who plays a sport?

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  • #63
You don't have to drop out of school.
He was just expressing the fact that he would rather get an education than risk trying to get a career in athletics.

Many athletes don't finish schooling.
gododgers said:
You can't wait to START practice? Holy crap, man. my team has been practicing for two months and we have already played 8 games. With a very respectable 6-2 record, too.

Answering the thread's original question, I LOVE baseball. I have been playing baseball since I was 4(am 17 now), and absolutely love the game and all of its finer points.
Look at your location, then mine. Central Cali compared to Minnesota..It snowed here today. When we do start practice (March 17th), there will be snow on the ground and we will have to practice in the school gym. I'm glad theres a few other baseball lovers around here though. Good luck to you this season.
I played some Doubles Badminton in gym.

Me and my partner crushed the competition.
But when we played singles, my partner crushed me.

Since I was more of a support role in the team, and he was offense role.

I think the other teams just didn't know what the heck they were doing.

And I played a bit of ping-pong.
I was pretty good until a few friends of mine got real hardcore, brought their own paddles, and learned all kinds of spins and crap.

Played baseball when I was younger...

I'll play a game of backyard football every once and a year.

I was never too good at basketball, but I was pretty good at "Put-Out."
Me and my badminton partner would always be the last two.
He's got more endurance than me, and he's a foot or two taller.
And played more basketball, so he'd win.
Well, one time I let him win.
We went so many rounds it was rediculous. I was getting tired

Then there was War Ball. Which is kind of like dodgeball, except you've got some kind of safety regulations. Poo.

But I was decent at that.
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I would rather play football because it is fun and it will get me stronger.
pro gamer said:
I would rather play football because it is fun and it will get me stronger.
Not trying to be a dick, but it seems like you keep posting the same post over and over but just rewording it. We get you like football. Just saying.
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  • #70
GTE6495 said:
do mathematical problems count as a sport?
no. If that was a sport I would suck at it.
Hockey...inline. I can't ice skate very well :-/

I played Volleyball for two years on my highschools team

I also shoot competitive archery. If anyone else is familiar with archery, my best half was somewhere between 230-240 and I've only ever hit a few 30 ends. I've only been shooting for like two years so I really need some improvement.

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