What's your pokemon team?

haha. gotta tweak it some more before we duke it out there, CK. and yea, I figured Pert wouldnt be great, honestly I just kind of threw him on to fill the last slot cuz i wasnt thinking of resisting Dragons. Butttt, ow that I am, me thinks a nice version of Metagross would work... Lemme redo some calculations an I'll post a revised edition.
Only changed the last two installments in this team. Review.

- Crobat -
Salac Berry
EV's: 252 Spd, 252 SpAtk, 6 HP
- Heat Wave
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Tailwind

- Gyarados -
EV's: 252 Def, 252 HP, 6 SpDef
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Tail

- Serperior -
Light Clay
EV's: 252 SpAtk, 252 HP, 6 Spd
- Leaf Storm
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Dragon Tail

- Scrafty -
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 6 Def
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Crunch

- Cofagrigus -
Red Card
EV's: HP 252, SpDef 252, SpAtk 6
- Will O Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Power Split/ Destiny Bond/ ???

Wall. A ghost wall. Tis awesome. I didnt care too much for Golurk, but still wanted something with a fighting type immunity. Why not make use of this magnificent Ghost-wall? Meant to phase, stop sweepers, and cause a switch via Red Card. Phase and Burn. Cant decide on the last if I would rather force a switch with destiny bond, or ruin a banded sweeper with Power Split... Still contemplating.

- Empoleon -
Defiant/ Torrent
Life Orb/ Choice Band/ Water Plate
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Def, 6 HP
- Swords Dance
- Aqua Jet
- Avalanche
- Drill Peck/ Brick Break/ Earthquake/ Shadow Claw

The Penguin. I found my lack of a Steel type and counterfor both Dragons, and my Ice Weakness. All I gotta do is decide on that final move... Leaning towards Brick Break on account of all the Dark and Steel types runnning rampant in this Gen. See... If I go with the Torrent ability, then I will go with Mystic Water for the item. Why? Swords Dance twice, thats +4 to attack, then factor in Water Plate, which i think is a 20% move boost, plus factoring in having planned to take hits while using Swords Dance means Torrent activates, so times 1.5, then factor in STAB for priority Aqua Jet which calculated out will.... Well, really hurt. Alot.

So, redid a few things here and their. Took some of your suggestions CK, but made some of my own as well. Plz re-review.
Please re-review? Mah boi, you don't even need to ask.♪

Only changed the last two installments in this team. Review.

- Crobat -
Salac Berry
EV's: 252 Spd, 252 SpAtk, 6 HP
- Heat Wave
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Tailwind

Bleh. Bleh I say.

- Gyarados -
EV's: 252 Def, 252 HP, 6 SpDef
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Tail

- Serperior -
Light Clay
EV's: 252 SpAtk, 252 HP, 6 Spd
- Leaf Storm
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Dragon Tail

- Scrafty -
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 6 Def
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Crunch

- Cofagrigus -
Red Card
EV's: HP 252, SpDef 252, SpAtk 6
- Will O Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Power Split/ Destiny Bond/ ???

Wall. A ghost wall. Tis awesome. I didnt care too much for Golurk, but still wanted something with a fighting type immunity. Why not make use of this magnificent Ghost-wall? Meant to phase, stop sweepers, and cause a switch via Red Card. Phase and Burn. Cant decide on the last if I would rather force a switch with destiny bond, or ruin a banded sweeper with Power Split... Still contemplating.

Cofagrigus (I still can't get the spelling right without looking it up...) is a great wall, there's no doubt about it. Fighting and Normal immunity, a petty Dark and Ghost weakness, and some lesser but possibly useful Bug and Poison resists. All the while, Dusknoir is painted green with envy over it's huge defense stat, and good HP. Poor 'noir... he's got a case of the ol' inferiority complex, just like Braviary.

But I'm incredibly sad Golurk is gone. :( Offensive > Everything else. =P

Regardless of my own irks, while I believe Golurk offered some great things for the team, Cofagrigus offers some great balanced capabilities to stabilize the team. But, this set is all wrong. First of all, the EVs. You want all that in Defense, not Sp.D. You might miss with Will-o-Wisp, or they may predict Cofagrigus coming in and hit you hard with a non-fighting move. 295 Def is the HIGHEST you'll get with neutral Def, and no EVs. That doesn't bode well with 320 HP, and not enough speed to outrun EVERY ****in' fighting type. Nothing can effectively sponge both special, and physical moves in this game. Wall breakers and pokes that simply hit too hard will ruin such a set. Pour those EVs into HP and Defense, and grab a Bold nature. Otherwise, you're shooting yourself in the foot with a shotgun. And that hurts, bro.

