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Heres the Gen 5 Pokemon that I have trained so far:
Stunfisk (Adamant, Static)
Stone Edge
Oh Stunfisk... How u irk me... Ugh... first off, I dislike Stunfisk anyways biasly based on typing. Electric/Ground? Thats terrible... Being ground type does him no favors, other than increasing what hits him super effectively from only groun (if he was only electric) to being weak to ground, water, AND grass... I spit on Stunfisk... Sorry Nick... I just truly dislike it. Other than that, your moveset is good and would prolly work well for this poke if it didnt have so many weaknesses... (Swampert owns this thing.)
Garbodor (Impish, Stench)
Rock Blast
Gunk Shot
Toxic Spikes
Ehh... Not supremely useful... Walled to death by any steel or rock/ground pokes, which there are a plenty. Idk what you could really do with this thing... I like the toxic spikes, but the other stuff doesnt click very well for me. Needz moar explosion and EQ/flamethrower (if he can learn it, idk)! lol
Seismitoad (Quirky, Swift Swim)
Hydro Pump
Rain Dance
Sludge Bomb
I like Seismitoad. And I like your moveset. RD works well in coercion with your Shelmet, so yes.
Shelmet (Not yet evolved) (Timid, Hydration)
Guard Split
Bug Buzz
Giga Drain
Focus Blast
Not so much understanding the move choicing here... Well, I do understand it, but theres jsut not enough coverage. Your moves overlap eachother. Bug Buzz and Giga Drain are great, but why Focus Blast? BB and GD already cover what Focus Blast does and more, so why not put something more useful? Maybe Power Swap? Idk... But if u come across a fire type this things in big trouble, so somethins gotta be done about it.
So here's a pseudo-Sandstorm team that I thought of on the walk home from school:
At a glance:
In depth:
Tyranitar: Lead
Jolly/Sand Stream
Choice Scarf
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 Def
Stone Edge
He's really just there to get the sand moving. With a Choice Scarf, he outspeeds quite a bit; Pursuit is there in case I get a good early matchup. With STAB, that goes up to 120 and has KO potential if the opponent switches.
I like it. Straightforward ScarfTar. Only problem im seeing is that, this being your lead, it would get completely stalled out by nearly any variation of Skarmory, Forretress, or Ferrothorn Lead, and Mashed to peices from, much the same, any variation of the ever so common Scizor Lead, either Band or SD version, possibly building the potential to sweep quite easily. As long as u dont match up against any of those, this should work fine, and like you said, to get the sand moving. However, something you may wanna look into is a SpAtk version of this ScarfTar. With ability of Tbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, and then Pursuit for STAB and flee'ers, gives much better coverage and is a nice little surprise. This is especially useful since TTar still has quite a good SpAtk stat as well, though it is commonly overlooked. just a suggestion.------
Ferrothorn: Support
Sassy/Iron Thorns
252 HP, 248 SpDef, 8 Def
Stealth Rock
Gyro Ball
Power Whip/Explosion (suggestions would be nice)
Nothing too crazy here. Ferrothorn can take a hit like a boss, and the SR/Spikes combo is quite nice if I can set it up. Sassy nature is to increase the power of Gyro Ball as much as possible.
I personally love Ferrothorn, quite a beast, as u say. However... Well first, yes, Spikes and SR are very useful, but trying to combine them is... Ehhh... For lack of a better word, time consuming. What happens if the ever so common Salamence or Gyarados or even now the Hacorus DDing in front of this things face with no real answer for them other than maybe explosion, in which you lose a valuable member of your team... All im saying is there has gotta be a better way. I say keep the SR, and switch out spikes for better coverage, or simply to be able to cripple potential sweepers in some ways (not sure if this thing can learn any of the spores or TWave or anything but, good to look in to)
Porygon2: Universal Wall
252 HP, 72 SpDef, 184 Def
Thunder Wave
Ice Beam
This thing does. not. die. I've used him on a team before and I'm just bringing him back because I love him so... Eviolite gives him a ridiculous defensive spread (My Porygon2 has 360 in HP, Def, and SpDef), and he can take a hit sooo well. Recover is also GREAT. Thunder Wave is there to cripple sweepers, and the offensive moves provide BoltBeam coverage. Porygon2 <3
I like it. Not much to say here, dont have much experience with the Porygons other than Z, so ima have to say it looks good how it is. Kind of scary too... lol...
