What's your pokemon team?

i mean in all terms of fair gameplay, its gone. I just am seeing it as erratically unbalanced to be honest.
This is definitely off topic, but I have lost all knowledge of Competitive Pokemon. Can anyone fill me in on the changes from 4th gen to 5th gen?

There's a lot to swallow in a Generation leap, that's for sure... Plenty of new items (not nearly as many useful ones as Gen 4, though), a ton of viable new pokemon, and a few previously-thought ubers now in OU, and maybe even going to OU. Like for example, Deoxys-S is OU and Deoxys-D might even drop into UU, along side Kyurem and even Mew. This generation's tiers are going to be crazy... UU's power shift during Platinum's release was crazy, but now... Hot damn, bro. Hot damn.

Whats your opinion of Hydreigon, CK? That thing is pretty sick.

Hydreigon is the slower, but better-STAB version of Latios, and little more. x) It also gets Flamethrower, which Latios has always wanted. But, not only do I like the blue jet more, but I prefer it's higher speed and Psychic typing over Hydreigon at the moment. With all the absurdly powerful and common fighting types, Hydreigon ain't exactly got staying power.

Either way, they're both Draco Meteor-firing cannons of destruction, lol.

The metagame has lost all its restrictions.

PFFT, you're exaggerating. It's not like Kyogre's cleaning up in OU or anything.

... Yet... ... ...
This is definitely off topic, but I have lost all knowledge of Competitive Pokemon. Can anyone fill me in on the changes from 4th gen to 5th gen?

There's a lot to swallow in a Generation leap, that's for sure... Plenty of new items (not nearly as many useful ones as Gen 4, though), a ton of viable new pokemon, and a few previously-thought ubers now in OU, and maybe even going to OU. Like for example, Deoxys-S is OU and Deoxys-D might even drop into UU, along side Kyurem and even Mew. This generation's tiers are going to be crazy... UU's power shift during Platinum's release was crazy, but now... Hot damn, bro. Hot damn.

Whats your opinion of Hydreigon, CK? That thing is pretty sick.

Hydreigon is the slower, but better-STAB version of Latios, and little more. x) It also gets Flamethrower, which Latios has always wanted. But, not only do I like the blue jet more, but I prefer it's higher speed and Psychic typing over Hydreigon at the moment. With all the absurdly powerful and common fighting types, Hydreigon ain't exactly got staying power.

Either way, they're both Draco Meteor-firing cannons of destruction, lol.

The metagame has lost all its restrictions.

PFFT, you're exaggerating. It's not like Kyogre's cleaning up in OU or anything.

... Yet... ... ...

Only slightly exaggerating... You know as well as I do that it's the truth. lol.
Only slightly exaggerating... You know as well as I do that it's the truth. lol.

Not really, no... What part of "never played a Gen 5 battle" don't ya get? =P

No experience, no true understanding of the metagame. Which is precisely why I need to get my game on and become the go-to guy for metagame junk on Wiichat again by battling it up. /arrogant
^^^ lol, yes, you do... Its ridiculous nowadays. ive been in it, my friend. Its scary... But im sure there will be some sort of middle ground when gen 6 comes out... lol
^^^ lol, yes, you do... Its ridiculous nowadays. ive been in it, my friend. Its scary... But im sure there will be some sort of middle ground when gen 6 comes out... lol

*facepalm* Blah, I give up... Fine, I have experience in a metagame I've only read about, and never played in. :p

Nah, Gen 5'll stabilize eventually. Gen 4 was the same way. Whenever a new generation is started, it's always hectic. Most things broken but not clearly uber are obvious. Like Speed Boost Blaziken; that thing was an annoying ****ing cock.

... Chicken, you dolt. Chicken. -_-

But it was banned in due time (only it's ability should of been...). Anything broken in OU is still being weeded out (except Garchomp T_T). Staples and pokemon that are really powerful, but not broken havn't yet settled down for people start abusing yet, either. But once that does happen, people will start making counters, make teams that cause common pokes and sets to be either risky or outright useless, and then people will catch onto all this jazz and there ya go. The stable metagame is once again born.

Not that I'm denying that things ARE crazy right now, no doubt about that. Probably a bit crazier than any previous Generation's beginning, unless Snorlax and TTar were being abused horribly straight from the Gen 2 get-go... Oh, CurseLax... You broken bastard.
Wow. You guys had quite the discussion. o__0

Uh....well....Sharpedo and Sableye are a lot stronger now, eh?
@ Nick: Yes, Sharpedo got a serious makeover and is by far much better now. Quite sick.

^^^ lol, yes, you do... Its ridiculous nowadays. ive been in it, my friend. Its scary... But im sure there will be some sort of middle ground when gen 6 comes out... lol

*facepalm* Blah, I give up... Fine, I have experience in a metagame I've only read about, and never played in. :p

Nah, Gen 5'll stabilize eventually. Gen 4 was the same way. Whenever a new generation is started, it's always hectic. Most things broken but not clearly uber are obvious. Like Speed Boost Blaziken; that thing was an annoying ****ing cock.