Also, the moveset. I'll say it again; this pokemon is a wall, and needs all the defense it can get to make use of Will-O-Wisp. I suggested a Red Card for Golurk since it's not going to take 10 hits like this thing will (immunities don't activate the Red Card, I believe). Since Cofagrigus has staying power, you'll want to throw on lefties as one should 99% of the time for a wall, 'less it needs an item to counter a specific threat. Like wall/lead Metagross with a Occa or Shuca from Gen 4.

And onto to actual moves, you don't want Energy Ball. Without investment, it's Sp.A is pitiful. You could smash a Golem with it, and it would probably survive, lol. Only an Onix could be OHKO'd, if even. Replace it with something useful; namely, Pain Split. Even with HP investment, it's still Cofagrigus' only useful recovery, and few pokemon will have less than or as much as 320, even without investment. It's situational of course, but better to have a situational life-saving move, than one that OHKOs Onix.

I've yet to see any builds with Power Split, so props for originality. However, Will-o-Wisp is already screwing banded pokemon entirely, and while Power Split does average both attack stats, the average will NOT include stat boosts. That means a Band or Swords Dance is absent when averaging the stats, and once the move changes stats around, their boosts are retained, and you won't get them. Power Split is not a Psych Up on steroids, in other words. The average of Sp. Atk won't do you any good, either. They could still have around 300 Sp. A, and since you're slower, something like Gengar boosted with Specs could still do massive damage. Power Split definitely has some use I'm unsure of, since I never use walls, but it's tricky and possibly the most situational move in Cofagrigus' moveset, which barely makes it better than outright-useless moves. There're better ways to make use of that last slot, IMO.

For example, if you wanted a back-up sweeper, Calm Mind Cofagrigus is entirely viable. With massive defense, still-good Sp.D which after two boosts, can be around a frightening 400 Sp.D, alongside it's 400+ Def. The only problem is normal types and 4x Shadow Ball resists obviously, since Cofagrigus is no hard hitter without investment, but CM is meant to sweep late game via bulk. Getting rid of the few pokemon viably used with such qualities should be easy. A single CM on the switch could also allow Cofagrigus to counter dangerous Psychics like Alakazam and Reuiniclus much more safely if your opponent is desperate enough to switch them in for an offensive counter via Shadow Ball. So, boost your Sp.A and Sp.D, and hit back with a STAB Shadow Ball of your own.

You could also throw on Trick Room so it'd out speed anything switching in, which lets it get of a Will-O-Wisp all the easier, or simply give you an advantage such as Pain Splitting before you can get KO'd. Aside from Crobat, your ENTIRE team benefits from Trick Room, too. And Crobat won't be sticking around too long regardless, IMO.

One last option I could sort of recommend is Thief. With your Red Card, you're forcing a switch, then giving yourself free-reign to steal away an item. You just need to be careful with what you steal, since you don't want to take a Choice item or anything. Lefties is obviously the prime target. This could be a very nasty suprise, and while it's obviously not as good as knock-off, it's a douche bag move. Precisely the kind that could be game winning. I'd say the other two moves I recommended are better, but hey. If you're set on using a Red Card, it'd be interesting to use this; you get the benefit of a forced switch, AND you can potentially **** up an opposing pokemon set, if something relies on lefties to survive. Like a pokemon abusing Substitute or somethin', or the ever-terrifying Breloom (not that it'd switch into a Will-o-wisp, lol).

But yeah, point being, the EVs need change, and feel free to give my recommended moves a thought. Especially over Energy Ball, lol. Pain Split is just-plain important.

I only have a single problem with Cofagrigus, though; Gyarados is already your physical wall. Cofagrigus is definitely a better stopper to fighting types, lacking a Rock weakness, having superior defenses, and the permanent drop in the foe's attack in Will-o-Wisp. So you've got two pokemon doing the same role, and while they're both great pokemon with great sets (once you fix this one, anyways :p), wasting slots on similar roles can spell a loss easily. So for that matter, I'd like to consider you grab a special wall over one of your other pokemon (Empoleon, for reasons I'll say later, 'course), and to make Gyarados your main sweeper (a bulky or offensive DD, namely), while keeping Cofagrigus as your epic stop-all to fighting types. I think that'd be a great idea, really. If you replaced Empoleon with a good poke, this would be a balanced team I wouldn't mind using myself. And that's gotta be a good sign, right?! ;D /arrogant

- Empoleon -
Defiant/ Torrent
Life Orb/ Choice Band/ Water Plate
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Def, 6 HP
- Swords Dance
- Aqua Jet
- Avalanche
- Drill Peck/ Brick Break/ Earthquake/ Shadow Claw

The Penguin. I found my lack of a Steel type and counterfor both Dragons, and my Ice Weakness. All I gotta do is decide on that final move... Leaning towards Brick Break on account of all the Dark and Steel types runnning rampant in this Gen. See... If I go with the Torrent ability, then I will go with Mystic Water for the item. Why? Swords Dance twice, thats +4 to attack, then factor in Water Plate, which i think is a 20% move boost, plus factoring in having planned to take hits while using Swords Dance means Torrent activates, so times 1.5, then factor in STAB for priority Aqua Jet which calculated out will.... Well, really hurt. Alot.

