SOTW #23 Applications

iRAWR said:
....aa...ok here it is again..AS LONGS IT LOOKS CARTOONY, IT COUNTS

-MEANING, video games count..if they look cartoony.......metaknight couonts
. . . then why didnt you just put ''things that look cartoony'' instead of anime/cartoons. -sighs- you barely get images for a Cartoon.
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  • #34
Monsteroids said:
I SOOO agree!!!

Btw, just a small question... How the *beep*ing hell do you make that kind of sig in THE GIMP!!!!

well, when i was using gimp, i saw a tut that looks like it..
iRAWR said:
well, when i was using gimp, i saw a tut that looks like it..

Cool man. You have a link? Maybe it could help me clear up those negatives that were mentioned about the sig; help clean it up a bit. If so, thanks, I'd really appreciate it =D
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  • #36
i dont know here it is.... it was a looong itme ago

but i remember it was called ninja signature tutorial., or something on

its somewhat a blue kinda sig
Hmmmmmmm, it seems that Wiichats graphics department has packed up and moved on without me :sick:... Ah well lol = ]. Oh, and Snuex, everything i posted on this site was made in Gimp = ]... It's a very good program, better than photoshop if used right i have found = ]. Use it wisely my friend.

Hahaha, anyway, heres my entry = ]:

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Entries so far:




Dan99iel (Me = ]):


Byuakuya (I like ur taste in anime lol = ]:
Am I too late to make one?

Most boring free lesson ever in photography so I have photoshop to make one.

Edit: Didn't have much time in the lesson so here's what I did -
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iRAWR said:
i dont know here it is.... it was a looong itme ago

but i remember it was called ninja signature tutorial., or something on

its somewhat a blue kinda sig

Damn. I'll go check out gimptalk though, maybe i'll find it.

"Hmmmmmmm, it seems that Wiichats graphics department has packed up and moved on without me ... Ah well lol = ]. Oh, and Snuex, everything i posted on this site was made in Gimp = ]... It's a very good program, better than photoshop if used right i have found = ]. Use it wisely my friend."

Nice too see a fellow GIMPer =D, and by the looks of that entry, and very good GIMPer. I love the pen tooling. I've been working on my pen tooling, but I'm still pretty novice at it.
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  • #43
sorry guys..enrty deadline was due yesterday :sick: so daniel and rach..your enrty does not count


@Byu voting starts today..if someone makes a thread..and no i wont make it..daniel..since you had the current could easily make one

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