What's your pokemon team?

@ Rocker: Lmao jeez man the more things change the more they stay the same....

@CK: Yea, it was a good playthrough though. And Stunfisk would have been an absolutely worse choice than Zoa... lol (just to get Nicks goat) Anyways, Ive been working on getting a competetive team JUST of Gen 5... Not too much luck yet.... But ill post when I got it. I really enjoyed the storyline though. Ive restarted my game 6 times after playthrough all the way to the end. lol. Love it.
My team trumps yours in every way.

My team:
Godkarp or UseSplash! (Magikarp)
OT: God

Ability: Volt Absorb
Lava Plume
Giga Smash

I win :D


But... Giga "Smash"? What the hell, bro? xD

@CK: Yea, it was a good playthrough though. And Stunfisk would have been an absolutely worse choice than Zoa... lol (just to get Nicks goat) Anyways, Ive been working on getting a competetive team JUST of Gen 5... Not too much luck yet.... But ill post when I got it. I really enjoyed the storyline though. Ive restarted my game 6 times after playthrough all the way to the end. lol. Love it.

Just Gen 5, eh? VGC 2011 then, just not doubles I'd assume, yeah? Gen 5's got plenty of great pokes, so you won't have too much trouble handling that niche. Just don't get too crazy, using a full team of untested pokes can have some crazy results, eh?

Jesus, 6 times? I only played Black twice and White once (White's my main game, no restartin'). First pokemon game to have a good storyline and characters with actual personality and/or development (DPP tried, at least), sure, but... That'd bore me, lol. Memorized every hidden item by now? xD

Ah, and before I forget again, I've an unfortunate announcement: pokegen has stolen away my breeding spirit. If anyone's got a problem with hacked, legitimate-stats teams, I won't be able to battle ya. :(

Once you go hack, you don't go back, man... I can't say I've the poke-grit to get excited about a whole new generation of bike riding, egg hatching, and dream world frustration. =/
^^^ Lmao couldnt agree more with you bud. And yea, im lovin the gen 5 pokes. If I had to have a favorite ability of the new pokes... It would have to be Moxie. Not only is it sweet as hell./... But come on... Thats just a badass word... I found my moxie in this game :) lol
If I had to have a favorite ability of the new pokes... It would have to be Moxie. Not only is it sweet as hell./... But come on... Thats just a badass word... I found my moxie in this game :) lol

Some sweeper's gonna be broken with Moxie one of these days, I'd bet money on it. Moxie DD Gyara or Moxie DD 'Mence are my prime suspects. Pass an Agility, DD Up, and KO somethin'. +2Atk&Spe anything OU isn't something to scoff at, yeah? Steamrollers that get more powerful if you sacrifice somethin' to help stop it.

My favorite Gen 5 ability is probably Contrary. It's just ****in' broken, dude... Get Serperior in safely, and it's not exactly easy to OHKO either, so you can get off two Leaf Storms for a +4 Sp. Attack. I don't care if you're a specially defensive Scizor, a 210 BP move off of 747 attack, NOT even counting in Specs or Life Orb, is going to hurt. Badly. Grab your Lugia's and take cover. Once this thing is released, it's gonna make some waves in OU. And if it don't, I'll be speechless. That'd be bullshit, lol.
lol i forgot about that one.... Dear lord.... That is mighty scary.... Its truly now just a matter of who can get something out first to take advantage... To hell with SR, spikes, and set up starters now.... You get something out like you are saying or just with that damned moxie, you are gonna have a hell of a time trying to stop it. Whats my favorite? Krookodile to start off the squad with Life Orb, EQ or Crunch to knock out the first poke with super effectiveness, moxie takes effect, and outrage on whatever comes out... Which with the moxie to attack plus the life orb, that Outrage will kill almost anything... And then eveytime it defeats somethin, another up, and another, and another, like the damned hulk... Angrier it gets, the stronger it gets. Ive swept uncounted teams just starting off like that... After 4 pokes down with my Krook and moxies up, I could even OHKO a defensive Bronzong with Outrage... This generation is insane. No more holds barred. Its all out now.
Krookodile's the Moxie user to be least afraid of, and it is pretty beast. x) Banded Moxie 'Mence's Outrage is ****ing scary. Once their steel poke(s) are gone, they're sorta ****ed, lol. It's not going to outright sweep because of confusion, but it'l leave a gaping dent in their defenses.

I'm sure someone's tried a Moxie 'Mence @ Lum Berry/Persim and ****ed up someone team too, lol. Moxie's just a really dangerous strategy, since 'Mence isn't very fast without a +1 in Speed, and ice moves obviously destroy it without Yache. Lacking intimidate can also make you lose a lot of safe switches (you're not switching into -1 Stone Edges anymore, so...), and since Lati@s are OU, they'l outspeed and own the set.

But hey, that's what agility passers I mentioned earlier are for. :p And Scizor makes a great 2-poke core with 'Mence anyways, so there's a pretty standard sweeping pair, straight from Gen 4. I dunno if Scizor alone can keep up with Gen 5's OU, though.
im not sure... i was only speaking Gen 5 wise pokes tho, i havent even eally delved into the new abilities on older pokes, was unaware of mence having that potential... thats.... troublesome and scary... lol.... however, Krookodile norrmally outspeeds mence, yea? thats my main concern is having a poke that can outspeed most by itself while gaining the boosts neccessary to sweep.
Actually, Krookodile's max speed is 17 under 'Mences. I don't think there's much it could do to 'Mence without a band or boosts of it's own, anyways.