SD Empoleon can be very scary, sure. But with plenty of enemy priority Mach Punchs out there, as well as ever-common fighting types that EASILY OHKO Empoleon if you try your second Swords Dance, it's a very risky poke to use. The potential, scary. Put into the fray when trying to realize that potential, is a huge problem. It won't get far unless Aqua Jet OHKOs everything, and with 600~ attack and your Torrent & Splash Plate boost, sure, it can OHKO a lot of offensive threats. But Arceus' E-speed set in ubers is faaaaar more dangerous, and it's set was stoppable enough. Likewise, there're OU threats that will shut down this penguin; notably, Ferrothorn. And if you run Brick Break to stop it, the veritable Fighting threats (except Terrakion) will threaten it horribly. Take off Avalanche, and Dragon types not named Hydreigon will ruin your day. In short, there're some counters to this, and it could work, but... I don't feel like it has a good place on the team.

That, and the Dragon types it intends to counter have two shots at it; Mence's EQ is doing massive damage, and while I don't feel like doing calcs for it, would probably OHKO after any other move, including just D-claw I'd imagine. Empoleon's HP is pretty low without investment, actually. 302 Max Def and a + nature is nothing special, either. Your main/substitute sweeper should almost-never be used to counter threats to the team. It'l probably end up sacrificing itself, and may not even get the job done fully since you oriented it to sweep, and not stop those threats. Empoleon isn't a pokemon with the raw stats to multitask like that. It's typing isn't that beneficial to the team, either; your electric weakness is up to three, with your lead, sweeper, and an important wall at risk. You're also adding a Ground weakness, even if it's the only one, as well as a second Fighting weakness. It's typing has ups and downs and there're Steels that would benefit your team a lot better, both through stats to stop potent threats like dragons, and better typing synergy with the team as well.

Thus, I can't recommend Empoleon for the team. One of the reasons I said no to Swampert was because it filled a similar role to Gyarados; type wise, so does Empoleon, both the good and the bad. It's not a reliable counter to this team's biggest threat, dragons, either. So it's point of existence on your roster is a bit moot. So yeah, I personally say you should find a better Steel wall with better synergy.

So, redid a few things here and their. Took some of your suggestions CK, but made some of my own as well. Plz re-review.

Done. =D No matter the review, I always manage to type too much. I don't think I've said that much over just two pokemon revisions, before. xD

Also, I'd definitely still continue my omnipresent reviews, but hey, yet again I'm the only one doing these. Someone else join the fray for ****'s sake. =P
Last edited:
- Bronzong -
Levitate or Heavy Metal (havent decided yet)
Choice Scarf
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Hp, 6 SpDef
- Trick
- Stealth Rock
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake

Remedied my lead problem. Scarf Tricking Zong... Oh what a pain in the ass he is. Dunno whether I want Levitate for another immunity to ground, or Heavy Metal for some serious power. Basically, this is a LeadZong. Come out, Trick the Scarf onto a lead to make it either continue setting up SR or continue stat-ups, either way gives Zong time to go ahead and set up SR of my own, then begin to hammer away with, thanks to Heavy Metal, overpowered Heavy Slam STAB attacks. Did some calculating, and this has even sweeper stopper power. That is, its defenses can hold its own, and with Heavy Metal, even AFTER a Salamence Intimidate, Heavy Slam will 2HKO him, while taking out those without intimidate, such as Haxorus and other deviant dragons/sweepers with a terrible OHKO. Very important in my book. I like the Trick, but if that doesnt work Ill swap it for Explosion and just stick with Leftovers as the item.

- Gyarados -
EV's: 252 Def, 252 HP, 6 SpDef
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Tail

- Serperior -
Light Clay
EV's: 252 SpAtk, 252 HP, 6 Spd
- Leaf Storm
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Dragon Tail

- Scrafty -
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 6 Def
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Crunch

- Cofagrigus -
Red Card
EV's: HP 252, SpAtk 252, 6 Def
- Will O Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split
- Theif

Took your suggestions CK.

