What Sports do you play? Thread

Very nice, if I was into surfing then I'd be in heaven down here, but not really my thing.
Now post what you think is the hardest sport to play, that involves physical activity and provide a reason.( no chess, poker ect.)

Cross Country or Track

I run Cross Country and i have to run 9 miles for a hard day almost all out, like 6:45 a mile, try that then talk to me about pain..
Also i have to run 12 miles for a long run, but alot slower than the 9 mile run.
Also watch the olympics and watch them run all out, just try that, they've gotta train for like 20 years to be that good.
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  • #79
blueovalboy7 said:
Very nice, if I was into surfing then I'd be in heaven down here, but not really my thing.
Lol I have always wanted to try surfing it looks really fun and wakeboarding is really fun to but I don't own a cottage or a boat though I tried it at my friends cottage it was really fun though didnt go so well lol:lol: .
I'd say swimming is a pretty tough sport, golf is tough but not hard, just gotta know what your doing
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  • #82
Marioman said:
I'd say swimming is a pretty tough sport, golf is tough but not hard, just gotta know what your doing
Swimming to me is pointless...to learn to swim so you can be safe...I never took swimming lessons before and i can shred water for like an 20 mins.. and i can swim from 1 place to another... and golf...if your doing a real golf corse its really hard.
For the toughest sport and or position I would have to go with goaltending in hockey. It takes guts at least in my opinion to stand in front of a puck which can be traveling nearly 100mph. That is of course in the NHL. Also if you were to look at goalies in the past they played with little to no protection and had no face protection. Now onto why the sport is tough.. Hockey requires concentration along with Stamina. I tend to play in rinks which can be quite hot which becomes a problem when you are wearing all of that equipment. Finally it takes time and effort to learn how to butterfly side etc. Thus I believe that goaltending in hockey is one of the most extreme and intense sports out there.

Example of a possible injury..

Date: March 22, 1989

St. Louis Blues vs The Buffalo Sabres

Note: This video isn't safe for work.

Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZeubKGr61U0
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  • #84
Syntax said:
For the toughest sport and or position I would have to go with goaltending in hockey. It takes guts at least in my opinion to stand in front of a puck which can be traveling nearly 100mph. That is of course in the NHL. Also if you were to look at goalies in the past they played with little to no protection and had no face protection. Now onto why the sport is tough.. Hockey requires concentration along with Stamina. I tend to play in rinks which can be quite hot which becomes a problem when you are wearing all of that equipment. Finally it takes time and effort to learn how to butterfly side etc. Thus I believe that goaltending in hockey is one of the most extreme and intense sports out there.

Example of a possible injury..

Date: March 22, 1989

St. Louis Blues vs The Buffalo Sabres

Note: This video isn't safe for work.

Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZeubKGr61U0
Wow! :lol: Lol I just watched that youtube video. Right when the goalie had gotten hurt everyone ignored it and crowded around the ref argueing lol its like they didnt even no the goalie was bleeding perfussley.
laderer5 said:
Now post what you think is the hardest sport to play, that involves physical activity and provide a reason.( no chess, poker ect.)

In other words no ***** sports.
laderer5 said:
Now post what you think is the hardest sport to play, that involves physical activity and provide a reason.( no chess, poker ect.)

Cross Country or Track

I run Cross Country and i have to run 9 miles for a hard day almost all out, like 6:45 a mile, try that then talk to me about pain..
Also i have to run 12 miles for a long run, but alot slower than the 9 mile run.
Also watch the olympics and watch them run all out, just try that, they've gotta train for like 20 years to be that good.
And if you train correctly, running 25miles is like walking to the shops.

i trained to cycle 2 years ago, and i cycled 56 miles in under 3 hours. it's not hard when you train.

the toughist sport is clearly F1, why?
Well if you look at it, they race in extream heat, it takes place mostly in the summer time.
They wear 3 levels of fire proof clothing, now that greats very hot.
The cars travel up to 220mph at points.
the accelarate from 0 - 60mph in about 1.6 seconds.
the front brake pads reach over 1000 degree c, the cooling for that is pure air flop, which flows into there face.
the two oil radiators are on either side of them.
the g force involved in braking, accel, and turning is the same if not more than in a space shuttle launch.

they are one of the fitist bunch of people in the plannet.
Gaz said:
And if you train correctly, running 25miles is like walking to the shops.

i trained to cycle 2 years ago, and i cycled 56 miles in under 3 hours. it's not hard when you train.

the toughist sport is clearly F1, why?
Well if you look at it, they race in extream heat, it takes place mostly in the summer time.
They wear 3 levels of fire proof clothing, now that greats very hot.
The cars travel up to 220mph at points.
the accelarate from 0 - 60mph in about 1.6 seconds.
the front brake pads reach over 1000 degree c, the cooling for that is pure air flop, which flows into there face.
the two oil radiators are on either side of them.
the g force involved in braking, accel, and turning is the same if not more than in a space shuttle launch.

they are one of the fitist bunch of people in the plannet.
I don't disagree that they are very fit and very talented drivers, but what you said about cross-country applies to this as well. They train correctly so it isn't as big a deal for them, as it would be for say us. I just think that any activity that is mentally straining as well and physically draining is worth respect.

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