What Sports do you play? Thread

Wii-Fi said:
although i love to play it poker is not a sport, and it's probably the worst thing to see on espn soo.... Boring!
Why isn't it a sport though?

I quite like watching poker, it's usually on Ftn when there's nothing else on, it's pretty interesting as they have various levels, e.g. celebrity poker, University poker, and also some championships. It can also help your game I believe, as you get to watch different players without worrying about your own expressions etc.
it really does help your game, especially since it shows the percentages. i don't really think of poker as a sport since i usually just do it as a hobby with my friends. It's never that competetive just a 5 dollar in. Whereas you play for higher stakes so it's a little different.
Yeah I can see that you personally don't think of it as a sport as you only play it as a hobby, but you can play a lot of things as a hobby when it's a sport, like tennis for example! I think generally poker is, and should be classed as a sport.
maffmace said:
Football (not futball or soccer, football, the original and most played sport in the world)

Srry, i didnt quiet get your post, if you mean american football then wat the hell are you smoking, amrican football is not the most played sport in the world, its only played in the states, canada, mexico and a couple european countries, and if you meant soccer then your are not smoking anything, because your right, infact, it is know that every country in the world has atleast one proffesional and a national team, if you ment soccer then yes you are very right
Frogger said:
One question, is there anyone who actually, seriously considers poker as a sport?

**** no, I hate when ESPN has it on TV. It requires no physical strenuous situations.
@zapasant - Stop double posting, use the EDIT button...

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Lol...Why isnt any one intrested in hockey?Are basketball...
Byuakuya said:
Same here. Shotokan Karate to be exact. :)
I do Kyokushinkai Karate. Most Aggressive style of Karate. But our style has a bit of Shotokan, cause our Founder Mas Oyama did Shotokan before creating Kyokushin, he also did 3 other style
LoVeWiI said:
Lol...Why isnt any one intrested in hockey?Are basketball...

I love hockey, its the best sport in my opinion. Basketball ehhh, the NBA is full of stupid jackasses just like the NFL.
Golf and Beer Pong, oh yea Poker. I do love to gamble when cards are involved.
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Sillyhat said:
**** no, I hate when ESPN has it on TV. It requires no physical strenuous situations.
no physical stenuous situations? ok play poker for 6 days straight, 14 hours of poker. then we shall see!!!
do you know how much maths is involved in poker? sooooo much, physical stenuous situations on your brain!
Gaz said:
no physical stenuous situations? ok play poker for 6 days straight, 14 hours of poker. then we shall see!!!
do you know how much maths is involved in poker? sooooo much, physical stenuous situations on your brain!
This could very well be the most idiotic post I've ever seen on WiiChat.

If your lucky you might even make my sig.

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