What Sports do you play? Thread

They do make one valid point, it is hard to stay mentally sharp for 6 days of 14 hour poker sessions. Other than that poker is pretty easy.
AndThen? said:
(Australian Rules) Football


lol we must be twins! I play Australian rules football and tennis to, plus a bit of cricet (Leg spin bowler).
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  • #49
haha everyone plays american(football) i play a lil bit 2 but is any one intrsted in having a future involving a sport?
Sports I play and or take part in..

Hockey (Goalie)
Mountain Biking
LevesqueIsKing said:
This could very well be the most idiotic post I've ever seen on WiiChat.

If your lucky you might even make my sig.
A definition of sport..
"Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determiner of the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors."

thus classing poker as a sport is valid.

unlike games such as roullete (where you are betting against the odds) if you are good at poker, you bet with the odds, and the win to lose ratio is always in your favour (aka you fold if the odds arn't with you.) thus the game is slightly different and other 'gambling' games arn't really classed as sport.
Sillyhat said:
Poker is not a sport.
Why is it not a sport?
it's competative
theres a winner at the end
there is an element of skill in it (the longer you play the more skill is involved)

why is it any different from football (except the physical part of the game)
where there is a winner.
it's competative,
and theres an element of skill (but the most skillfull team doesn't always win)

theres prize money at the end of it as well, if you come first in the EPL then you win some prize money, and poker pays out the biggist prize money in sport (if enter the WSOP main event and win)

are people not calling it a sport because of the betting involved?
I don't consider poker as a sport at all. You might as well just consider World of Warcraft a sport if you think poker is.

Most things in life can be competitive, I direct you to entrance exams for school, they require all what sports require, but it's hardly a sport.

If poker is a sport then why is it not at the Olympic games?
Frogger said:
If poker is a sport then why is it not at the Olympic games?

Australian Rules Football is a sport, why is that not at the Olympic games? :p My point: Just because a particular sport isn't in the Olympic Games dosen't remove it of sport status.

I'll use another Wiki reference:

The term "sport" is sometimes extended to encompass all competitive activities, regardless of the level of physical activity. Both games of skill and motor sport exhibit many of the characteristics of physical sports, such as skill, sportsmanship, and at the highest levels, even professional sponsorship associated with physical sports. Air sports, billiards, bridge, chess, motorcycle racing, and powerboating are all recognized as sports by the International Olympic Committee with their world governing bodies represented in the Association of the IOC Recognised International Sports Federations.

If chess is a sport why can't poker be? I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing :lol:!
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Soccer and Tennis. Pickup basketball (doesn't really count) and pickup american football.
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  • #60
People disagree that chess and poker or not sports just because they dont have many ppl invlolved in hit moving and using a ball but poker is a sport though i dont rly think chess is...

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