... Chicken, you dolt. Chicken. -_-

But it was banned in due time (only it's ability should of been...). Anything broken in OU is still being weeded out (except Garchomp T_T). Staples and pokemon that are really powerful, but not broken havn't yet settled down for people start abusing yet, either. But once that does happen, people will start making counters, make teams that cause common pokes and sets to be either risky or outright useless, and then people will catch onto all this jazz and there ya go. The stable metagame is once again born.

Not that I'm denying that things ARE crazy right now, no doubt about that. Probably a bit crazier than any previous Generation's beginning, unless Snorlax and TTar were being abused horribly straight from the Gen 2 get-go... Oh, CurseLax... You broken bastard.

Doth mine eyes decieve me? I won an arguement against you? Hot daaaaaamn CK! lol.

And yes... It is a chicken... Trying to incinuate something CK, jeez...

LEAVE my beloved Snorlax alone... He is the king of the fatties, let him have his light to shine... Its not often that the fattest looking kat in the universe gets a moment to shine, but he can still hold his own. Unfortunately, this generation offered some obscenely brutal fighting types to its regimen... Namely Sawk... Cant hardly even 2HKO that thing. My Archeops using full power Acrobatics on it, being nearly 15 levels higher STILL didnt even cause enough damage to activate Sawk's Sturdy ability....

BTW, Archeops is completely badass, save for its crap ability... :(
Doth mine eyes decieve me? I won an arguement against you? Hot daaaaaamn CK! lol.

I can't win anything yesterday. You'll be put in your place soon enough. ;D

LEAVE my beloved Snorlax alone... He is the king of the fatties, let him have his light to shine... Its not often that the fattest looking kat in the universe gets a moment to shine, but he can still hold his own. Unfortunately, this generation offered some obscenely brutal fighting types to its regimen... Namely Sawk... Cant hardly even 2HKO that thing. My Archeops using full power Acrobatics on it, being nearly 15 levels higher STILL didnt even cause enough damage to activate Sawk's Sturdy ability....

BTW, Archeops is completely badass, save for its crap ability... :(

The only thing that fatass had going for him, was being broken in Gen 2. The Garchomp of GSC, except it was never banned. Snorlax has gotten worse since that Gen; he's not succeeding in OU once again, that I assure you.

Which means Archeops is garbage, lol. That's the same thing as saying Regigigas is a beast, except for it's terrible ability. Neither of them are worth Skill Swap in doubles, either. =P

So, what the ****, noone wants the battle, apparently?
lol, gee thanks for the votes of confidence, CK. And Archeops is more than decent... Just When that damned ability kicks in... Ughh...
lol, gee thanks for the votes of confidence, CK. And Archeops is more than decent... Just When that damned ability kicks in... Ughh...

Anytime, bro. :D

Which means it's not decent. It takes a single hit or switches into SR twice (thrice if you breed/hack for a proper HP stat), it's poor bulk lets it down. It's certainly not constantly maintaining with Wish, either. One switch into SR and a weak attack would be enough to damn it to Defeatist too. All it can do is abuse U-turn, which other pokemon are not only better at, but get STAB, or use Flying Gem Acrobatics for a one-hit wonder. It's a poor pokemon, I doubt it'l be any good in UU, the way things are shaping up there. UU's gonna be almost as rough as Gen 4 OU, really.
Yea well... As far as that goes, we'll figureit out i guess... Anyways, im working on building a team straight out of Gen 4. Heres what i got so far.

- Braviary
Sheer Force
Leftovers or Life Orb
- Sky Drop
- Superpower
- Retaliate
- ???

Salac Berry
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- ???

Water Absorb
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Shadow Ball
- ???

This is still very much in the works, but we shall see how it progresses.
Oh, Braviary... You poor, poor inferior Staraptor...

I can tell you right now that Outrage is NOT a move you want on Krookodile, Storm. Anything is better than that. Outrage's only real use would be to kill dragon types, and that's only if they've stupid enough to switch in. And after that, your Salac is wasted if you're hit even once, when you're forced to switch out. Have a dedicated dragon killer, otherwise your sweep can be stopped by any wise player if you intend to use outrage AT ALL.

I can also say that you don't want Modest on Jellicent. It's no special attacker, and needs as much defense/sp. def to do it's job, which isn't even being a wall in OU in the first place. The only way it'l wall anything in OU, is if it gets a burn off of scald. Sp. attackers'll rip right through it. 'Specially with all those commonly-special attack weaknesses. Bulky waters have been hit hard this gen...

No comment on Braviary; I don't really know much about it, 'side from it being an inferior Staraptor.

Poor Braviary...
Squirtle. Water gun and splash

Bulbasaur leaf attack and vines

Pikachu Thunder bolt and fire blast

Charizard Water gun and fly

Garyados Surf and splash

Mewtwo blast and beam. What you guys think? Im kick ass huh

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