[WC]. Wii Chat's very own Goldeneye Clan.

ill tell u what de scope IM SO PROUD OF U UR LIKE ME WHEN I WAS UR LEVEL KILLING ALL THE HEROES I TELL YA u gotta add me 4887-1474-7429
well sorry dude already in 2 clans a 3rd will be too much for me to handle sorry brah
by the way gg to roost and mk but roost u could've done better just saying
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Scope, how are you apart of the [WC] Clan when you're not even mentioned on the first post of this thread? :I
Oh and like Known said "Don't SPAM about your clan on the [WC] thread" :)!It's not cool to post about joining a clan on someone else's thread :/.
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Scope, how are you apart of the [WC] Clan when you're not even mentioned on the first post of this thread? :I
Oh and like Known said "Don't SPAM about your clan on the [WC] thread" :)!It's not cool to post about joining a clan on someone else's thread :/.

Scope, how are you apart of the [WC] Clan when you're not even mentioned on the first post of this thread? :I
Oh and like Known said "Don't SPAM about your clan on the [WC] thread" :)!It's not cool to post about joining a clan on someone else's thread :/.
im sorry bro. i didn't know :(
When is the rumble, and what country setting is it?
And im sure that you enjoyed those two dominations I got on you the other day Unknown. :biggrin5:
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im sorry bro. i didn't know :(
Nah,It's cool bro:)!But if you want to get affiliated with [WC] you gotta speak to Vol first:wink:.Scope your pretty good player and best of luck to your clan [DE] :biggrin:!But remember to not advertise on someone's thread :lol:!Lucky for you we're not really angry about it.

Hit us with a friendly war sometime :D!

Ok so today I dominated a whole bunch of NOOBS on TC,but every so often the Host Quits when I'm about to win :mad5:!Luckily Yanni partied with me and I got some XP:)!I only need 2600+ XP to get to LV.41 :devil:!I'm definitely not looking forward to the late 40s :/!Anyone wanna give me some tips,pointers,advice about using the Anova DP3?

^Trolls are welcome to help about the Anova DP3 too:lol:!
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