[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

yo known, this kids so retarded, he boosted in that match with HN-McBond, he reported back to me saying that someone named MKfag joined the game, so hes a booster
you are a horrible team player, i was in that game with you in docks against the sixers. you kept gettin me killed by throwin grenades into my proxies, and then cuttin in front of me as i was shootin at them, getting us both killed. i loved your 30 deaths too. lol.....dork
sorry ace i was frustrated because i was being bothered by my father and not only that the 30 deaths got me more frustrated and i lost my focus and sorry i got u killed i was just unfocused and i havent played in a while and ace u know for a fact ima good team player but yesterday i was just very unfocused
i actually was in a few different games with you at different times, once was in the nightclub and i was against you, i had no ads that game and lag, but i still did pretty well, i think you did well too. i had to quit after that for a bit,
i know how ya are, i just like givin ya a hard time, ask unknown how it goes, i reemed his ass good for doin dumb things, its all in good fun,
hope some of ya are gettin GE reloaded for PS3 so we can jam
Im getting battlefield 3

lol yes yanni, good times with me and ACE
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i actually was in a few different games with you at different times, once was in the nightclub and i was against you, i had no ads that game and lag, but i still did pretty well, i think you did well too. i had to quit after that for a bit,
i know how ya are, i just like givin ya a hard time, ask unknown how it goes, i reemed his ass good for doin dumb things, its all in good fun,
hope some of ya are gettin GE reloaded for PS3 so we can jam
and i wanna clearify something ALL MEMBERS OF WC I OFFICIALLY AM BETTER THAN ACE why? because in the summer in July me and ace had a 1v1 in the archives with him using masty and proxies i had a drumhead 12 and i owned him and then we had another 1v1 with only stratas and it was in the nightclub and i owned him there too that he Host quited and his excuse was "i had to go" which we alll know he host quit because i owned him so i am officially better than ace just clearifying that
hay how wants to add a goldeneye wii hacker i am going to start hacking xp and stuff:wiiconsole::yesnod:

ask me and ill give u my fc
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