[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

Volcarona u do realize i knew he was gonna join he is only using us he doesnt want to be a WC membe but he needs a clan and since no one is accepotinghim for HACKING he turned to us by the way SOMEONE AND (POZFLY) MADE AN ACCOUNT AND NAMED IT {WC/GH}Yanni M AND THEYHACKED IT IF U LOOK AT UR RANKINGS ITS NUMBER 1 WITH LEVEL 255 THATS NOT ME I SWEAR
Volcarona u do realize i knew he was gonna join he is only using us he doesnt want to be a WC membe but he needs a clan and since no one is accepotinghim for HACKING he turned to us by the way SOMEONE AND (POZFLY) MADE AN ACCOUNT AND NAMED IT {WC/GH}Yanni M AND THEYHACKED IT IF U LOOK AT UR RANKINGS ITS NUMBER 1 WITH LEVEL 255 THATS NOT ME I SWEAR

It doesn't take more than 2 minutes to proofread your work and use correct grammar yanni..I can't understand one sentence ;(

Second off, the real Pozfly is on my friend roster and a mate of mine. I don't think think he would hack if thats what you're trying to say. Poz even has like over 200 youtube vids from GE alone. I personally am a little confused on why he would want to join but thats more of a personal opinion.

he levels aren't accurate. Everything else is ^^
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known i talk to poz everyday he has homebrew channel he just doesnt show it
and poz doesnt want to join WC he is just desperate and he xp boosted before thats why no one wants him
and lastly someone hacked their account they named their account {WC/GH}Yanni M and tthe rank is 1 go check and ull seee it somone hacked in my name
yanni, I believe you:wink: because I know that everytime I go on the gh chat, pozfly calls you a hacker everytime for no reason. Also, I recall pozfly saying that he uses homebrew.
There are so many boosters it's hard to tell who they are. I set a rule for myself that I would never keep any friends in my list that has an xp ending in anything but 0 or 5. I had many chances to boost and could easily be lvl 56 if I did. If you want to find out who is boosting look at there level then find out how much xp they needed to get to it, then divide it by the hours they have played. Getting over 20,000 xp in and hour may be possible. But it is impossible to average that much without boosting. Not mentioning any names though. People can do what they want. Just because their xp ends in 0 or 5 doesn't necessarily mean they didn't boost. Some boosted games are for 1 pt per kill to get them back to 0 or 5.
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Booster do not = hackers though. Having homebrew does not even mean that they are a hacker. A hacker does not HAVE to have boosted or HAVE to have homebrew. For example, I trust you guys not to tell anyone else so i'll tell you this in response to Meth: I have boosted myself a little as a noob. But my play time is accurate cause i left my wii on to compensate..I also made sure my EXP ended in a 5 or a 0. The majority of people on my FR are boosted, but I personally dont care too much. And I have a good amount of friends but not as much as Unknowns 83 xP
I'm back tommorrow for some GE action!
I'll skype-call poz later and ask him. You're probably correct lol.
No worries. I know hackers are a much different breed then a booster. I don't care if someone cares to boost or not. I personally choose not to. I just don't like to be associated with heavy boosters. I added a friend once (Private Eye). I joined one of his games already in progress and it was the final 30 seconds or so. I killed a guy and found I got 6666 xp. There was only 4 seconds left in the match and I quickly quit. I try to play legit and this almost tarnished my untainted record. It's just a personal thing, nothing against anyone who does/did boost. I already know I have the highest amount of time played for a lvl 43 but this is my original profile and the first and only fps online game I have ever played. The original N64 game came out my first year of college. (I guess I just dated myself) At least I still have a decent kdr and I still enjoy playing the game. I think I might have to go play now.
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I know that {WC/GH}Yanni M is definitly a impressive hacker:mad5:.A normal GE player can only fit 12 characters in their name like for example {WC/GH}Yanni :thumbsup:,but this hacker manages to fit 14 characters in the name and get to LV.255 with only -1XP and 0 playtime :l.Whoever this hacker is, they really know Yanni:sick:!BTW {WC/GH}Yanni M has 14 characters in the name while the orignial Yanni can only fit 12.

Call me crazy but isn't it weird how PozFly manages to join [WC] and then all this drama about the Yanni imposter happens on the same week:wtf:!Coincidence, nah I don't think so:frown2::nonod:.One things for sure,someone is framing Yanni into being a hacker:mad:!

@Meth Leopard:cornut:
What Anova DP3 loadouts do you use?
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@Meth Leopard:cornut:
What Anova DP3 loadouts do you use?
For outpost, station and sometimes jungle I use Avona/silencer/HH/RM/RA my close range is Avona/Ra/BB/lazer with remotes. Docks I use the agoc scope, remotes/ hh/ RA I also use Avona backing up my Thermal Talon with multi-task which is friggin awesome in the boat room at the docks. The Avona is a great gun, I should be lvl 44 tonight so I'm 1 step closer to that stupid ass Strata finally.
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I had no idea that PozFly was a homebrewer. I checked his stats and they seemed legitimate enough, but I'll still look into everyone's claims to see if they're true.

On a side note, I just finished playing Conflict with a fake WC member. Went by the name WC-Grey-Wolf and was level 16. Didn't even make 4th in any of the matches we played. It's sad, really :).
GGs today Cerberus....I hate hosting but it was fun to play BB, I hardly ever play that LOL....bit of a heroes junky :D
Not mentioning any names though.
It's okay. You can put my name out there.

Oh btw Meth, how to detonate remote mines so quickly? Everytime I try I end up switching my gun.

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