SOTW #23 Applications

Beautiful, Pras. I love it. Better than your current, IMO.

Would a Metaknight sig count? I would guess not...though Kirby was a TV series at one point. :p
I might enter this... I'm going to start working...

Could video game characters be in it?
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Well if I can, then this would be my entry...
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It has an anime and comic so there. As for a deadline. Feh I want in. I stayed up till' 4 makin' this.
Sneaux125 said:

My entry for the competition.

GIMP ftw =D
Cool sig. Main problem with it is that the lighting on the render doesn't go with the darker background at all. Try introducing a light source, then using the Burn/Dodge tools to fix that lighting problem. Nicely made.


Now that I've looked at it for a couple of more seconds, the depth is thrown off really weird because of the clipping mask technique you used. May want to work that out as well.
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....aa...ok here it is again..AS LONGS IT LOOKS CARTOONY, IT COUNTS

-MEANING, video games count..if they look cartoony.......metaknight couonts
Sneaux125 said:

My entry for the competition.

GIMP ftw =D

I SOOO agree!!!

Btw, just a small question... How the *beep*ing hell do you make that kind of sig in THE GIMP!!!!
ssbb_lover said:
Beautiful, Pras. I love it. Better than your current, IMO.

Would a Metaknight sig count? I would guess not...though Kirby was a TV series at one point. :p
Thanks for the compliment Tyler.
Anyway, a sudden explosion of entries is always a good thing. :lol:
Monsteroids said:
I SOOO agree!!!

Btw, just a small question... How the *beep*ing hell do you make that kind of sig in THE GIMP!!!!

Well when I was a beginner I read a lot of tutorials so I picked a ton of nifty tips and techniques up over some time.

And oh yeah, practice :yesnod: =p

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