What's your pokemon team?

Excuse the double post.

I was thinking of replacing Magcargo with a Wigglytuff....well, at least I would switch between them. The Wigglytuff would be from Gen 4 and know Stealth Rock, Reflect, Light Screen, and something else. It would be holding Light Clay, and would have a Defense boosting nature.

I cant think of what this girls 4th move should be. I was thinking Sing, Wish, or Thunder Wave. Any suggestions?
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Wish, or an offensive move... running a Pokemon that can literally do no damage is very dangerous in my opinion
^^^ Especially againdst Taunt users -.-

And i know the shark isnt good at taking hits. Thats why Leichi would be good. Youd have the speed boost, and then leichi would be choice cuz ud get attack boost, sweep potential. Can he learn Swords Dance? Cuz then dance turn 1, leichi activates, plus speed boost, thats plus 3 attack and plus 1 speed plus 1 speed everyturn after, that makes a sharpedo STAB waterfall a very scary subject.
Sadly, Sharpedo cannot learn any attack boosting moves besides Focus Energy.

Leichi has the potential to work wonders, but....I dont see it working a lot. In PBR, I had a Life Orb Sharpedo that I think would have been better off with a Sash.

And for Wigglytuff....I could give it an offensive move, but It wouldent do much damage, as I was going to pour all the EVs into the defenses.
Doesnt have to be especially strong as long as you can get something out of it... Maybe Body Slam? STAB plus paralysis potential.
I guess so....

But Wish just works so well with Wigglytuffs gigantic HP. Ill think about it.
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You could always get rid of Stealth Rock and have someone else for that
Meh. Id rather just have one Pokemon to set up ****.

Did you guys know that I might compete in the VGC 2011, in Washington DC? This might be my team if I go. I just copied it from my thread on Poke Beach.

Stunfisk (Leftovers, Static)
Adamant (+Attack, -Sp. Attack)
EVs: 255 in Attack, 255 in Defense

-Stone Edge

Its pretty simple to understand. It can set up with Curse, and attack with Earthquake. If Earthquake wont work for whatever reason, then Ill have it use Stone Edge. Rest is there to recover damage. Its weakness to Water-type attacks is helped by Maractus's Storm Drain. Its weakness to Earthquake is helped by the fact the Earthquake is weakened in double battles. All in all, a sturdy Pokemon. Static also may hurt physical attackers.

Seismitoad (Damp Rock, Swift Swim)
Quirky (+Nothing, -Nothing)
EVs: 255 in Speed, 127 in Attack and 128 in Sp. Attack

-Hydro Pump
-Sludge Bomb
-Rain Dance

This guy is my teams only mixed attacker. It can hit hard with Hydro Pump, and hit both foes with Earthquake. Rain Dance makes it very fast, and also powers up Hydro Pump. Sludge Bomb is for Grass-types. Rain Dance also helps Accelgor, since the Bug has Hydration. Rain Dance is also making me consider adding another Water-type to the team. Suggestions for a second Water-type?

Accelgor (Focus Sash, Hydration)
Timid (+Speed, -Attack)
EVs: 255 in Speed and 255 in Sp. Attack

-Bug Buzz
-Focus Blast
-Giga Drain
-Me First

The fastest member on my team, not counting Rain Dance Seismitoad. With Focus Sash, this thing can actually take a hit. Bug Buzz is for STAB, Giga Drain is for hitting Waters, Rocks, etc. Focus Blast is mainly for Steels, and if Im feeling lucky, Normals. Me First is for Special Attacking Ghost-types, and possibly other things. Hydration takes advantage of Rain Dance, so it cant get paralyzed.

Maractus (?, Storm Drain)
Bashful (+Nothing, -Nothing)
EVs: 255 in Sp. Attack and 255 in Sp. Defense

-Giga Drain
-Sucker Punch
-Cotton Guard

This things movepool is shallow, so the moveset is...iffy. However, Storm Drain lets it defend members of my team which are weak to Water-type attacks. It can also do a variety of things. It can hit hard with Giga Drain, and hit quickly with Sucker Punch. It can tank with Cotton Guard and Giga Drain. Spikes is if I want to set up. The Sp. Defense EVs allow it to take Ice Beams from Water-types. I don't really now what the item should be.

