SOTW #30 Applications

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Well I like how the lighting turned out on this one the rest I really don't like so much. But I do love that C4D.

WHOA!!! Thats sick man!! Really awesome looking. I love it.
Sneaux125 said:

I'm going to say it now (early in the week) so you have time to come up with something new, but it has to have been created within this week. You posted that in the C&C thread back on 3/9.

It really is nice but it can't count for this week's contest. Sorry man...not trying to be a downer.

Go create something new. Your work is really good so I know you'll come up with something else that will stand a chance.
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tarheelsuperman said:
I'm going to say it now (early in the week) so you have time to come up with something new, but it has to have been created within this week. You posted that in the C&C thread back on 3/9.

It really is nice but it can't count for this week's contest. Sorry man...not trying to be a downer.

Go create something new. Your work is really good so I know you'll come up with something else that will stand a chance.
Yeah, what I was about to say - sorry Sneaux bro.

2 entries so far, keep 'em coming

Will most likely get mine here this evening.
alright here is my winning entry :lol:

Thanks Byu, that def means a lot comin from you
Sneaux125 said:
Is there size limitations?
If it's not in the rules, don't ask. Technically you could make a porn sig, however someone made an inappropriate sig a long time ago (about this time last year) and the general consensus was to not allow it to be entered. Really should clean up the rules. I'll PM you about that Mikey.
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