[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

invite me when your bored, i usually don't send invites unless i know i will be playing a while. Love playing with all you guys.
meth lepard long ago i asked u to add me u never did now im gonna ask u again please add me 4887-1474-7429 thats mine now give me yours and one more thing the hurricane is about to strik massachusetts if i dont make it i just wanna say i love u guys no homo best clan ive ever been in if i dont come on the chat in 2 weeks im dead bye guys wish me luck
meth lepard long ago i asked u to add me u never did now im gonna ask u again please add me 4887-1474-7429 thats mine now give me yours and one more thing the hurricane is about to strik massachusetts if i dont make it i just wanna say i love u guys no homo best clan ive ever been in if i dont come on the chat in 2 weeks im dead bye guys wish me luck
I am pretty sure I added you, I added everyone in WC but I will add you again. Nice to play with you. FC is 1346 2972 8747. I live 20 ft from the Susquehanna river in northeast PA we got it pretty bad so right now I only live about 6 feet from the water. Still going up. My internet is back on now so I will go add you. How did you make out?
I am pretty sure I added you, I added everyone in WC but I will add you again. Nice to play with you. FC is 1346 2972 8747. I live 20 ft from the Susquehanna river in northeast PA we got it pretty bad so right now I only live about 6 feet from the water. Still going up. My internet is back on now so I will go add you. How did you make out?
Meth when you mean XP Booster, do you mean playing in those hacked games that give 40k exp? Coz I'm not understanding what you're saying
Meth when you mean XP Booster, do you mean playing in those hacked games that give 40k exp? Coz I'm not understanding what you're saying
Yeah, Those games. I'm not trying to dis you or anything, Some people have a lot of fun with those kind of matches, just not my thing. I know you were probably not the one who hacked it, you just took advantage of it.
Guys, WC is kinda dead, we need people to war. RS thinks we are noobs, because we cant get a solid lineup
Imho, the most thing we need is practice and group coordination. With school starting and most of us not having Skype, it's going to be really hard to find a working line-up.
Guys, WC is kinda dead, we need people to war. RS thinks we are noobs, because we cant get a solid lineup
I am a Noob. LOL Sorry I never know what I will be doing with my job day to day so I really can't commit to anything but I do like playing with you guys.

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