- Mamoswine -
Thick Fat
Life Orb
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Superpower
- Endeavor/ Swagger/ Substitute

My prized Mamoswine. Always done a good job for me before, and I believe it will do a good job for me now. Meant as an interceptor mid to late game, this Mammoth can pound away at opposing forces. The given EV's with Life Orb and STAB boost allow Mamo to OHKO most variations of Salamence, every variation of Flygon, and every version of Dnight, bar bulky Dnight. EQ for coverage and Superpower to destroy anything named Blissey or Steel types that require more bang than just EQ. Adding Ground will be good to counter the Electric threat to Gyarados, and im adding another fighting weakness but I have plenty of resists on my team that it wont be a problem. Thick Fat seems more useful to me than his other abilities, at least it cuts his weakness to Fire and allowes him to take hits from the likes of Heatran and beat it back with an EQ.

Ok, this is prolly my final revised edition.
Getting better every edition, bro. =) Take my last few nuggets of wisdom(???) and I think you'll have something formidable, something that stands a chance against me. ;D

- Bronzong -
Levitate or Heavy Metal (havent decided yet)
Choice Scarf
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Hp, 6 SpDef
- Trick
- Stealth Rock
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake

Remedied my lead problem. Scarf Tricking Zong... Oh what a pain in the ass he is. Dunno whether I want Levitate for another immunity to ground, or Heavy Metal for some serious power. Basically, this is a LeadZong. Come out, Trick the Scarf onto a lead to make it either continue setting up SR or continue stat-ups, either way gives Zong time to go ahead and set up SR of my own, then begin to hammer away with, thanks to Heavy Metal, overpowered Heavy Slam STAB attacks. Did some calculating, and this has even sweeper stopper power. That is, its defenses can hold its own, and with Heavy Metal, even AFTER a Salamence Intimidate, Heavy Slam will 2HKO him, while taking out those without intimidate, such as Haxorus and other deviant dragons/sweepers with a terrible OHKO. Very important in my book. I like the Trick, but if that doesnt work Ill swap it for Explosion and just stick with Leftovers as the item.

Good riddance to that Crobat. =P A good lead, no doubt. But I can immediately tell you to use a Brave nature if you want that +Atk to kill your speed even further, and abuse Gyro Ball. I can also tell you to check your calcs better, or get a new calculator, 'cause 'Mence isn't 2HKOd by Heavy Slam, with Heavy Metal, without prior damage or near-max damage on both hits. Gyro Ball is simply more reliable (and gets that guarenteed 2HKO on 'Mence), and you don't need to give up Levitate. If a pokemon hits 376 speed or higher, you've got a 150 BP Gyro Ball; not yet factoring in STAB. This is much more reliable for stopping stat-up sweepers, since you never know when you'll be faced with something heavy like Gyara, or D-Nite; heavy weights. Also, without Levitate, many threats 'Zong can normally wall tear through it very easily, especially without any Def investment. Further reason to not use Heavy Slam.

Since this is a lead, you don't want Explosion or lefties, IMO. This beast should last beyond being a lead, but with Trick you might get something useful, or at the least disable an enemy pokemon via Scarf; which as an added bonus, increases the BP of Gyro Ball. Slower lead pokemon will really be afraid of your boosted Gyro Ball after that, and faster leads will need to GTFO period. Not to mention if the opponent doesn't taunt (most pokemon that would probably fear Gyro Ball, since they're often fast and possibly frail), that's a guarenteed Rocks up.

Normally I wouldn't recommend an offensive 'Zong for any team, since it's bulk does come from splashing it's EVs into HP and Defense, but it's typing and good-enough bulk with the HP EVs will let it use EQ and Gyro Ball/Heavy Slam to good enough effect. Just don't keep it in reserve or use it sparingly, since Mamoswine is your real emergency sweeper stopper. If it can do damage, let it do damage, yeah?

Oh, by the by, you could really swap out EQ, Rocks, or Trick (and the scarf with it) for Trick Room, if you wanted. Not saying it as a recommendation, but it's something to consider. Again, your entire team benefits from TR (except for Mamoswine, but it's not breaking any speed records regardless, and Ice Shard bypasses it too), not to mention TR doesn't effect Gyro Ball's BP at all. Priority Gyro Ball is a scary thing off of 304~ attack, surprisingly enough. If this lead doesn't work as well as you hoped, TR might be worth a try. Aside from all that, if you add on Gyro Ball and use Levitate, I 100% approve of this lead. :thumbsup:

- Gyarados -
EV's: 252 Def, 252 HP, 6 SpDef
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Tail

- Serperior -
Light Clay
EV's: 252 SpAtk, 252 HP, 6 Spd
- Leaf Storm
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Dragon Tail

- Scrafty -
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 HP, 6 Def
- Fake Out
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Crunch

- Cofagrigus -
Red Card
EV's: HP 252, SpAtk 252, 6 Def
- Will O Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Pain Split
- Theif

Took your suggestions CK.