Vaporeon: Team Mom
Bold/Water Absorb
252 HP, 252 Def, 4 SpDef
Ice Beam
In Gen V, Wish restores 1/2 of the USER'S health, not the receiver's. This means that with 252 HP EVs, Vaporeon can pass 232 HP Wishes, healing a HUGE amount of HP for any other Pokemon on this team. Protect is there if Vaporeon wants the wish herself... so yeah, the point of Vaporeon is to heal everyone else while she can, particularly Ferrothorn. She also functions as a decent special wall, and occasionally a physical wall as well.
That is the best Title for a poke ive seen in a long time. Team Mom. Thats great. lol. Anyways, this Vaporeon is great, very good, I like the EV spread, and the moves are very nice. That Water Absorb has very good synergy with TTar and Excadrill also.
Excadrill: Physical Sweeper
Adamant/Sand Rush
??? (need help here... considering Air Balloon but ehh)
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
Swords Dance
Rock Slide
Swords Dance + 3 moves isn't exactly a novelty... but this little guy forms the crux of my team. Adamant nature gives him a ridiculous attack stat, and Sand Rush lets him outspeed pretty much everything with Sandstorm support. He should be very solid. I'm considering working a Rapid Spin on there, but I need some opinions on that.
Very nice use of Excadrill. Honestly, I very much like it. As for your item... I would like to suggest Leichi berry. SD once, maybe twice and take a hit or two, then berry activates and soooo.... Itll be either +3 or +5 instead of +2 or +4. Big difference... And quite scary in the Sandstorm.
Gengar: Special Sweeper/Fighting Absorber
Life Orb (maybe; I also need help here)
252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4 Def
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Psychic is on there to deal with Fighting-type Pokemon, as my team DOES have a bit of a weakness to those guys... Ghost type helps here. I was thinking about giving him a pair of Choice Specs instead of a Life Orb, but I dunno. This guy is definitely a work in progress.
I like the LO.As for your spread... Well... Its good. I like it. Buttttt, make it either Shadow Ball or Psychic, not both. Shrinks your coverage by a ton. Maybe Grass Knot, or even Destiny Bond for those you just cant take down? Up to you.
Alright so yeah. Comments? Criticism? Advice? Gimme everything!
Tyranitar: Come to think of it, a specially-geared Tyranitar would be awesome. I might have to consider getting a Timid Tyranitar...that would certainly throw some people for a loopThank you quite much
Ferrothorn: Actually, I was debating giving him T-Wave instead of Spikes, but then I realized how much that would inhibit Gyro Ball, and his only other status move is Toxic. Basically, my idea with him is to set up fora bit, switch out if things get scary, and come back on the support of Vaporeon's Wish to finish setting up.
Excadrill: Ooh, I like the sound of Leichi Berry. Thanks, I'll do that.
Gengar: I guess I'm stuck here... I'll keep the Life Orb as per your suggestion, but I want Shadow Ball for STAB/GhostFighting coverage, but I need Psychic to deal with Fighting types. Grass Knot covers Ground, Rock, and Water, but I already have Thunderbolt for Water, and the rest of my team can take down Ground, Rock, or both (Physical TTar takes Rock; Special TTar takes Ground; Vaporeon takes both; Ferrothorn with Power Whip takes both; Porygon2 takes Ground; Excadrill takes Rock). Also, not a single attack on my team aside from Psychic beats the Fighting type, so I'm not too sure about sacrificing Psychic, and I'm not too sure about sacrificing STAB in the form of Shadow Ball... I think I'm gonna keep his moveset the way it is. Thanks for assuring my choice in Life Orb, though
Also, thanks for the compliments about Vaporeon and Porygon2! (or as I call them, Vaporegon2) Gives my self esteem a boost xD
If you guys didnt notice already, Im limiting myself to UU/NU Pokemon. Possibly BL. I find it more fun that way.
Cant wait for the 5th Gen PBR!
My pokemon team:
If anyone has moveset ideas, I could use those too![]()
Thanks, WMBQ.
Anyway....for my Accelgor...I replaced Focus Blast with Me First (For Ghosts, etc.) and I will replace Guard Split with Rain Dance.
