fighting types, since losing Will-o-Wisp and a immunity could mean you getting swept. Skarmory isn't a counter to the more powerful fighting types introduced in this Gen either, since Roost makes him vulnerable to said fighting moves. So Vaporeon effectively supports your team more and even gives you more firepower, but without Jellicent, you're weak to fighting type sweepers. You really can't counter EVERY threat with a single team, so I'd say it's a 50/50 choice. All up to you, really. =)

And, speaking of Skarmory, it'l definitely do good for this team. The resists it gives you are just right, and it's few weaknesses aren't going to ruin your team's collective defensive typing. Just never forget that Roost takes away your flying type, and it'l get you far I'm sure.
So after ur review I thought about some of my team members and replaced some of them.

Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Calm
4 Hp / 252 Def / 252 SpDef
~ Cotton Guard
~ Encore
~ Leech Seed
~ Substitute

Absolutely love this set up! Used ur advise only thing that could be change that i see it put more evs in hp instead of defense.

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Modest
252 Hp / 100 SpAtk / 152 SpDef
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Subsitute
~ Aqua Ring

I think i like this better then Jellicent because of Vaporeon’s ability to attack and seems to be able to still have that defense.

Bronzong @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy
4 Hp / 252 Def / 252 SpDef
~ Toxic
~ Light Screen
~ Reflect
~ Gyro Ball

Bronzong is kinda my staller/dual screen guy. Instead of skarmory. I like how his only weakness is fire so I easily cover that with Vaporeon and Heatran.

Mienshao @ Focus Sash
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Jolly
4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
~ Fake Out
~ U-Turn
~ Hi Jump Kick
~ Stone Edge

Can you say free damage? Fake out and then use U-Turn if i dont think i can take care of them with my other moves.

Heatran @ Choice Scarf (Replacement of Terrakion)
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Earth Power
~ Flamethrower
~ Flash Cannon

I like Heatran from Gen 4 so i thought id try him out in this team and he fits nicely. That last move is tricky used to be Explosion but with all the ghost types wont really be as successful, I think.

Latios @ Life Orb (Replacement of Kyurem)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor/Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Psychic
~ Recover

Latios is the final piece of the puzzle. Compliments Heatran pretty nicely. He's my end game sweeper mostly. I chose life orb/timid nature because i dislike how scarf only allows one move. That first move slot is the only move im confused at wat to put.

My major weaknesses that I recognize are Ice, Flying, Fire, and Bug. Ice and Fire I have covered with 3 other pokemon, while Flying and Bug only 3 which I don’t think I see those to typings as much of a problem. I could put Terrakion in instead of Heatran but that increases my weaknesses which most likely will be a problem. Overall i think i did pretty good with this team. Suggestions?
*Cracks knuckles* Been a long time since I posted on this thread. But this is my RU team as of right now. Check it:

Archeops - Jolly Natured @ Leftovers (May switch with Life Orb) ~ Defeatist
EV's: 252 Attack + 252 Speed
Rock Slide

Mainly used to stop leads like Crustle and such. Rock Slide is a good STAB move against Ice types that are slower than Archeops. Earthquake is a fantastic coverage move for Electric types. Taunt is to stop Stealth Rocks, Calm Minds, Subs, Spikes, etc. Crunch is good for Ghost types or Psychic types.

Rotom [Grass Form] - Bold Natured @ Leftovers ~ Levitate
EV's: 252 HP + 168 Defense + 88 Sp. Defense
Shadow Ball
Leaf Storm

Well, you're typical Rotom. Just in RU and in a different form. WOW is mainly stopping physical attackers that can do harm to Rotom. Shadow Ball and Thunderbolt are just coverages in case. Leaf Storm works well against Quagsire and Seismitoad.

Lilligant - Timid Natured @ Life Orb ~ Own Tempo
EV's: 252 Sp. Atk + 252 Speed
Quiver Dance
Petal Dance
Hidden Power {Rock}
Sleep Powder

Very very nice sweeper after one Quiver Dance. QD increases Lilligant's Speed, Sp. Def., and Sp. Atk. Own Tempo + Petal Dance = No confusion! Hidden Power {Rock} is fantastic coverage against Bugs, Flying types like Moltres, Ice types, etc. Sleep Powder allows me to set up a couple Quiver Dances so Lilligant can sweep.