Yeah, I always want a sweeper to prioritize high speed, not be weak to common priority (Mach Punch and/or 4x weak, namely), and be able to boost it's attack to threatening sweep levels. Shame you can never have the full package, bulk always comes as the price for speed and power; unless you're Garchomp.

... Who is banned already. T_T

Since you've been focusin' on Gen 5, you use a Whimsicott yet? I don't know **** about incorporating walls and support pokes into an offensive team, lol. But I'm interested in that fuzzy bundle of cute. Only thing cuter than the cuddly sheep is Magikarp himself.

VVV Isn't it so adorable you want to hug it to death?! <3


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lol yes, yes sir it is indeed... And whimsicott, in game cant do much... against other players, that thing can cause hell, seriously. can you stay stop ANY sweeper dead in its tracks with its instantaneous priority use of status-affecting moves? Christ thats broken.. Say goodnight Gyarados, Mence, Krook, even Garchomp is powerless against priority status killers.... Its insane, and obnoxious.

And really??? I thought Krook was faster... Damn... Well that sucks... Have you had a problem taking down those god forsaken Scraftys? I can never seem to OHKO them, even with super-effectiveness. lol
To be honest, I've yet to have a Gen 5 battle with anyone, lol... I know Scrafty's bulky, but not from experience.

Yeah, I know of Whimsicott's epic sweeper stopping. Switch in on a stat-up move, Encore, proceed to **** with it with an assortment of priority moves like Leech Seed, Substitute, Taunt, etc.

But isn't it useful for ANYTHING else? =/ Offensive players like me don't let stat-up sweepers get off regardless, so an "absolute sweeper-stopper" isn't really what I'd be interested in. I heard it can SubSeed too ofcourse, but it's not like Breloom in that it can rape you for switching out to stall Whimsicott's PP with offensive moves like Focus Punch.

If it's not, I fear I'll never use it in my standard offensive teams... And I damn-well want to use it, simply 'cause I like it. A lamb no cuter, I tell you! =D

And yes, I am also shocked I could possibly say such things. It's nigh-unthinkable. o_O;


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lol. i dont honestly see too much offensive use for it to be honest.... its like a virus to insert into your opponents rectum, its a roundabout way to completely annhialate them... like a ring worm in your stomach... you dont notice it until you start crapping blood and vomitting crap.... yea.... just picture a visual of whimsicott crawling up your opponetns ass and making them crap blood.... ughhhhh..... creepy ass lamb thing...

Know somethin neat i just noticed? my favorite poke, arcannine, gets an ability called "justified", which apparently raises its attack one stage every time its hit with a dark type attack. picture this: double battle, your two pokes are Arcanine and Weavile. Canine has a Leichi berry. Make Weavile use Beat Up on Arcanine. 5 pokes on your team means +5 attack for that puppy in one turn... Gets attacked and leichi ups it for the 6th level, or a salac for speed. Next turn... EQ everything... And Extremespeed for everything else.... Balls to you, sir. lol
At least Whimsicott is still the cuttest fluff ball that'l ever rape your rectum! :D

... I'd say this conversation of sheep pokemon couldn't get any weirder, but let's not try. .-.;

Ahah, now you're thinking with broken synergy, Storm. Believe it or not, there was an even more sadistic doubles combo than that in VGC 2011, though. Whimsicott and Terrakion. As you know, Whimsicott has no offensive pressence, and does learn beat up. Terrakion also has Justified, resists Dark, and can learn both Rock Slide AND Earthquake; and nothing is immune to Rock Slide, unlike Arcanine's Earthquake. Terrakion also has even higher Attack and speed. Slap on a 'Scarf, and get to destroying things.

And used in a full doubles team match, that's a +5 STAB Rock Slide 'Scarf from Terrakion barreling your way. That's not something you'd want to be on the receiving end of. :p
This is definitely off topic, but I have lost all knowledge of Competitive Pokemon. Can anyone fill me in on the changes from 4th gen to 5th gen?
At least Whimsicott is still the cuttest fluff ball that'l ever rape your rectum! :D

... I'd say this conversation of sheep pokemon couldn't get any weirder, but let's not try. .-.;

Ahah, now you're thinking with broken synergy, Storm. Believe it or not, there was an even more sadistic doubles combo than that in VGC 2011, though. Whimsicott and Terrakion. As you know, Whimsicott has no offensive pressence, and does learn beat up. Terrakion also has Justified, resists Dark, and can learn both Rock Slide AND Earthquake; and nothing is immune to Rock Slide, unlike Arcanine's Earthquake. Terrakion also has even higher Attack and speed. Slap on a 'Scarf, and get to destroying things.

And used in a full doubles team match, that's a +5 STAB Rock Slide 'Scarf from Terrakion barreling your way. That's not something you'd want to be on the receiving end of. :p

Still.... I love that my epic legendary dog can fill that role too.

Theres no restrictions in thsis thing anymore... its insane... And that.... That damned sheep... Ughh.h..... lol. Whats your opinion of Hydreigon, CK? That thing is pretty sick.

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