What Sports do you play? Thread

blueovalboy7 said:
I don't disagree that they are very fit and very talented drivers, but what you said about cross-country applies to this as well. They train correctly so it isn't as big a deal for them, as it would be for say us. I just think that any activity that is mentally straining as well and physically draining is worth respect.
Yes they do train, but the extream heat and g-force is still going to affect them physicaly and mentally.
of course any proffesional sports man trains to be the best, but i was clearly making the point that they are some of the fittist, and have to train teh hardist in order to be at the top of there game.
Gaz said:
the toughist sport is clearly F1, why?
Well if you look at it, they race in extream heat, it takes place mostly in the summer time.
They wear 3 levels of fire proof clothing, now that greats very hot.
The cars travel up to 220mph at points.
the accelarate from 0 - 60mph in about 1.6 seconds.
the front brake pads reach over 1000 degree c, the cooling for that is pure air flop, which flows into there face.
the two oil radiators are on either side of them.
the g force involved in braking, accel, and turning is the same if not more than in a space shuttle launch.

they are one of the fitist bunch of people in the plannet.

I'm glad someone brought this up, even just turning sharply requires the driver to produce a large amount of torque due to the way racing cars are designed. Plus all the points Gaz made ;)
Gaz said:
Yes they do train, but the extream heat and g-force is still going to affect them physicaly and mentally.
of course any proffesional sports man trains to be the best, but i was clearly making the point that they are some of the fittist, and have to train teh hardist in order to be at the top of there game.
I agree, I'm an automotive fan and I do know what you refer to, I have a lot of respect for professional drivers, while most shun them and say racing is not a sport. I've been a racing fan for most of my life, got to sit in oval track nascar type cars when I was little, and I love the power they make, I just hope that people will realize how much work/effort and talent it takes to be a successful driver in today's racing series.
Eagles said:
I'm glad someone brought this up, even just turning sharply requires the driver to produce a large amount of torque due to the way racing cars are designed. Plus all the points Gaz made ;)
Don't forget about how much force they have to apply to slow a car down from 200mph to 80.
I would have to say that you must determine the toughest sport on your personal preference, and example being, I'm so retarded I can't swim, so I'd obviously find swimming difficult.

I've only ever been kart racing when I was smaller, there's a lot of difference but it would show why I didn't find much difficulty with it...
I was thinking of mentioning F1 yesterday, so I agree with Gaz and the others on that one. You have to bear in mind that whilst their bodies and minds are going through all of that, they have to remain focused and concentrated for like 2 hours, one slight mistake and that could be their life or someone elses. The conditions that they have to race in sometimes, like at [I can't remember what race and I don't want to look it up because I'm bound to come across the winner at Monza when I'm waiting 'til 10:45 for the re-run as I was playing football when it was on 12], you know when it was pouring down and there were about 10 crashes, racing in that would make it even harder. Also, their car could malfunction in some way and a split-second reaction could save their life, so throwing everything that's been said into the mixture definitely makes F1 one of the most hardest sports in the world.
I'd like to share with you all one of the most known quotes in the world..."The Hardest Sport is Life Itself"...that my friends is a famous quote form the Masterful Marioman, maybe you have heard of him :)
Lewi T said:
The conditions that they have to race in sometimes, like at [I can't remember what race and I don't want to look it up because I'm bound to come across the winner at Monza when I'm waiting 'til 10:45 for the re-run as I was playing football when it was on 12], you know when it was pouring down and there were about 10 crashes, racing in that would make it even harder./QUOTE]
that was at the Nurburgring this year.

Just wait till you see hamilton take kimi about the 8th lap, orgasmic.
Gaz said:
that was at the Nurburgring this year.

Just wait till you see hamilton take kimi about the 8th lap, orgasmic.
Ahh yeah that was it, that race was so bad.

I can't wait to watch it, it's not on 'til 10:45 though...it's like when you don't check any of the saturday footy scores then watch Match of the Day without knowing anything, it's so much better, but it's hard avoiding the news from various places!
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Frogger said:
I would have to say that you must determine the toughest sport on your personal preference, and example being, I'm so retarded I can't swim, so I'd obviously find swimming difficult.

I've only ever been kart racing when I was smaller, there's a lot of difference but it would show why I didn't find much difficulty with it...
Lol swimming isn't difficult all you really have to learn is to stay up in the deep end.

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