- Mamoswine -
Thick Fat
Life Orb
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Hp
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Superpower
- Endeavor/ Swagger/ Substitute

My prized Mamoswine. Always done a good job for me before, and I believe it will do a good job for me now. Meant as an interceptor mid to late game, this Mammoth can pound away at opposing forces. The given EV's with Life Orb and STAB boost allow Mamo to OHKO most variations of Salamence, every variation of Flygon, and every version of Dnight, bar bulky Dnight. EQ for coverage and Superpower to destroy anything named Blissey or Steel types that require more bang than just EQ. Adding Ground will be good to counter the Electric threat to Gyarados, and im adding another fighting weakness but I have plenty of resists on my team that it wont be a problem. Thick Fat seems more useful to me than his other abilities, at least it cuts his weakness to Fire and allowes him to take hits from the likes of Heatran and beat it back with an EQ.

Mamoswine, my worst enemy... Threatens every ****ing team I have if only slightly, since I'm always running a Dragon or two. -.- Haaaaaate.

Just to mention, forsake Flygon in all your team buildings. If you ever see it again, the player is either a n00b, way too dedicated to the trends of old, or playing UU/NU against OU. Latios and Hydreigon are also Dragon threats to add to the list. D-Nite should be far less common these days; and it was already owned by 'Mence in usage last gen. :lol: So yeah, you aren't scoring a 4x Ice Shard on Latios and Hydreigon, and since Hydreigon will be having similar bulk (and even more power) than 'Mence, you need to look into that calc. Don't wanna lose a match since you miscalculated, yeah?

Also, one REALLY important note: Thick Fat is illegal with Superpower, bro. Thick Fat is it's DW ability, and since Superpower is an unbreedable Gen 4 tutor move, it's a no-go. Not possible. EQ is better than Superpower in almost every situation regardless; two pokemon that aren't as common as before, and Blissey, which EQ should 2HKO regardless. Unless Superpower OHKOs/does massive damage that'l 2HKO with a bit of prior damage to Ferro, I doubt it has any real use these days...

So yeah, if the choice between Superpower and Thick Fat isn't obvious, find a replacement move for Superpower. Stone Edge would be perfect, since it's relatively considered a staple for Mamoswine (Ground/Rock/Ice coverage is beast), and you've got a tiny bit of a problem with Flying types, actually. 'Zong's your only resist, and you've two weaknesses to it. Ice Shard works, sure, but not for defensive flying types, and Rock hits more than Flying super effective regardless, like Fire (which if you opt out of Thick Fat, your team'll have a problem with).

Ok, this is prolly my final revised edition.

And now for a quick glance at the team's new typing...

You've obviously patched your major weaknesses up, so that's great. The only glaring weakness is Fire, but with Thick Fat (Mamoswine shouldn't be switching into Fire types to counter, though; his poor defenses should be kept in mind), that's remedied to the point of tolerance. Aside from that, the only double weaknesses are Flying and Fighting, which is surprisingly good. Just be wary of sweepers of these 3 types, and this team really doesn't have any low points via defensive or offensive typing.

You've also aided your problem with Dragons via a Steel type, and a priority counter. Mamo's priority also helps a bit with the team's slothful nature; which, in my opinion, is the key issue. It's not a problem anymore, though; you've enough bulk, lack of considerable type weakness, and enough raw power to get through with good predictions and plays. Play well, and this team should win. 'Nuff said. It's been some time since I've given my wholehearted stamp of approval for a team, and this one's damn well earned it. :thumbsup:
Dirge's Stamp of Approval 2.JPG
May your hard work into research pay off and come to fruition. =)
ok first team trying to follow the rules so dont be to harsh haha, by the way these are in no particular order yet...

flash fire
shadow ball
energy ball

moxie/anger point
aerial ace

wild charge
u-turn maybe

dragon claw
???/shadow claw

drain punch
jump kick
aerial ace

torrent/shell armor
neutral nature
ice beam

so there it is i need a basic review of my choices and help with evs and item selection i have been playing the series for years but never on a competitive level so im still learning thanks for your time
Hey hey, welcome to the competitive fray, newbie. =) No worries, I'm rough with the veterans, but I can be quite gentle with you first timers. ;D

/no homo. srsly.

ok first team trying to follow the rules so dont be to harsh haha, by the way these are in no particular order yet...

flash fire
shadow ball
energy ball

Since you're using a Modest Chandelure, I'd highly recommend giving it a Choice Scarf. This ghastly lantern is seriously dangerous, and when you give it a speed boost, it's an absolute monster. Simple but dangerous, the EVs are just as simple: Max Sp. Atk and Speed.

moxie/anger point
aerial ace

You definitely want Intimidate. Krookodile isn't very bulky regardless, so the chances of surviving a critical are next to none, and the chances of a critical are slim period. Intimidate gives it some extra bulk, too.