Floatzel - Jolly Natured @ Choice Band ~ Water Veil (DW Ability)
EV's: 252 Speed + 252 Attack
Aqua Jet
Ice Fang
Brick Break

A very well rounded Bander. With Water Veil, Floatzel's high Attack cannot be lowered because it can't get burned. STAB + Banded Aqua Jet is pretty deadly.... Ice Fang over Punch because flinch and it's illegal with Water Veil, but it helps against Grass types. Crunch will help because of Psychic types that carry T-Bolt. Brick Break will most be effective because of Steel types like Steelix.

Druddigon - Adamant Natured @ Life Orb ~ Sheer Force
EV's: 252 Attack + 252 HP
Sucker Punch
Rock Slide
Fire Fang

A brute force that just loves to cripple teams. The only thing that may cause a problem is this thing's speed.... Outrage is it's main STAB move that is just deadly. Sucker Punch will allow it to take out anything that tries to finish this thing off. Rock Slide + Sheer Force = No Life Orb damage! That goes for Fire Fang as well!! :D

Ampharos - Calm Natured @ Leftovers ~ Static
EV's: 252 HP + 252 Sp. Defense
Hidden Power {Grass}
Light Screen
Cotton Guard

After one Cotton Guard and one set up of Light Screen, nothing can take this beautiful Pokemon down. Cotton Guard works perfect with Ampharos because it's Defense is crappy. Light Screen helps out with this thing's Sp. Def. Discharge is a great move to cripple any Scarfers. Hidden Power {Grass} allows Ampharos to move past any Ground types.

And there you have it. My RU team. Feedback please? :D
So after ur review I thought about some of my team members and replaced some of them.

Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Calm
4 Hp / 252 Def / 252 SpDef
~ Cotton Guard
~ Encore
~ Leech Seed
~ Substitute

Absolutely love this set up! Used ur advise only thing that could be change that i see it put more evs in hp instead of defense.

Shoved all into HP allows lefties to make better recovery, but buffing both defenses makes switching into any threat easier, and Cotton Guard a much more deadly move to abuse; since I'm not a wall expert, your choice to keep it as it is, or switch it around as ya said. :thumbsup:

I've gotta ask, though. This was your lead before, but since you replaced taunt I'd assume Mienshao is your new preferred lead with the Sash, right? If you still intend to use this as a lead most of the time, you might want to fit in taunt, to stop other hazard pokes, and to prevent the faster dedicated entry hazard-pokes from taunting you.

Prankster... what an amazing ability. :lol:

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Modest
252 Hp / 100 SpAtk / 152 SpDef
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Subsitute
~ Aqua Ring

I think i like this better then Jellicent because of Vaporeon’s ability to attack and seems to be able to still have that defense.

Good ol' Vaporeon. I see you're trying to SubStall with lefties and Aqua Ring, but really, that's not what you should do with Vaporeon. It's massive HP and bulky substitutes stop enemy walls cold, but this thing's not a wall breaker. And right sweeper can break these subs in one shot, and then outspeed before another Sub is up. If you want to stall and continuously , you should replace Substitute and Aqua Ring with Wish and Protect/another move that you might want. With Protect, Wish is a guaranteed Recover. Few pokemon can 2HKO Vaporeon without a boosted super effective/high power STAB move (like a Medicham's High Jump Kick, or somethin' fierce), so Wish/Protect has been a famous use for Vaporeon since the combination existed.

Also, you can switch out the turn Wish would activate to heal one of your other pokemon. Something like Bronzong or Whimsicott, which can't bulk-heal themselves, or Latios which loses HP quick, seriously benefits from this. Heatran's resists and general bulk also seriously appreciates wish healing, which allows you to keep it's amazing offensive and speed presence on the battlefield without getting it KO'd. This switch-recover strategy can even prevent it from sacrificing itself to stop a sweep, since like Vaporeon, it's not easy too 2HKO without a super effective move. I'd say Wish Vaporeon would be REALLY beneficial to your team, and is a better moveset for a standalone Vaporeon, too.

Bronzong @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy
4 Hp / 252 Def / 252 SpDef
~ Toxic
~ Light Screen
~ Reflect
~ Gyro Ball

Bronzong is kinda my staller/dual screen guy. Instead of skarmory. I like how his only weakness is fire so I easily cover that with Vaporeon and Heatran.

Bronzong's a great pokemon for this team. Bulky as is, good typing and ability, and even bulkier with screens. You can have a blast switching in Whimsicott and Latios with impunity via the screens too. This team is stat-up practically sweeper proof, lol. If this was 4th Gen I'd recommend a Relaxed nature to take Dragon moves well, but now that the most common Dragon types are Special Attackers, good choice on the Sassy nature. :thumbsup:

Mienshao @ Focus Sash
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Jolly
4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
~ Fake Out
~ U-Turn
~ Hi Jump Kick
~ Stone Edge

Can you say free damage? Fake out and then use U-Turn if i dont think i can take care of them with my other moves.

