SOTW #27 Applications

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I'm working on it!...Right after I get done playing on my 360...

On another note, it's great to be back. Haven't been on here in what seems like forever.
I have something planned, but I am not sure if I will be able to start or finish it today. Expect it sometime between now and tomorrow. :)
I am starting to develop "Online COD4 addiction". :lol:
I might try and do the collab sig later while I'm at Jays. Graphic tablettttt. =]

No idea what it's going to be yet mind.. maybe he'll do it if it's Brawl.
As usual, I had more spare time than I originally anticipated, so here is my entry:

I apologise for the double post guys, but we need some more entries. The current state of this week's SOTW feels like a dried up river. :lol:
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  • #23
Aye. I'm trying to throw something together right now, so count on at least 1 more entry. I can't believe Tarheel or Wiired haven't entered.
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  • #26
Byuakuya said:
I am glad to hear that you guys definitely have something in the works. :)
The pressure is on. :lol: I need to find a good tutorial before I start, however...
ssbb_lover said:
The pressure is on. :lol: I need to find a good tutorial before I start, however...
The time is ticking, so every second counts. :lol:

manred said:
I'm barely going to start working on mine, but it looks like I'm going to have to make an awesome one.
I am sure that you will produce a great entry. :)
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  • #30
Wow, that's a really cool render. Mind PM'ing me the link? It has loads of potential. I like the sig though, work on the left side of it as well as the text. Try sizing down the canvas's width as well. That could be a really good one, manred. :)
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