Instead of Aerial Ace, Krookodile would love to have an Egg move in the form of Fire Fang. Hits more than flying does for super effective, and you never know when that chance of burn or flinch might save you. That extra 5 Base Power might be the difference between a pokemon surviving with 1 HP or not, too.

For it's last move, you could definitely run Stone Edge or Rock Slide, depending on whether you prefer Slide's Accuracy (and like Fire Fang, a flinch chance), or Stone Edge's power. Rock has great type coverage as attacking move types alongside Ground, so with a rock move, Krookodile will hardly encounter a pokemon it can't hit for at least a neutral hit.

For an item, I'd especially recommend a Life Orb or Choice Band if you're gonna use Intimidate. Since Intimidate is going to allow Krookodile to survive longer, the Life Orb recoil won't be as painful, and you'll be switching a lot holding a Choice Band, so Intimidate would come in handy plenty.

Max Attack and Speed EVs.

wild charge
u-turn maybe

Elektross doesn't really have the stats to run both Special and Physical moves at once, I'd say. Since the move is 3 physical moves already (counting U-turn, 'course), I'd say forsake Thunderbolt and grab Brick Break. Otherwise, a lot of dual-type Ground pokemon will give it serious trouble, since you'll be hitting them with a weak Crunch, or for something like Steelix, you won't be able to hit it hard at all. So Brick Break can help your type coverage, even if it isn't the strongest move. You never know when breaking enemy Reflects and Light Screens could come in handy, too.

Plenty of items you could give it. It's got acceptable type coverage, so you could give it an expert belt for boosts on super-effective moves. Or just like Krookodile, a Choice Band/Life Orb to soup-up your attack power would work.

Max your Atk and Speed. =P

dragon claw
???/shadow claw

You do not want Rivalry. Mold Breaker is an awesome ability. With it, Dragon and Ground moves hit everything but Skarmory for neutral damage, since the ability Levitate is negated by Mold Breaker. That means pokemon like Bronzong are powerless to stop Haxorus' sweep of terror. That, and Rivalry will screw you over eventually. I'd rather have an ability that always helps, than one that's a total gamble for something that isn't that much better if you win that gamble, yeah?

Also, instead of Shadow Claw, put on Dragon Dance. Between Dragon Claw and Earthquake, Dragon Dance's 1.5 multiplier to your Speed and Attack lets Haxorus clean up easily, once the opponent's team has been weakened. If you don't think you can get a clean sweep yet, Dragon Dance and fire off a deadly boosted Outrage to do absurd damage. If they don't have a steel type, they're in serious trouble. And if they do have a Steel type and they switch it in when you Dragon Dance, you can blast it asunder with Earthquake. A win-win either way, really.

You could give Haxorus a Life Orb to make it's attacks even more powerful, or a Lum Berry to prevent it from being stopped by a burn or paralysis, or even to cure yourself of confusion from your first Outrage. People've been Lum-Outraging with dragons since Gold, Silver and Crystal, lol. It works.

Max your Speed and Attack EVs. Yep.

drain punch
jump kick
aerial ace

Mienshao is crazy with his ability to restore it's HP. But you definitely need High Jump Kick instead of normal Jump Kick. Otherwise, you're better just spamming Drain Punch for your fighting move; High Jump Kick's absurd 130 Base Power (and that's before the Same Type Attack Bonus, aka STAB) is just too good to ignore.

Regenerator activates when you use U-turn, so it'd be a really great move to use, namely over Aerial Ace. Alongside U-turn, Fake Out makes this thing utterly obnoxious too, since with Mienshao's great attack, Fake Out actually does some damage. The only problem with Fake Out is if your opponent just switches, you lost an opportunity to do serious damage or switch to the perfect counter to their Mienshao switch in via U-turn. Fake Out's tricky to use properly, that's for sure.

I'd recommend to take off one of the fighting moves, though. You could do some amusing things with that slot for a support move. Mienshao learns Reflect for some reason. And halved physical damage for your entire team, for a whole five turns, is always awesome. Combined with Regenerator, Mienshao will be almost impossible for enemy physical-attacking pokemon to take out. Reflect might help your Haxorus get up an extra Dragon Dance, which is a 99% guaranted doom spelled out for your opponent, lol.