So, for the 5th Gen PBR, these are going to be my teams.
Seismitoad (Quirky, Swift Swim, Damp Rock)
Rain Dance
Hydro Pump
Sludge Bomb
Drifblim (Unburden, Timid, Ghost Gem)
Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond
Ledian (Swarm, Timid, Light Clay)
Light Screen
Bug Buzz
Marowak (SHINY!) (Lightningrod, Bashful, Thick Club)
Stone Edge
Captivate (Marowak is Female)
Garbodor/Swalot (Stench/???, Impish/Careful, Black Sludge)
Toxic Spikes/Toxic
Rock Blast/Acid Armor
Gunk Shot/ ???
For the ??? move, I was thinking Yawn or Rest. Im not really sure. For the ??? ability, I cant decide between Sticky Hold and Liquid Ooze.
Sharpedo (Speed Boost, Adamant, Focus Sash)
Im not sure what to say about this team... Cuz im not a huge fan of Double Battles, but from the looks of things, it should handle itself quite well, and a good job to you, because your team has alot of synergy about it.
Magcargo (Flame Body, Careful, Light Clay)
Light Screen
Lava Plume
Ehhhh.... My opinion, this thing would get walled too easily. I understand your main and single point is to set up dual screens, but.... Rock/Fire typing has ALOT of weaknesses to attacks very very common in every version of the metagame, to name twop, Water and Ground. I dont think you can run into a poke nowadays without one of those moves... And both boasting a X4 strength against Magcargo, this fiery slug is a bit out of luck when it comes to competetive gaming and being able to set up anything really. If anything, id swap the screens for coverage moves and throw SR on him. Otherwise... He really is just kind of taking up space...
Shuckle/Stunfisk/Swalot (Sturdy/Static/Gluttony/???, Impish/Adamant/Careful, Leftovers/Black Sludge)
Withdraw/Curse/Acid Armor
Rest/ ???
Toxic/Stone Edge/ Amnesia
Personally I would go with Swalot. Why? As I see it... Swalot is the most sturdy out of your plethora of choices for filling this team slot, along with only holding 2 weaknesses and no X4 for any unexpected OHKOs. Adding in Swalot's decently high HP and defense stats, he would benefit the most from Leftovers. Nows the tough part. I would say... To keep Amnesia, cuz its great. Keep Toxic... And give it EQ if you can, along with one last move purely for coverage. Not too familiar with his movepool.
Sableye (Prankster, Impish, ???)
Confuse Ray
Sucker Punch
Prankster is excellent. Keep WOW, and SP... Drop Confuse Ray and Recover though. Sableye isnt nearly bulky or speedy enough to make use of either of them. And not that you have an overwhelming weakness to it, but you might wanna consider throwing on Psychic simply to bring a means to an end of any fighting types you may encounter in your endeavors. Adding TWave may not be a bad idea either.
Victreebel/Honchkrow (Gluttony/Super Luck, Jolly, Salac Berry/Scope Lens)
Power Whip/Night Slash
Return/Brave Bird
Swords Dance/Thunder Wave
Sleep Powder/Sucker Punch
I would strike with Victreebel as opposed to Honchkrow, simply to alleviate your usage of Dark types on this team and exploiting common weaknesses. WHY have a SD Victreebel? Just.... No... Just no. Take out Return for Wring Out, keep Power Whip, Keep Sleep Powder, and kick Swords Dance for something more useful... STAB Sludge Wave maybe?
Accelgor (Hydration, Timid, Damp Rock)
Bug Buzz
Me First
Giga Drain
Rain Dance
Only reason I dislike Accelgor, in any variation or forme, is simply because he will never be equipped with the tools to compete with his rivals who threaten him. Lets look. Fire, Steel, Flying, Ice. Those are four pretty common attacking types that Accelgor has nothing at his disposal to deal with. I cant really say much more... I have nothing against Accelgor, its just that he can do nothing to combat his weaknesses.
Sharpedo (Speed Boost, Adamant, Focus Sash)
Poison Jab
Fantastic. I understand that your one and only reason for protect is for Speed boost but... Idk, I feel you could put something a bt more useful. And instead of Focus Sash, maybe Leichi Berry to give attack boost while he gains speed? Just an afterthought.
Comments? And should I come up with a separate team for Triples?