Archeops (Weak Knees [Forget English name]), Sitrus Berry)
Adamant (+Attack, -Sp. Attack)
EVs: 255 in attack and 255 in Speed

-Stone Edge

Archeops ability means that when its in the yellow zone, its attack is halved. However, Sitrus Berry helps prevent this. After eating its berry, Acrobatics is also powered up. Stone Edge is for STAB and U-turn is for getting the heck out of there. Endevour is in-case the berry dosnt get it back into the green, allowing it to still do some damage. Maractus's Storm Drain helps prevent it from getting hit from Water attacks. Also, its Flying type allows other members to use Earthquake.

Hydreigon (Levitate, White Herb)
Timid (+Speed, -Attack)
EVs: 255 in Sp. Attack and 255 in Speed

-Draco Meteor
-Dark Pulse
-Fire Blast

The strongest member of my team. It hits very hard with Draco Meteor, and White Herb gets rid of the stat drop. Dark Pulse is for STAB, and Fire Blast is for Steel-types. Even in the Rain, Fire Blast hits Ferrothorn hard. Reflect is there to help against physical attacks. Levitate also protects it from my own teams Earthquake.
Right now I'm planning on my White team something like this:
Leavanny (Unless I can find a better grass type)
I don't have a "team", but I suppose I do have 6 pokemon that stand out in level against all my others in my black version.

Mine are for pokemon Platinum

Torterra lv 85
Lucario lv 76
Girritina lv 82
Palkia lv 79
Dialga lv 92
Heatran lv 85#

lol i hava alot of ledgendarys!:papermario:
My white team is

Serrpirior lv 82
Luxray lv 75
Torterra lv 82
Empoleon lv 80
Samurott lv 80
Infernape lv 90

(I used alot of trading and Poke Transfer):papermario::papermario::papermario::yesnod::yesnod:

Right now I'm planning on my White team something like this:
Leavanny (Unless I can find a better grass type)
The last few posts of this thread are casual trainers?! NONONONONONONONO

I'll go ahead and attempt a (max) revive on this already once revived thread, by being a hypocrite and state my own in-game team. :D

Samurott (lv. 79, Lonely. Surf, Waterfall, Revenge, Megahorn)
Haxorus (lv. 84, Naughty, Mold Breaker. X-Scissor, Dragon Dance, EQ, Outrage)
Zoroark (lv. 87, Serious. Night Daze, Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Grass Knot)
Excadrill (lv. Broken, Sand Rush, Adamant. Rock Slide, Earthquake, Metal Claw, Drill Run)
2 HM/Status slaves of ill repute

To say the least, these bastards tore in-game up... Haxorus never failed to sweep, Excadrill destroys EVERYTHING on his own, Samurott is a solid Water type, and... well, Zoroark was more of an Exp-stealing burden, since his Sp. atk turned out garbage with the lack of Sp.A EVs in B/W's in-game. But hey, Zoroark could of been replaced with a useless Stunfisk and I would of been fine. I overestimated B/W's difficulty thoroughly, lol.

So, who's finished any plans for a competitive BW team so far? :D I havn't had the time to get into any Gen 5 theorymon yet.
The last few posts of this thread are casual trainers?! NONONONONONONONO

I'll go ahead and attempt a (max) revive on this already once revived thread, by being a hypocrite and state my own in-game team. :D

Samurott (lv. 79, Lonely. Surf, Waterfall, Revenge, Megahorn)
Haxorus (lv. 84, Naughty, Mold Breaker. X-Scissor, Dragon Dance, EQ, Outrage)
Zoroark (lv. 87, Serious. Night Daze, Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Grass Knot)
Excadrill (lv. Broken, Sand Rush, Adamant. Rock Slide, Earthquake, Metal Claw, Drill Run)
2 HM/Status slaves of ill repute

To say the least, these bastards tore in-game up... Haxorus never failed to sweep, Excadrill destroys EVERYTHING on his own, Samurott is a solid Water type, and... well, Zoroark was more of an Exp-stealing burden, since his Sp. atk turned out garbage with the lack of Sp.A EVs in B/W's in-game. But hey, Zoroark could of been replaced with a useless Stunfisk and I would of been fine. I overestimated B/W's difficulty thoroughly, lol.

So, who's finished any plans for a competitive BW team so far? :D I havn't had the time to get into any Gen 5 theorymon yet.

My team trumps yours in every way.

My team:
Godkarp or UseSplash! (Magikarp)
OT: God

Ability: Volt Absorb
Lava Plume
Giga Impact (my correction, my Pokemon is rusty xD)

I win :D
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