[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

Nah,It's cool bro:)!But if you want to get affiliated with [WC] you gotta speak to Vol first:wink:.Scope your pretty good player and best of luck to your clan [DE] :biggrin:!But remember to not advertise on someone's thread :lol:!Lucky for you we're not really angry about it.

Hit us with a friendly war sometime :D!
hahaha. u got it bro! :D and it won't happen again. thx for the warning :D
The Reflex sight seems to be the best for it but thats just me, also crouching helps reduce the recoile on it. The three round burst helps take out enemies further away but dont rely on that to much as the anova is best for short to mid range you should also practice hip-fireing with it (i once killed the entire enemy team in one clip in nightclub while hipfireing). To me extended mags really makes a difference, even speed loader is good on it, but its entirerly up to you what you put on it. good luck
The Reflex sight seems to be the best for it but thats just me, also crouching helps reduce the recoile on it. The three round burst helps take out enemies further away but dont rely on that to much as the anova is best for short to mid range you should also practice hip-fireing with it (i once killed the entire enemy team in one clip in nightclub while hipfireing). To me extended mags really makes a difference, even speed loader is good on it, but its entirerly up to you what you put on it. good luck

Haha funny, Zan, I completely disagree :hand: xP. Ok so it's understood that the anova has the biggest recoil- With every gun in this game, a silencer increases it and an acog stabilizes it. So i'd suggust Anova+ACOG, with the perks: RTM, HH, BB. Then make a silenced class Anova+Silencer with: Hiclip,HH,BB..Or even substitute HH for light foot or something else. I found the anova extremely good, and right now i even have an anova laser loadout (that im actually not really liking:nono:). The anovas reload time is less than the strata, and with a good ADS snap and a lil strafing a good Anova player can easily beat a strata player. Try out what you think is good! Good luck mah man :yesnod:

When is the rumble, and what country setting is it?
And im sure that you enjoyed those two dominations I got on you the other day Unknown.

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ok Ai first the anova for me sucks because of the recoil so what u need to do is use acog scope i alweasy use silencer on mine but now i have strat so u only use anova for like 3 levels
WOW, the Anova DP3 is kick-a**:D!I now currently use the Terralite III for big/open maps like Outpost,Jungle and I use the Anova DP3 in small/medium maps like Archives and Sewers.It definitely has the power to pwn Strata users:devil:!So Known what's in your Anova DP3+Laser loadout?My CQB(Anova DP3+Laser) Loadout is great especially on Archives:)!^LOL, Yanni should know because I got a nice score on Archives several times, even beating Yanni's!
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Not sure if this helps chino but my alt just hit 41. I have the following anova loadouts.

Anova+kunara+rtms+HH+SS+Acog...I use that on 90% of maps....just swap acog for silencer for a quiet loadout, similarly I have a lasered loadout for archives.

The recoil is bad, but a bit like the masterton once you get used to it you can compensate,try snaping on and off targets and firing in short bursts. Once you got it forget the terra & vargen IMO
Recently I just hit lv 45 and i was blown away at how awsome the strata was in heroes, I would like to thank DS Redeyes and the other DS member that was with him for a great heroes game (even though I lost) I hope to play against you again soon.
Zan, you and me. We gotta party it up in Heroes sometime!
omg yesterday i relived my first days of being a WC member it was Volcarona, Zanapher, Meth Lepard, and Me it amazing to seee all the old WC members as a team the thing that i laughed at is when we lost to some noobs because they got hero kills i cant believe we lost to those noobs
GGs Zanapher, on Heroes @Outpost today:)!LOL, not trying to start anything, but the reason why your team won was because my team had a lot of spawns:lol:!It was nice of you to spawn as Ourumov because I kind got bored and the game felt like a super TC.Weird that there was a noob who was LV.18 named {WC}Ente, <he sux and he was on my team :eek:.Sad thing was @ the end of the match my Wii freezed and there were green lines flickering.Geez I could've used the extra 700+ XP I earned:mad5:!LOL, it was good practice beating you with my Anova:lol:!

Does anyone know who this {WC}Ente is?
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omg yesterday i relived my first days of being a WC member it was Volcarona, Zanapher, Meth Lepard, and Me it amazing to seee all the old WC members as a team the thing that i laughed at is when we lost to some noobs because they got hero kills i cant believe we lost to those noobs
Invite me when your bored, I usually don't send invites unless I know I will be playing a while. Love playing with all you guys.

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