Yep, Mienshao is pro. Some people have mistaken this, so just to make sure, Sash only works once. Even if Regenerator/Wish (if you use it on Vaporeon; which again, I highly recommend =D), your Sash is gone. So if this thing isn't going to be a lead, best not use a Sash. If it is, you're all good here. :thumbsup:

Heatran @ Choice Scarf (Replacement of Terrakion)
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Modest
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Earth Power
~ Flamethrower
~ Flash Cannon

I like Heatran from Gen 4 so i thought id try him out in this team and he fits nicely. That last move is tricky used to be Explosion but with all the ghost types wont really be as successful, I think.

Good ol' Scarf 'Tran. It's not just the amount of ghosts, though; plenty of common pokemon resist Explosion nowadays, and since it no longer halves defense, it's 100% not worth it. Any move your typical Scarfed Heatran carries is going to do more than nerfed, uninvested explosion. Atk certainly isn't worth investing in, either; ignore Explosion. It's garbage.

Considering Heatran gets no considerable upgrades for it's moveset this gen, it's best to take your Heatran's movepool possibilities straight from Gen 4 OU, no doubt. Flash Cannon isn't hitting anything for important damage more-so than Flamethrower or Earth Power, so you really don't want it. STAB isn't worth it if it does nothing for coverage, after all. In place, you could run Dark Pulse to handle any fast Psychic types trying to sweep your team. Your team doesn't have any problems with Psychics, but there're ghosts to worry about, too. So hey, the more coverage on a Choiced pokemon, the better. Can't revenge kill if you can't hit something hard, yeah?

Dragon Pulse is going to seriously help you revenge kill them Dragons. D-Pulse is up for debate in terms of being used over HP Ice these days, too. 'Mence has competition by Hydreigon and Latios, which are hit 40 BP harder by Dragon Pulse. Bulky D-Nite with Multiscale are a dangerous thing, and at full health you definitely won't stop it with HP Ice anyways.

And on that note, if you ever see a D-nite around, prioritize killing it; if it gets up too many DDs (2 or 3; and with 50% cut when it's at full health, that's really easy to do), your Vaporeon won't stand a chance, and Heatran will be outrun and OHKO'd. If you can catch the Dragon Dance with Whimsicott's encore, you'll halt the sweep completely and be free to set up yourself (your opponent might wise up to this tactical switch-in and use a Dragon move on first or especially the second switch in; be careful). But if you can't Encore DD and it gets too many up, this team is 100% ****ed. Bulky Multiscale DD Dragonite is an absolute beast. Beware, said beast.

Latios @ Life Orb (Replacement of Kyurem)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
~ Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor/Ice Beam
~ Thunderbolt
~ Psychic
~ Recover

Latios is the final piece of the puzzle. Compliments Heatran pretty nicely. He's my end game sweeper mostly. I chose life orb/timid nature because i dislike how scarf only allows one move. That first move slot is the only move im confused at wat to put.

Now this is a great choice. :D As you said, it has great synergy with Heatran, and is a powerful pokemon in general. However, since you don't have a stat-up sweeper anymore, I'm going to recommend Calm Mind for it for two reasons. First of all, it's a stat-up move. That +1 aside the Life Orb will give it enough oomph to power through any offensive team that can't outspeed it, any special threats since your Sp. Def is now increased, and stall teams with it's raw power.

Two, with Recover, any enemy Calm Mind pokemon you can't stop because you lost Whimsicott doesn't stand a chance. Latios has high Sp. Def and even higher Sp. Atk. He's the penultimate speedy Calm Minder, IMO. He can also sweep perfectly fine with just two moves, as well. If you can get HP Fire, your only enemy alongside Dragon Pulse's coverage is going to be an opposing Heatran; Mienshao, Vaporeon, and your own Heatran if the opposing one isn't scarf'd will dispatch of said Heatran easily. And if it is Scarf'd, Dragon Pulse might not even have enough strength to force out Latios after a Calm Mind. So if you CM on the switch Scarf/any non-Sp.Atk boosted Heatran comes in to stop you, you can keep CMing up, recover when appropriate, and it's set-up fodder. Therefore, I believe a set of Dragon Pulse/HP Fire/Recover/Calm mind would be REALLY great for this team.

