who plays a sport?

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  • #46
Football is the best sport.:cornut:
Not particularly. I was referring to the latter part of your post in my original response.
lol. Lifting. I was referring to lifting.

I play most all sports non-competetively, but only basketball within a league.

Bodybuilding is better than a sport. The game never ends.
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  • #52
That is the reason I joined football. I wanted to get stronger. and it is working. I just hate getting sore from working out to much.
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  • #54
I like sports that envolve weight lifting.
pro gamer said:
I like sports that envolve weight lifting.
Oh my god. I do love you.

Keep in mind that bodyweight will always revolve around calories, and not lifting. To gain weight you have to EAT. The reason you're lifting is to have those calories turn into muscle rather than fat, but if you don't eat than nothing is going to happen.
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  • #56
no wonder the fat kid in eighth grade can lift 300 pounds.
X Mark X said:
Football and Baseball. Baseball is my passion, I absolutely love it. Can't wait for our school's team to start practice.
You can't wait to START practice? Holy crap, man. my team has been practicing for two months and we have already played 8 games. With a very respectable 6-2 record, too.

Answering the thread's original question, I LOVE baseball. I have been playing baseball since I was 4(am 17 now), and absolutely love the game and all of its finer points.
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LevesqueIsKing said:
lol. Lifting. I was referring to lifting.

I play most all sports non-competetively, but only basketball within a league.

Bodybuilding is better than a sport. The game never ends.

Lol, body building is considered incredibly gay at my school. Working out to stay fit is cool, but over doing it isn't.

I play tennis, Football (Australian version, which kicks the american version's ass!), Cricket and bit of soccer. Used to play basketball, but it became boring.
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  • #59
Anybody thinking about becoming a professional?

I can't say I'm planning on it, though. It would be tremendous, but unlikely.

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