You could use Knock Off, which isn't good for damage, but so many pokemon rely on their items to be good. A wall without leftovers, like Blissey or Bronzong, can really be hurting and might not be able to do their job. Some pokemon can't hit hard enough without their Choice item or a Life Orb, either. And with Regenerator, Mienshao can Knock Off items over and over.

You could do anything for the item, really. Leftovers to be rediculous with recovering HP with this beast, a choice band (works brilliant with spamming U-turn) if your other pokemon won't be using one, even a Black Belt would be acceptable (but inferior of a choice, really) if you want to use High Jump Kick, since a 234 Base Power move is just-plain scary.

For the EVs, Attack and Speed, max them both. If you wanted to use a Choice Scarf, you could invest a lot (but definitely not all) in HP to REALLY abuse Regenerator, but then you're lacking attack power boosts from items. Speed, Power, or some crazy HP regeneration; decisions, decisions...

torrent/shell armor
neutral nature
ice beam

Torrent is the ability to choose. Shell Armor just isn't going to come in handy; Samurott isn't very bulky anyways.

Since Samurott doesn't have the highest attack stats, just like Elektross. Sp. Atk is higher, so you should go with that. Replace Dig and one of your water attacks with Air Slash (egg move) and Grass Knot, I'd say.

For the item, it depends on what EVs you want. I'd recommend focusing on Sp. Atk and HP, then slapping on Leftovers. It's not a fast pokemon, and it's highest stat is HP, so a bulky attacker with leftovers is a pretty standard choice.

so there it is i need a basic review of my choices and help with evs and item selection i have been playing the series for years but never on a competitive level so im still learning thanks for your time

I give a complimentary typing evaluation for the team, offensively and defensively. So here ya go! :D

... I was expecting to type up a gigantic multitude of paragraphs, but nope, lol. Your team's got a solid typing foundation, actually. No huge weaknesses to a certain type, and a resist to every single type; EXCEPT dragon. This can be really dangerous, actually. The current Overused tier is filled with more powerful dragons than ever before. If your opponent can fire off dangerous Draco Meteors or Outrages (like your Haxorus can do, hah), you could take heavy damage. If they have a Dragon that sets up via Dragon Dance or a similar move, your entire team could be mowed down, too. You could stop a sweep like that by sacrificing Krookodile to use Intimidate, and then Samurott to kill it with Ice Beam, but you might not have Krookodile still alive, and Samurott might be too weak to take a boosted hit. So, tread carefully around dragons. It'd be a really great idea to put a steel type on this team.

To be honest, for being both a newbie to competitive battling AND using only Unova pokemon, this team's pretty good, actually. Good typing, good pokemon. And this is just the prototype, so it can only get better. :thumbsup: You might be the first newbie to get my approval, and since I've been here for 3 years, that's saying something. :lol:

Speaking of that, if you don't have any older pokemon games, or you just wanna solo with Unova pokemon, that's fine. However, I can tell ya that the best possible team won't be a single generation of pokemon. But if you're not trying to be the world champion, that's nothing to be concerned over. xD

And, sorry if that's a bit much for ya to read. Processing all of that when I was a newb would probably disorient me to the point of frustration. =/
Haha, thank you CK. I certainly do appreciate it. And yea, i'll replace Heavy Slam with Gyro Ball. And really??? I didnt know Superpower and Thick Fat was illegal now... Damn... Well, I'll just replace it with the Stone Edge, unless I find something more accomodating.

ok first team trying to follow the rules so dont be to harsh haha, by the way these are in no particular order yet...

flash fire
shadow ball
energy ball

Chandelure. Great poke. The new generation added some strong new Ghosts to its roster, and Chandelure is definately one of them.Boasting that extremely amazing SpAtk stat. A couple different ways to use this guy. Fire, Ghost, and Grass give you almost perfect coverage.... Barring Dark types. The only thing you may really need to fear with this is Speed Boost Sharpedo, which I would hope you would switch out against, but that gives it a Speed Boost. Anyways, if you wanted to remedy that, you could throw a Choice Scarf on this poke. Nasty surprise for pokes thinking to outspeed it, be fast and fire off those monster STAB Shadow Balls and Flamethrowers (which I would opt for instead of Overheat with this poke, but its one or the other.) If not a choice item, then remove the Overheat for Pain Split, its his best chance at recovery. I would go with the Scarf to hit fast and hard as hell, but its up to you.

