SOTW #27 Applications

ssbb_lover said:
Wow, that's a really cool render. Mind PM'ing me the link? It has loads of potential. I like the sig though, work on the left side of it as well as the text. Try sizing down the canvas's width as well. That could be a really good one, manred. :)

Thanks for the compliment and info. I'll PM you the link for the render.
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My entry -

ssbb_lover said:
Aye. I'm trying to throw something together right now, so count on at least 1 more entry. I can't believe Tarheel or Wiired haven't entered.

don't worry I'll enter something...just at a creative brick wall right now. It's been a long exhausting week, but I'll put something in even if it isn't my best.
tarheelsuperman said:
don't worry I'll enter something...just at a creative brick wall right now. It's been a long exhausting week, but I'll put something in even if it isn't my best.
Saying that, you will probably produce another outstanding piece that will make our entires look like they were created by a five year old. :lol:
I scrapped my entry, expect one eventually...

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