Of course, there's a really awesome alternative to HP Fire that while debatable, I personally prefer; Surf. Palkia is famous for it's absurdly deadly Dragon/Water STAB moves; few pokemon resist it. While Latios lacks STAB, Surf is more powerful than HP Fire, and kills plenty of Steel types via their dual typing; namely Heatran. With the commonplace Drizzle Politoed everywhere, HP Fire is often dead weight; a +1 HP Fire from Latios doesn't even OHKO Scizor in the rain, last time I checked. Of course, this is off-set by the fact that said Scizor not in the rain will oppose you and take out Latios, the omnipresent Ferrothorn which is practically on every other team stops you cold, and plenty of other steels fear you less. Empoleon and said Ferrothorn are the only Steels to actually resist Surf, so with Surf over HP Fire, you're still a 100% lethal late-game sweeper, especially with Calm Mind backing you up.

If you don't go the Calm Mind route, you'll want Dragon Pulse as your main move (Ice Beam without STAB is pointless, and Draco Meteor isn't fit for cleaning up late game; you'd want Draco on a Specs Latios), Surf/HP Fire to accompany it (HP Fire is more practical, since without the CM boosts, Surf alone won't handle Steels it won't hit super effective), Psychic as a secondary STAB (even if it supplies little-to-no coverage), and Recover. Psychic is really interchangeable if you notice any poke you'd like Latios to handle, though. Thunderbolt over it lets it CM up with opposing bulky water CMers, and then destroy them easily. Flying types'll be grounded by it, too.

My major weaknesses that I recognize are Ice, Flying, Fire, and Bug. Ice and Fire I have covered with 3 other pokemon, while Flying and Bug only 3 which I don’t think I see those to typings as much of a problem. I could put Terrakion in instead of Heatran but that increases my weaknesses which most likely will be a problem. Overall i think i did pretty good with this team. Suggestions?

"Major" weaknesses? :lol: Not at all. Primary sure, but man, this team has no major weak point. Fire & Water resists AND an immunity each mean weather isn't gonna get you down. You have TWO ground immunities and not a single Rock weakness, so even Excadrill in a Sandstorm won't be able to instantly threaten this team's well-being. You could only weather-proof this team more by having an auto-weather poke yourself, and that's saying somethin' good. :lol:

Type-wise, you have a huge six immunities, meaning well predicted switches can take this team to victory with ease. You've a shitton of resistances too, including all the important ones. What few 2x weaknesses you have are covered by enough resistances/immunities, meaning this team won't fall apart unless a pro can decisively outplay you at every turn; fat chance indeed, lol.

In short, I love this team, actually. The typing is fantastic and you have an excellent defensive core, you can combat offensive teams with this great type core you've got going and the fact your team is no longer slow, and all your pokemon have a solid purpose and do their job properly for the team. You've got balance in every sense of the word, and since this is a balanced team, you've done somethin' right, bro. =)

This is a balanced team I personally would use and be happy with it, actually. I hate to sound like an arrogant snob, but that alone should say that this team, at the very least, has serious potential in battle. I'd be an idiot if this didn't receive my stamp of approval. Well done, my friend. Well done. :thumbsup:

Dirge's Stamp of Approval 2.JPG

I'll be honest, this is my favorite team I've seen for the entire thread's history. Both in Bowserizer's (come back, bro... D=) original, and my repost of said thread. I'm hell-bent on battling you ASAP, man. >=D
*Cracks knuckles* Been a long time since I posted on this thread. But this is my RU team as of right now. Check it:


I give you an exuberant and ecstatic great to see you back, my good sir! =) So you're first RU poster, eh? I have no experience in even NU, none the less RU, so I'm ashamed to say I can't help ya much, bro. But, I have a few things to ask:

Your Ice weakness is a massive 4x, and 1 resist. Not to mention Rotom-Grass is Ampharos and Lilligant combined to be a wall... I think that's a horrible idea. Water/Ground dual types aren't threatening to destroy your entire team, eh? :lol: So, wouldn't it be wise to grab a different Rotom Form, at the least? Wouldn't it be handy to pack Overheat via Rotom-Fire?

Your weaknesses aren't as dangerously bad otherwise, and I can't comment much more since I don't know RU's most threatening sweepers/common sweeping types, but your lack of widespread resistances accompanies your lack of weaknesses. There must be at least one extremely common and dangerous Steel, Dark, Dragon, Ghost or Fighting sweeper in RU, right? I'd imagine Rotom-Grass as very replaceable stop-all wall to such threats, rather than increases your type centralization even more.

As for the team's quality of pokes, I can't comment at all for that. :lol: Looks good to me in all honesty, but that really doesn't mean much, harr.

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