SOTW #20 Applications

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tomorrow i guess....still havent made mine..dont have time today D:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Lemme iiiiiin!!!!!!!11

Funny that I can do this during a huge panic attack.
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Gosh I finished mine just on time(well close enough...) I just experimented on GIMP. I wanted Mario&Sonic. 2 results came. Although one was fun, this was much more pleasing to the eye. Do this while trying not to freak out too much(panics) and the result shall be something interesting at least.

Photobucket is screwing out on my comp so half of the time spent making this was spent finding an ok provider. :lol:

Just so ya know I CANNOT PAINT! Only GFX, Drawing, 3D, and pastel are where my talent lay.

Oh and Byu, that sig is awesome! ^.^l
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demonflair said:
But if the voting thread isn't set yet, then I don't see any problem with entering the sig.

It has to be created and submitted within the week and you didn't match the assigned 168 hours.

This is in no way harsh, its the rules.
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