moxie/anger point
aerial ace

Krook is good also. I see your making an all new-gen team? Looks good thus far. Last move for Krook I think should be Brick Break. Gotta have something against those god forsaken Blisseys.... And as for item, I would say either Salac Berry, Choice Scarf, or Choice Band. Salac will kick in and boost your speed, utilizing Moxie can lead to a potential sweep. On the other hand, not having to wait for the speed boost, Choice Scarf will supplement your speed with Moxie boosting your attack whil firing off STAB Crunch/EQ. Up to you.

wild charge
u-turn maybe

Take out TBolt for somethin like Grass Knot, otherwise this thing gets walled by every ground type in the game without even trying. Grass Knot is a nasty surprise. Crunch is kind of.... Superfluous on this moveset. Your already covering that with Krookodile. Maybe Brick break? Or possibly... Dragon tail will be a good addition. Elektross has decent bulk, and levitate means no weaknesses, so you could Dragon Tail away with him, and if you have a poke to set up Stealth Rock, that would be even more to your advantage. Up to you.

dragon claw
???/shadow claw

drain punch
jump kick
aerial ace

torrent/shell armor
neutral nature
ice beam

so there it is i need a basic review of my choices and help with evs and item selection i have been playing the series for years but never on a competitive level so im still learning thanks for your time

Will edit and finish reviewing later... busy. lol
thanks for the advice yes i do have an older pokemon game i just wanted to see if it would be possible to make a decent team just from this generation never been to confident with steel types but ill see if i cant find one that i like i took notes on your advice and i will hopefully make changes accordingly and bring in pokemon from other generations to make a worth while team that can be used for what ever purposes may rise thanks again for your time
Dammit CK you beat me to it lol. Funny how we have some of the same suggestions tho.... lol
Ok, I need help deciding on something. I manged to get my hands on a Japanese event Hydreigon (long story). It's SHINY! :D
It came knowing Hyper Voice, Dragonbreath, Flamethrower, and Focus Blast. Flamethrower and Focus Blast seemed fine as is, I swapped Dragonbreath for Dragon Pulse, but I can't decide what to swap Hyper Voice for. Any ideas?
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thanks for the advice yes i do have an older pokemon game i just wanted to see if it would be possible to make a decent team just from this generation never been to confident with steel types but ill see if i cant find one that i like i took notes on your advice and i will hopefully make changes accordingly and bring in pokemon from other generations to make a worth while team that can be used for what ever purposes may rise thanks again for your time

T'was my pleasure, friend. :thumbsup: And just to say, before you try and add any older generation pokemon, I'd say you should give it a shot. Nothing like experience will level you up (/self-induced pun groan) into a great battler.

Regardless, I'll be happy to help you out with team advice whenever. And so would Storm; unfortunately, he's just too Zetta Slow.

Dammit CK you beat me to it lol. Funny how we have some of the same suggestions tho.... lol


My skill is rubbin' off on ya, what can I say? :p

Your Brick Break suggestion for Krookodile pains me, though... Ground and Fighting have 99% redundant coverage together. Namely, it's use whichever STAB ya get, ignore the other. Didn't I say that during one of my reviews over your latest team, actually? :lol:

Oh, and Thick Fat/Superpower's always been illegal since Gen 5, bro. Things are determined illegal if you can't get it in-game, or if you can't get it in-game yet and you're playing under a more official ruleset. i.e. Soul Dew is currently illegal, but when it's released in the DW, it'l be up for use in ubers.
Ok, I need help deciding on something. I manged to get my hands on a Japanese event Hydreigon (long story). It's SHINY! :DIt camd knowing Hyper Voice, Dragonbreath, Flamethrower, and Focus Blast. Flamethrower and Focus Blast seemed fine as is, I swapped Dragonbreath for Dragon Pulse, but I can't decide what to swap Hyper Voice for. Any ideas?


I just got ninja'd right after I ninja'd Storm. lolirony

Actually, you should really kill Focus Blast, IMO. With Flamethrower, you're already hitting steals, and Hydreigon really shouldn't worry about enemy Dark types, Rock types (he learns Surf, which would be an awesome move for it, actually), or Normal types. So if you want to replace Focus Blast with Surf, I'd certainly recommend it. =) That, and it has 75% accuracy anyways. Lets me down all the time. =/ Last battle I had, one of my sweepers missed with it twice in a row, and I lost 'em from that. Still won with ease, but... ****. Annoying hax, man. :lol:

Anywho, for your actual suggestion, Dark Pulse. Dark is a great STAB, especially with all the powerful Psychics around these days. I personally wouldn't run Hydreigon without it, lol.
Ugh.... Fml to you ninjas... lmao.

At least I got your stamp of approval, CK. lol. Also, as I pointed out, only reaso I was saying possibly Brick Break for Krook is on the off chance Blissey shows up. Regardless of their coverage, I hate that pink thing...

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